During development Nukes could only be send from planet to moon, not to other planets. This was also the plan for the unit cannon. Later was decided Nukes could be send everywhere. Mainly (as I can recall) because this made invasion easier/possible. Now with Titans and better orbital stuff, could it work to go back to the original idea? Also making asteroid be able to orbit a planet?
asteroids can orbit a planet. i made a map where i placed a planet too near on the asteroid belt and one time the asteroid changed orbit and was catched by the planet, always turning around it also changing the nukes back would mean that the only way to invade a planet without destroying it would be using one or more helios/a fleet of omegas. quite boring if you don't have an alternative imo
What can the unit cannon do now? I tried firing it to a desperate planet but instead of reciving a message like 'can only be fired to moons' or any other such description, it just didn't work.
I'm pretty sure they mean changing the orbit of asteroids manually, with halleys. So instead of sending nukes from one planet to another, you might build something like this and send it in orbit around your enemy's planet. (this was before the unit cannon or asteroids were in the game)