Assault: endorsements and strategies

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by tyler251, August 15, 2010.

  1. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Switched it up recently to a pretty good standard.

    Gold: Critical
    Silver: Skill Recovery
    Bronze: ROF

    Gold still critical for the extra stopping power.
    Silver as Skill Recovery because I've become a bit more rounded and use skills a lot against different types of opponents and the speed increase makes mobility good (FLY), Charge attack becomes super useful in tight spots and Bomb means Ringouts.
    ROF for bronze because the grenade launcher really needs it, and it means I can still keep an edge on Gunner's for TTK with the Assault Rifle.
  2. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    Personally when i play assault i run builds focused around gold crits and just change minor things that seem to need tweeking:p. Also i don't see enough people making use of the det pack jump on maps, i mean i have used it and the start of matches and flown over into the enemy base at the start of the match and it realy helps getting around fast and helps pressure the other team. If you don't know what im talking about message me or ask around :).
  3. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    the gold endorsement is a major plus but i prefer to set him with critical shot, rof, and accuracy, that way your getting clean kills pushing lanes and do a ton of damage in all early and late game
  4. stock

    stock New Member

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    I've been loading out with:

    Gold: Accuracy
    Silver: Rate of Fire
    Bronze: Clip Size

    Really I just hate circular reticles so I wanted it smaller at the very least. That coupled with the rate of fire and Assault's passive critical (why are you guys even using crits...) makes him super good at dropping mid-range pros. To start I've just been making a turret and putting a skill into the passive skill.

    After this initial setup I put one into the det pack for the radius bonus. This generally keeps me pretty good most of the game. Extra money I have will go into a level 3 det pack and then into a level 3 passive/level 2 charge. I've stopped taking level 3 charge because I hardly use it to kill pros, instead relying on well executed grenade bounces (long-range) or assault rifle/det pack traps. Pushing lanes and keeping turrets well-maintained tends to take priority though, pros just get in the way.

    Although don't get me wrong, I'll trample 'em if I gotta.
  5. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Why use Crits? Because you get even more. Granted, I dropped it down to Bronze recently, but still, a higher crit chance really helps against tougher opponents where you're always nearly at equally low health during a fight.

    My current set-up is in my signature. I've posted a few times in this thread with changes everytime but this one feels the best balanced between Assault Rifle effectiveness, Grenade Launcher effectiveness, and Pro/Bot/Turret killing effectiveness.
  6. stock

    stock New Member

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    Heh, waste of time I say. Might as well optimize the things you're getting. If you're given crits, there's less reason to take it as an endorsement. I've dropped plenty of other assault players who might have been using it without it. It only increases the chance that bullets will become crit and at that point you're playing a game of odds and it won't be that important. Hell, you might as well take armor at gold, making the crits and overall damage given to you in a straight exchange less powerful. That's a 100% chance of taking less damage, instead of a 25% chance of doing more ;)
  7. Zelandia

    Zelandia New Member

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    Honestly when I used Critical as my gold I never noticed much of a damage increase. Maybe bad luck on my part.

    I use to use Skill Recovery cause Charge is just too good not to use. But even now when it's not on my endorsement list I don't find the recover to be very long.
  8. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I tend to upgrade Charge and Bomb very fast so, I agree, the Skill Recovery is fast enough in most situations without needing it. Same goes for Accuracy on my part too, I find it to be a bit of a waste, ADS makes me accurate enough for my play style - with Silver Accuracy its like you never need to ADS which, in my opinion, means a wasted controller button; so I dont use it (Accuracy).

    Oh, P.S. that quote is an older build. I now use Clip Size, Reload Speed, Critical.
  9. Learn 2 Die 101

    Learn 2 Die 101 New Member

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    Why clip, reload, and critical?
  10. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Clip Size for Assault Rifle/Grenade Launcher.

    When taking out turrets, over-healed ones especially, or big groups of bots or a jackbot, it really helps to not have to reload when using Grenade Launcher on them, you can be much more effective. Assault Rifle is good because, well, you just keep shooting and shooting. The only real time this helps is when the enemy is using Health Regen or Armour as a high level endorsement.

    Reload Speed is also mostly for the Grenade Launcher but it helps out with the AR too. Even with the large clip, if I can help it, I like to reload a lot. Especially mid-fight when there might be an awkward pause where both parties have decided a retreat is best... quickly reload and go round before the enemy is ready and you come out on top more often than not.

    Critical for just a slightly increased chance. Always good to build on your classes base skills.
  11. Learn 2 Die 101

    Learn 2 Die 101 New Member

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    It doesn't really seem good against other pros and I rarely use my grenade launcher.
  12. stock

    stock New Member

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    Heh, learning to die for sure!
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am so used to the smaller reticule with the Accuracy endorsement and without it I am not as good. I haven't really used, or should I say tested, Critical but am tempted to swap it out with my Silver perk, which is RoF. I can deal with the lack of reload speed.
  14. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Today I tired out Clip Size Speed Armour and it works quite well as a more overall class. I wanted ROF to be high but it doesn't seem to make that much difference with the Assault Rifle which is my main weapon, obviously.

    The Extra Speed is useful against other pros, for sure. The Bronze Armour was just a 'I dont know what else to put' moment. Seems to be okay for surviving that crucial split second longer.

    And, Oh, to the guy above with 101 in his name, I actually don't suggest trying out other peoples suggestions to the letter at all. While it makes for good discussion you're much better off testing and finding something that works for you. For instance, that class, for my style was easily one of the best set-ups I've used for killing pros...

    If you really want to whore out the Assault Rifle for Killing Pros something like Accuracy, Clip Size, Critical would be best. Accuracy high means you can hold down the trigger and be sure of your shots on target, Clip size means you can hold it down and adjust your aim without too much penalty and Crit will increase your damage (sort of).
  15. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    With some of the setups, I found major success as a Harassment rather than an attacker.

    I don't know if it's a glitch for the game or if Uber intended for it to be a benefit of unlocking a custom class, but if you change to a custom class of the same Position, you keep all your old purchases, which has allowed me to set up what my brother coined a Situational character. It's not something I'm gonna ride on, though, but in the meantime:

    My Harasser has Gold RoF, Silver Armor, and Bronze Skill Regen. The RoF is to pound away with the grenade launcher - take out bots, mortar snipers if they look unaware, nail turrets. Armor's obvious - it prevents early-level stealthkills. Skill Regen's to give me my boosts a little faster, because you never know when you're gonna need to drop that remote mine or dash.

    It's also good at regenerating Jets, too. Jets are important because, even if you're standing on the ground and you press Y, you can strafe and backpedal faster, and you can't be grappled. (I know for many of you this is reiteration, and I apologize if you already know what I'm talking about.) It leaves you moderately safe. You want cover to slide against in case a Gold Accuracy Gunner happens to want to Harass back. And not only are Jets great for the mobility, but you get a Great angle on Firestorms, and the Supports nearby jamming Overheal into them. And chances are?

    They're in those tight, walled off spots, near the edges of the map. There's really only one way to go when the bomb tosses you. I learned that the hard way. No more overhealing. Jet and Grenade Launch that piece of crap into next week if you have the time.

    When the tide of battle shifts a little more towards the Moneyball on my side or theirs being down, I want Stopping Power. The Assault is great when he gets up close with his assault rifle, and you want to take advantage of the high Critical Rate that their passive gives. Every bullet counts when you're storming a base or protecting yours. So, if I die (which usually happens eventually, I seem to be a sucker for sniper traps.), I pick my second Assault, who has Gold Critical, Silver Clip Size, Bronze Reload.

    Get close, get nasty, jumpjet away, reload. Tack them with a sticky grenade if it gets pressing, they might get close enough to hurt their pals. (I don't know if this damages my team's Moneyball or not, though, so that's left as a last resort) You could toss the bomb right at the Spawn Exit of the opposing team, but that's generally a **** move in the history of every game ever. You're better off punching out rebuilt turrets or trapping popular lanes of enemy traffic.

    In Overtime, the Harasser is better for me. More frequent mines help take down the jackbots till I can Juice, and live long enough to gun down more of the Moneyball spammers than they do of me. I'm still reluctant to use my sticky grenade by the moneyball, though Charging a juiced player off the map and watching 500 dollars sail away has it's high points. And having that armor back on at least lets you briefly survive a couple of hits from a Juiced character.

    (And even before I found out about the whole Same-Class swap, as long as you stick to a role, have cover, and a little protection, you can keep your deaths down, your kills up, and your neighbours can sleep better, knowing you won't be shouting "&$@#! %#^#%@ Sniper &^#!&%% !%%#&$*@ ASSASSIN &^#%!&#$ THIS GAME" and throwing your controller at the wall at 3 AM. This may or may not have happened to the author of this post.)
  16. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    I've been on a roll using this....

    Crit / Rate of Fire / Specials

    The crit and rate of fire makes the Assault's Rifle own almost everything except sniper when upgraded even just to lvl 2.....lvl 3 is :)

    You can fast fire your grenade launcher to take out bots in about half the time, which makes for better/ more efficient lane pushing....

    You can take out Assassins REAL fast with this set up and take out Gunners much better too.

    I used to use Silver Specials but the Bronze special reload is 20% increase still..

    IMO the Special bronze is the best bronze endorsement in the game...

    With this set up you are a killing machine, but you are able to use your specials often the point where I notice very little different from silver and bronze Specials......

    it seems as though you are reloading fast because you are fireing so fast that you keep reloading and after a while you get use to it as though it were an upgrade least imo...

    Please try this set up out...It really do I know?

    Because I got it from somebody who suggested it a few pages back and I took their advice and it's definitely made a difference in how fast I kill....

    so it's Crit / Fire rate / specials....

  17. Icege

    Icege New Member

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    I personally use:

    Gold: Skill Recovery
    Silver: Armor
    Bronze: Rate of Fire

    My reasoning is fairly simple. I tend to do a lot of dogfighting as the Assault. I play it similar to an Assassin I suppose, but at the same time know when to go medium range or harass from afar as well. I find that with Gold Skill Recovery, I get access to Bombs and Charges faster, which is a hefty chunk of where my damage is coming from. It also allows me to fly longer and faster, granting me more mobility in up close situations.

    Armor is to help me survive for as long as possible, and the rate of fire helps damage output from the grenade laucher as well as machine gun.
  18. Show me the Bacon

    Show me the Bacon New Member

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    Right now I have:


    I was using bronze accuracy, but I do really like to use my charge & bomb regularly, and the regen boost really helps.

    I may try switching RoF and Crits to see if the increased crits make up for the slower firerate.

    I've been wanting to try armor, but I can't think of something to switch it for that isn't a (in my view) big sacrifice.
  19. Nazanir

    Nazanir New Member

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    I like to go with:

    Gold: Rate of Fire
    Silver: Clip Size
    Bronze: Accuracy/Skill Pill

    I've tried many other builds, but this works best for me.

    I rely heavily on my Grenade Launcher + Sticky Grenade. I use Assault Rifle alot, but usually for poking people, or hitting someone close to me (like Assassins).

    I generally start out with building a few Lazerazor turrets or a Rock-It turret and normally invest 150$ in my Grenade. I spam ALOT of Buzzers and they generally pay for them selves, I love those little critters. I play mostly midfield, trying to push while being close enough to my money ball to defend it.

    I tend to drop Grenade in places where I know people with either try to attack me from, or run away when they are near death. Nothing is more fun poking someone, having them come to you, and have the blast wave ring them out.

    I invest alot of money in turrets and Buzzers, while I rarely invest more then 450$ in my skills (level 2 charge, level 2 passive, level 2 grenades). The rate of fire lets you pound at turrets, the clipsize helps alot with this, because it gives supports hell.

    I like the accuracy for the assault rifle, but the skill pill is really nice aswell, since I do alot of grenade spamming.

    I push out to a money ball when we got a solid amount of bots going on, the object of my game is to spawn as many buzzers at both lanes if possible, it makes it hard for them to push back and I tend to end up with 25~30 assists per match easily. I never have more then a few kills, because it is not what I am aiming at. I try to keep enemy pros as busy as I can, while I am busy looking out for our moneyball at the same time.

    Sure if we got a solid defense going, I will use my Juice and wreack havoc. Dash is great for getting out in a tight spot, of if that pesty Assassin managed to sneak up on you, Dash and then finish her off with your Assault Riffle.

    This strategy has gotten me many a MVP and wins. I usually have a K/D at 2.5:1 But as stated earlier, I never have over 10 kills. Killing is not the aim of my game.
  20. yoshi1hero

    yoshi1hero New Member

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    Accuracy and critical shot then aim for the head you can out power gunners and tanks with this. Just watch out for level 3 deployments with gunners because of the shields. Charge and assault are 2 most important skills with this set up. I like headshot then accuracy personally

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