Assault: endorsements and strategies

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by tyler251, August 15, 2010.

  1. ScottyG302

    ScottyG302 New Member

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    After using Speed on assault as gold... I can't take it off. Seriously you want to try it. They can't hit you.
  2. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    I made an Assault last night with Gold RoF, Silver Accuracy, and Bronze Reload and have to say that I really liked it. I was also pretty effective seeing as how I only played as an Assault a few times when the game launched. Great suggestion. I'm thinking about swapping my silver accuracy for crit shot. Any thoughts?
  3. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    My Assault Class is in my Signature but I'll post it up for Discussion's sake.

    GOLD: Clip Size
    SILVER: Rate of Fire
    BRONZE: Reload Speed

    I tweaked a lot with my custom Assault class and this is the way I like it best.

    To give you a brief indication of how I play it's typically anti-bot primarily, but if a Pro comes along no need to ignore him... I use the Launcher on 'heavy' players mostly, and the AR on lighter threats. The launcher I use a lot to get round corners, too. You might argue that the launcher is my primary and the AR is used more like an SMG effectively.

    I use 'C4' a lot, and is usually my first coloured skill to be level 3. I find Dash to be very hit and miss and Fly only to be useful for catching up to people. My spending pattern is usually something like:
    Grey, Blue, Grey, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Red, Red.

    Clip size helps with the Grenade Launcher because it can take a while to get the right placement at range and round corners, and I still tend to miss a lot when the enemy is strafing - relying on Splash Damage (not that good yet :lol:)

    Rate of Fire is also primarily a Launcher helper, but helps with the Assault Rifle too, because with the larger clip it makes taking down heavy targets possible and means in those tricky CQC Assassin battles I can fill them full of lead before they get too close.

    Quick Reload again, is clearly a weapons-based spec, just helps in one one ones because I tend to reload mid clip mid fight, in those awkward semi-retreat pauses that happen so often, much better to start off with a full clip again and get round the corner before the other guy has finished reloading!

    I dont use the Yellow or Red abilities enough to warrant skill-based endorsements, Juice and Speed are fine with Assault, Tend to die too often still to make Juice really worth it because you lose it all! Used to use Health Regen heavily but found that the enhanced stopping power was/is helping more... only real thing I find myself 'weak' against is the continuous fire weapons like Tank's main and Heal/Hurt Gun.

    That's my take on Assault. Starting to use fly more with experience but Dash is still a last ditch move or used just to get in to cover fast :lol:
  4. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    I tried this with Speed/Armor/Accuracy and went 17-2 earlier. I mostly just stuck with the grenade launcher and harassed the hell out of the lanes/assassins/other assault. I honestly didn't miss having Rank 3 armor at all.
  5. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I might try using Crit/Acc/Reload or Crit/ROF/Reload. Working on the Critical Shot can't be a bad thing as it boosts the Assault's Passive abilities even more, Wouldn't be surprised if every second shot was critical :lol: but does a critical shot actually make that much difference? If I can do the same damage by having larger clip then I'll stick with that, you know?
  6. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    ..... :?
    has anyone tried the build?
  7. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I tried the builds and failed with them. Crit just doesn't do much for me on any build. I'd much rather put RoF in Gold, it's more consistent. I have yet to try Clip in Gold though, I'll do that now.
  8. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Tried Crit out today and did quite well. Once you but Level 3 grey skills so your natural Crit ability is boosted by gold crit and then almost 1 in every 3 shots from the AR is purple... that's beastly. Doing loads of damage to Gunners and Tanks now.

    Only Supports really pose a threat.
  9. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I think I found a new favorite set-up:

    reload Speed

    The accuracy bonus from Gold is huge. You never need to ADS again, which is a HUGE advantage for strafing, bunny hopping, etc. RoF Silver still lets me kill decently fast, but the more shots I have connecting thanks to accuracy is what really helps. I use the AR the most adnd only pull out the GL when there's a mob of bots.
  10. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    I tried Gold Clip, Silver RoF, and Bronze Reload last night and liked it quite a bit. I was able to kill jackbots without reloading which was nice, but it also gave me a big advantage when fighting other pros.
  11. Rhodadendron

    Rhodadendron New Member

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    I played the build for about two hours this morning. It was my first time playing assault exclusively for that long, and I've never really used the grenade launcher so this was a new experience for me. I had a terrible kill death ratio using this strategy but I was typically second on my team in earnings and out of 6 games I only lost once. Over all not bad. Here are some of the problems I experienced:

    I had a lot of trouble hitting moving targets with the launcher. Do you typically try to hit them dead on or do you bounce the grenade so it explodes near them? Either way I had issues with players on the move while using the launcher. The majority of my player kills came from bombs and charges. But I still tried to kill gunners and tanks with the launcher like you suggested it just didn't work out for me.

    Accuracy didn't seem to be worth the slot since I hardly used my Assault Rifle and the Launcher had a pretty tight cross hair anyway. What do you think about rate of fire instead to increase the speed you fire grenades?

    Just thought I'd post my experience with the build. I typically play support with a group of friends so the bad kill death rate could be chalked up to lack of experience with the class combined with the anti microphone pick up group I played with.
  12. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Personally, I find accuracy to be a wasted slot on Assault. (Bronze maybe)
    You can ADS with the Assault Rifle, and the Grenade Launcher isn't affected.

    To hit strafing targets with the launcher you need to aim much in front, possibly a whole Gunner's width aside, even more with the greater the range. This is because the grenade doesn't fly as fast as the bullets and takes time to reach target. Your best bet is to fire left and right of a mobile target trying to get the grenade to either explode at their feet (elevation aiming tips) or hit them direct if you're lucky - rather than aiming the arc to hit them directly without bouncing.

    The complete opposite situation is a deployed/turret target, where you're better off trying to lob it right onto them if you can.

    Same with bouncing it off walls, you're much better off aiming low on the wall and getting it to stumble into them rather than bounce at high velocity straight into their head because although that's much more effective it's also got a fairly low success rate.
  13. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    I disagree, accuracy is very nice silver. Sure there isn't a big gap between bronze vs silver accuracy, but I feel a slightly higher chance at finishing an enemy at a further range.

    I've tried gold accuracy at one point and loved it. The only reason I don't use it now is because I prefer the rate of fire at gold giving me a stronger advantage on taking out targets closer to me. I don't believe gold accuracy will help you get a kill from across the map but I do see it as an advantage at targets from medium distances.

    Honestly, accuracy is amazing if you can actually land bullets on someone from the distance, otherwise rate of fire is perfect for closer range.

    It's all in preference I suppose.
    Last edited: August 22, 2010
  14. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    All depends on your Weapon. If you use the GL most, Accuracy isn't worth a spot. If use the AR the most, Accuracy should be Gold or Silver.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    After reading four pages of how others played the Assault class had me re-evaluate the way I was using the class. Before I thought my setup was pretty good after reading in this thread a few times that Accuracy served little purpose for the Assault class I decided to test some stuff out and the setup I run now it far better than what I was using.

    My old setup was G-Rate of fire, S-Accuracy and B-Crit. Shot. I then have a build where I used S-Crit. Shot and B-Clip Size. It worked but not as good as I thought.

    Now I run G-Rate of Fire, S-Armor and B-Clip Size. That Silver Armor has saved my life many of time.

    On a side note I started using the Charge as more of a means to quickly get cover when I am close to death. I just had one of my better games using these changes. 28-11-3 with 78 bots kills on Steel Peel.
  16. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Tried out Accuracy Silver today and it worked out well. As I'm using the nade launcher less and less (Launcher for: Deployed enemies, turrets, groups of unsuspecting enemies, people hiding, as a mortar on snipers) and Assault rifle for almost every man-on-man kill the accuracy did help a lot, I admit that it's a nice silver.

    Now I have Gold: Critical Silver: Accuracy Bronze: ROF, the reload speed I didnt miss that much as I'd consider myself much better now at tactical and fruitful reloading then I was way back when, and the combo there of Crit/Accuracy is beastly once you level up Passive to 3.
  17. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I've been using accuracy/rof/reload and it's been working well for me. I'm having trouble breaking the Assassin k/d whore mindset though, so I'm too easily harassed by Gunners at close to mid ranges. Unarmored Assaults are a little fragile, but I'm afraid that trading accuracy or rof for armor will just make me less likely to take out the heavy hitters. Any suggestions?

    Oh yeah, and planting level 3 bombs at the top of jump pad channels on Grenade III has some pretty hilarious results. Sure going to miss bombs when I go back to Assassin.
  18. HC IIIX

    HC IIIX New Member

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    Wow I play Assault quite a bit different from you guys. I play more as a defensive player. I rarely go after the enemy base. I let the enemy come to me and then ideally go for a ring out. I use the following:

    G - Armor
    S - Skill Pill
    B - Rate of Fire

    The high armor allows me to get to cover and makes the assassin's grapple void. (Charge for an immediate kill afterwards.) I stay constantly moving to avoid the gunners and snipers. Tanks and Support are good grapple charge fodder for a ring out.

    I rely heavily on the grenade and the charge, so the skill pill is a must. A well placed grenade is good for a quick ring out. The charge and eventually the grapple are my best weapons. The high armor allows me to take damage while I line up the enemy for the ring out.

    I guess it all comes down to the: RING OUT!.
  19. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    i use accuracy / armor / crit
    works for me , survive grapples front assassinations , back is kill with sword even with gold armor. note that crits are random but having crit in your set + passive 3 = major boost
  20. VagaBond007

    VagaBond007 New Member

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    I use the following as my standard build...

    Gold: Clip
    Silver: Accuracy
    Bronze: RoF

    Gold clip doubles the standard/default size of your gun's clip. This really shines on turrets, bots, and pros alike.

    Accuracy is hard to measure, but I seem to do markedly better with that endorsement than without it.

    RoF is a solid bronze choice that, given the inherent firing speed of the assault rifle, actually makes a noticeable difference in this slot. It's nice for emptying that Grenade Launcher clip on a RockIt turret, too.

    I also have alternate builds ready, including one with armor and one with speed, depending on the scenario. I recommend the above build, especially Gold Clip. It's addicting once you're used to it.

    * Skill Recharge: I avoid this on Assault simply because Assault's skills recharge fairly quickly anyway. There are only a few situations where I absolutely need a 4.5 second recharge on Charge (versus ~6 seconds), unlike double clipsize, which is handy almost all the time.
    Edit: after messing around a bit more, a Bronze Skill Recharge is pretty handy for flight time. I may consider using that in the place of RoF...

    * Critical: This is a decent bump, but pales in comparison to our passive skill increase. The skill increase is so effective at increasing crits that I didn't see the need to augment that particular aspect of Assault.

    * Reload: Reload at Gold doesn't halve the time it takes to reload. Therefore, it seems to make more sense to keep the double clip. At lower intervals (especially bronze), reload becomes practically unnoticeable.

    Reasonable minds may differ on their preferences and play styles, so I recognize that my opinions won't work for everyone.

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