Assault - Wilder's guide - UPDATED

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by TheWilder, March 12, 2011.

  1. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Wasn't sure about how much hp assaults got from the armor endorsements after the last patch. Thanks for the update. The reason i use gold RoF isnt for the AR but for the GL. Its an incredibly leathal weapon when used correctly. It also allows for more of a chance to kill turrets while juiced (which may not happen much as an assault in high level play because you would save it to counter juice opponents)

    Charge lv 2 vs 3 is really to the users discretion. I was just providing another view point on it for the readers. I find Charge 2 to be of more use against assaults aswell, because you can charge them while hovering.

    Depending on how indepth you want this guide here are a few topics that seem like some more explination may help.
    ~ benefits of high ground,
    ~ a more in depth look at the grenade launcher and its usefulness (such as aiming and trajectory).
    ~ Class vs Class strats
    ~ Importance of staying alive

    cant think of any others at the moment. Thank you for posting this guide.

    Edit: was missing a " mark in the quote.
  2. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Yes, i was thinking to add edit to this topic with exactly these points and I will also add some Pro/Bro :D tips from me on other tactics
  3. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    oh yeah, fergot another one i should've added in my earlier post.

    While jumping but not activating hover you can alt fire with your AR to retain movement speed but still recieve the incresed acc. Just have to remember to release alt fire before you hit the ground.
  4. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Lol, how could I forgot that one, Ill add it right now, i totaly forgot about this, even if i use it so much, thanks
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I've been using Gold RoF, Silver Accuracy and Bronze MagSize for a while now and it's worked pretty good. Usually the only times I've had trouble taking someone down was Assaults/Tanks/Gunners with Gold armor
    Yea it makes me a glass cannon, but it's worked pretty well as I have a rather suicidal playstyle\

    Might swap Acc/Mag around and give that a run for a bit
  6. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Setting: your in a bot lane attacking the other teams bots, and there are enemy pros behind those bots.

    As long as you are on the same ground level as the enemy pros, you can aim the GL at the ground just before thier bots and if done right your grenades wont bounce up and hit thier bots, but roll underneath them damaging the other pros. This is a bit tricky, but do-able.

    just a note, this range is a bit past AR's fall off.

    a little trick i figured might help some.
  7. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    With enough practice you can snipe people from across any map (minus spunky, because of it's layout and lack of rear walls) with the GL. It's all about mastering the bounce of it.
  8. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    yup, and on GrenadeIII while on the catwalks near the center of the map, you can shoot your GL across the open space towards the other side and they will explode right on the other catwalks. Very useful to bombard someone who isnt paying attention.

    I probably already said this earlier but i figure its worth it again. The GL rounds will explode if 1 of 2 conditions are met.

    It will explode on contact with an enemy unit (pro, bot, turret, firebase, fruit F....., bullseye)

    or it will explode after 1 sec.
  9. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Yar, the GL is very handy for clearing out players on the far side of the map, tho I swear it seems like the GL gets some more range as you upgrade the Assault passive skill
  10. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    OMG, dude you are talking here like a total proskeelpeelhax0rmastarwtfomg, but please before you (try to...)do so atleast read the guide, most of stuff you are telling us here is already there, so your posts are mostly totaly useles (Like this one), kthxbai

    BTW: A small update with acc endorsment added in the guide
  11. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    chill man, not tryin to 1 up you or anything here. im just bored at work... really bored. stop gettin so ruffled over people putting letters together on a forum.
  12. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Since you are so bored you could read it an actualy say useful things, like with telling me the thing with jumping and ADSing before starting your jets (which i realised that i forgot to put there, before you told me), Now it seems that you are actualy trying to do some "Im better" stuff there (Doesnt matter if you are or not).
  13. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    im sorry then, i tend to come off like that when i really dont mean to. Just trying to be overly helpful i guess. my appologies.
  14. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    If you disagree with wilder I don't think he would stop you from writing your own guide.
  15. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I dont really disagree with anything he's said. all his points are very valid and pertinent. Only things it seems we differ on are endorsement, and charge lv2/3. but thats just a different method to a similar madness.

    And a guide takes time, formatting, forethought, and upkeep yeah not neccisarrily something im lookin to do right now. kudos to him for doing it.
  16. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I also don't think Armor is necessary. Especially after the nerf. Its like training wheels.
  17. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Well as i said, it fits my playstyle so i like to use it, never felt comfortable with other builds, but I get why you dont like it on gold, I just like to be in the offense, killing pros, some bots (yes im doing it wrong, only noobs pro hunt, i knoooooow :'(...), and headcrabing. Saw that build many times, it kicks asses, until i get close
  18. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I'm usually aiming for bots, but if an enemy pro gets in my way, I'll aim for them
    It isn't unusual for my BotKill to ProKill ratio to be at least 5:1
  19. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    My assault set is:

    Gold Skill (gives me a MASSIVE boost in mobility via jetpacks/charge reduction time. Plus I'm constantly utilizing my bomb to kill pros, harass support who are hiding, attack moneyball ect ect.)

    Silver ROF (helps alot)

    Bronze Armor (I tried dropping armor in exchange for bronze clipsize, and while clipsize certainly helped me against turrets the bronze armor gave me just enough of a boost in max health to allow me to escape on a more consistent basis and keep my streaks going.)
  20. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Is this only when you have a competent team to back you up? I could see armor not being as needed if your teammates actually backed you up and all the fire wasn't on you.

    Or are you just saying you don't find armor needed in general?

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