Assault - Wilder's guide - UPDATED

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by TheWilder, March 12, 2011.

  1. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Juiced tank will survive and i believe that gunner with silver/gold Armor endorsment will be able to do so as well
  2. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Could be since I think Tank takes reduced burn damage
  3. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    No, he haves just way too many HPs when juiced
  4. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    If Juice applies the same health boost/damage reduction/whatever across all classes, the Tank won't survive any better than the Gunner as they have the same base health
  5. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Actualy, Tank gets HP boost with his passive abilities, so he haves much larger chance to survive and i can tell you he will, since i found out the hard way :cry: , useles headcrab was useles, but it was worth the luck, to get a chance to try it out
  6. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    In the case posted above he hadn't done any skill upgrades

    We were trying to figure out which class is more likely to survive a firefight, Assault or Gunner. Gunner won 3 out of 4 firing methods(Unzoomed vs Nospin, Unzoomed vs Spunup, Zoomed vs Spunup and Zoomed vs Nospin)
  7. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Well, when gunny Spins up his minigun, Assault dont haves a chance to survive (nobody does). I like to fight with Gunners, its fun. I always wait when he reloads or dont expect anything, then jump from some higher position and take him down, you can do this only when using alteast bronze clip and ROF (Its way too big risk otherwise)
  8. Myst

    Myst New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Yea, a juiced tank can survive a headcrab with level 2 passive and silver armor - takes him down to roughly 20% (then clutch and make the enemy team cry hacks :D)

    I like pancaking you too <3
  9. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I knew that from the start, but a guy on the Steam forums was griping that Assault always wins firefights
  10. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    lol, ofcourse he donts :D


    My PC caught on fire yesterday, so i wont be online so often. I ask guys on these forums to answer Questions from the newbies, so they get their info and I will respond with my opinion when Ill get to the source of internet, thank you
  11. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I'll check it now and then for ya :)
  12. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I've now tried to do something different than the guide suggests.

    To begin with, purchase Passive 2 & Charge 2 then focus on Pro kills completely and get 500 cash. Purchase Juice and go on a rampage. The streak you should have if you don't die before getting Juice is really giving you alot of gold towards your second Juice and makes you an unstoppable killing machine.

    Yesterday, I went 32-1 on Steel Peel, with the death being me misscalculating my time left on Jetpack so I fell down and suicided -.-

    It's like Juice > Skills, which I don't really feel is a great design.
  13. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    I dont like to juice spam, only when i have all my skills (Not fun). And yes, Streaks are really, really imporant
  14. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I understand that you personally do not prefer it, but it works quite well and Juice is a better killing power than your skills all purchased to Rank 3. Just wondering why Juice is so powerfull ?
  15. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    1) Yes it works quite well, but im kinda tired of pubstomping, its no problem to go 48:0 or 36:0 all the time with Juice spam
    2) Juice is meant to be gamebreaker, like when enemy team haves loads of lvl3 hacked RockIts, you need something to get trought them
    And also Juice Spam dont works so good when you Scrim or play against some other good team, it works only when you play with newbies
  16. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    As assault, juice works against everything.

    Level 3 jetpack > grapple crowd control.
  17. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Stop using juice as just a player killer and use it for everything it's good at. Like killing turrets. Or the money ball.

    Or all there in the same juice.

    And stop going 36-0 or 48-0 or whatever else bragging statement you can make and actually try to win.

    The only reason you can do those sorts of streaks is you are playing against significantly worse opponents and you do not even attempt killing the money ball (you know, the only thing that matters).

    Really, stop playing KDR assault.
  18. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    I think it depends how you play it. Personally I don't see the Assault as a good Turret Killer even with Juice. Assassins however, are in my opinion much better at this. If an Assault can keep away enemies from pushing, I don't see it as playing "KDR Assault". If your enemy has less pros to push because of pressure from an Assault, you're actually doing just as much for your team as if you were killing turrets or bots.

    I think it varies in playstyle, I have tried both and I don't find the Assault to be the best Bot Killer or Turret Killer, the Assassin does both way better, but keeping pressure on the enemy Pros is something Assaults are brilliant at.
  19. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    The thing is the assassin has to get all up in the turrets face which is, well bad when you have two 3.3 rockits in a base because that may very well end in death.

    The assault can do it from a safe distance and he's not too shabby at it. Gunners and tanks are better at it but those are the best at that anyway.
  20. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I currently play a gold RoF assault. Most people don't do that, most run probably silver or bronze.

    Go get a bronze RoF profile for assault, get juice, and have a friend on the other team build a 3.3 rockit turret.

    Tell me how much if it's health you can take away in 1 juicing, sitting at a safe distance and hitting it with every grenade. I GUARANTEE you will not kill it. I'd be willing to bet that a gunner without juice does more to turrets than an assault WITH juice.

    Also, killing turrets is only helpful if you push bots. if the enemy has no turrets but they push bots in to your base, their turrets (excluding longshots) aren't going to make a difference.

    If nobody kills the enemy team, you probably aren't going to win. I personally have yet to see a team where half the people didn't die lose a game - ever. If you kill 48 enemies in 15 minutes, we'll say it's an average of 15 seconds they aren't doing anything on death (respawn time + running back to combat) and we take that times 48, thats 4x12. 15x4 is one minute, so that means 1 player is effectively out of the game for 12 of 15 minutes. Seeing as it was probably different opponents, it also prevents them from getting juice.

    Yeah, pushing bots is good and all, but if you are effectively killing their team, that's more important. A bot isn't going to push to your base, destroy your turrets, and then wipe out your moneyball all by itself.

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