Assaults Being Overhealed.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by BroTranquilty, April 24, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Well if you are baby sitting it sure, or if there is a 2nd support to back you up. But any time you are baby sitting your firebase is time you aren't over healing both a tank and gunner and pushing the bot lanes. Or spawning da fodder/hacking turrets. If your teammates are covering the firebase then yeah it'll last longer but the time they are baby sitting your fire base is time that they aren't doing their normal jobs either. Even then its tough to stop a tank with product 3 + jetgun from eating your firebase alive before you can get close enough to heal it or harass the tank away. Or stopping a gunner from eating it in 1second of dual minigun fire.

    That isn't to say that support is weak, they are very powerful. They just tend to not get recognized for the amount of work they put in by healing everyone since healing earns so little money or juice (which even if you DO get juice the support isn't exactly the best class for using the juice due to the short range on all his weapons and thus high probability of being grappled during a juice.
  2. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Considering he can OHK almost every class with the shotgun while Juiced, I'd say the low range is reasonable
  3. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I agree it is reasonable. But it doesn't change the fact he isn't as good at using juice as any other class. I mean the minigun/AR/smg aren't OHKO but if are not able to get behind cover in around 0.5seconds they might as well be (AR is shooting around 120+ dmg per bullet, at 0.07ish ROF unless you are a tank running gold armor you a pretty much dead in 1/3rd of a second)

    And the main weakness of juice is either getting grappled or knocked down/dazed both of which are much more likely to occur at the range that a Support uses the shotgun, rather than the range that the sniper uses the SMG. Assassin has the advantage of her high mobility + lunge to counter this (plus her sword doesn't ever have to reload :p)
  4. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    Hey guys.

    Hey guys.


    The topic, get back on it.
  5. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    I agree with this simply because I will get overhealed once every 10 matches anyways, so I wouldn't actually be losing anything as assault.

    Seriously, pc supports never overheal.
  6. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Who is talking about babysitting. Your turret will usually last a while you go off and do Support things but there are times when Support can benefit from going commando as well. healing in your downtime can be just as effective as following a Gunner because you can't get more than full overheal anyways. When my Gunner or Tanks health drops I am usually always nearby (thanks to firebase location ;) and I am always willing to help.

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