Assassins taking the ball down without bots?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bonecrusher, January 23, 2011.

  1. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    We had our ball dropped last night in a private and no bots were even remotely close to our base. All 10 people in the room said they had no idea how it happened. It would be a damn shame if something like this happened during a tourney match.
  2. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    Who was in your game?? Cuz the person that we're thinking of may play with you.
  3. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    New Scum ( We had yan for taterz ) vs Destiny ( They subbed chronicle for payne. )
  4. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    anyhow its obvious that this player/players know how to bring the ball down without bots etc..

    and they are being watched!
  5. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    anyone see any more recent activity?

    i noticed something last night while playing but it did involve the bots..

    If your assassin and infront of the turret you can block the view of the bots and they just walk by.. im going to run a few more tests but this is with bots..

    The person knows how to do it without them and the ball seams to be nailed manually.

    Maybe it is gremlins and since no one really plays defensive (stays near the moneyball) or watches this person you can't see them on the map.

    Anyhow its something that needs to be fixed weather its a bug/hack/exploit cause it ends the game really quick.
  6. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    was in a match the other night with some forum members & it was not the first time I seen it happen when playing with a couple of them. turrets on my side got taken down no bots near moneyball and no previous bots jumped at the ball and bam ball drops. BRING ON THE BAN HAMMER!!!!!!!
  7. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    It's worse then it was before the first patch because only this person can do it and he abuses it!
  8. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Feedle, just post who it is. He deserves the hate for doing it. (I know who it is, as do many others, just letting Feedle make the choice)
  9. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  10. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Since I clearly don't care while others are waiting for Feedle to post it, I'm guessing we're talking about Lurking.
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    This thread has my attention. I'd like to request that IF this person is actually capable of soloing the shields without any spawned/normal bot help, that they report this glitch to an uber dev via private message.

    If anyone finds out how to do it, please do NOT post it on the forums. This is obviously an unintentional game breaking glitch if what has been reported is true, and does not need to be spread through the community.
  12. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    ... I was holding my breath reading this thread, hoping everyone was not talking about who I thought they were talking about. Unfortunately, they were. I don't think this is possible, and I don't think Lurk can do it.
    Wall of Text to Ensue:
    I don't even like the guy. I met him wayyy back in the day when Shuny was Lamorack and splurging about how great Lurk was and how he taught Shuny everything he knew. I added him as a friend and we got on swimmingly until he invited me to a 2 on 2 private match. This was back when I used to play Assassin exclusively and really didn't know how to play the class. By that I mean I thought Assassin was about backstabbing people exclusively, not about taking objectives, juicing, hitting the ball. Thus, all I did was backstab people. Needless to say, we lost 3 matches in a row because of me. During those three matches, a few things happened. At the time you could still cloak-grapple and I did that, not knowing it was considered bad form. He called me a cheater. I was hurt and tried to explain myself but he wouldn't hear of it. The third match, it finally broke through my thick skull that I should try to push bots, so I did. He had switched classes with his partner so he was playing support. I outpushed the other up until the third jackbot, at which my point my partner noticed something: they were overhealing their jackbot. This I knew to be bad form, so I called them out on it. They didn't stop, however, so I retaliated by shooting down their moneyball. Not my brightest moment, but there we are. I was pretty upset, and removed Lurking from my friends list. That was that. Fast forward a few months. Now I know how to play Assassin; as well as or better than some of the big forum names. I was playing sin against Des in a few scrims here and there, as well as some private matches. I had many, many opportunities to study their gameplay. I was in a party with Lurking and Fear, along with the Mous and Skizo, and we got to discussing Destiny's strengths and weaknesses. I gave them my honest opinion that Lurking was not a great assassin and that he should go back to playing Gunner (which I thought he was beast at btw), and that the only people I thought were good on that team are Fear the Rifle and Kckzi. At which point he spoke up and said something to the effect of "you know I can hear you right?". And I said "Yes I do", and we argued for a bit and he muted me. Well alrighty then. After that, every match against us he's been tryharding. The matches he got our ball down, I saw how he did it legitimately. He'd bring in an isolated group of bots within two of our bot waves, either kill the turret or smoke it, and then they'd jump the ball and it'd go down. If you look at it before and after the escort, it really does look like our bots were pushing up on them and the ball dropped without bots. But that wasn't he case at all. If he knew how to glitch the ball down during those matches, I'm fairly confident he would have.

    Aside: When I drafted him onto my team for the draft tourney, it wasn't because I thought he was freaking amazing. It was because I was exchanging (witty! not lame! seriously! :( ) banter with PU5H and he dared me to do it.
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Perfectly legit tactic that is easily countered by map control if this is what is indeed happening. :)
  14. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    @Sahelkhan: Honestly, you can't just do that against even semi-decent people that have map control without any of them noticing. I've never seen him do it (I'm not even sure if we're ever played together. If we did, he must not have left much of an impact) but come on. Yeah, he's just gonna sneak a wave of bots past multiple waves of bots, pros, and turrets without getting noticed when the other team has map control, multiple times against multiple people/teams that have posted in this topic? I don't buy it.

    If that is what he's doing, then all I have is disappointment in all the people he did it too, lol.
  15. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    What Sah described didn't happen to us. Manuoso was pushing one lane, I was like maybe 5 feet from the right ring turret nub. Neither of us (or the rest of the team) saw a single bot anywhere near the base.

    I had no idea how it happened and was hoping it was just some rare fluke. Then I heard from someone else that it happened in another game against Lurking.
  16. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    I've noticed this also. On blitz they do this, but i've also seen them walk right past the turrent and jump on the money ball in crossfire. I don't understand it. I just accept it.
  17. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Hmmm... On the other hand, Fear told me the same thing :/
  18. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Hmmm... On the other hand, Fear told me the same thing :/
  19. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    its not just 1 person.......

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  20. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    yes but since you know the other person can you at least clerify weather they do it by glitching the ball or some other technique... this is a serious bug/exploit and many of us have been on the receiving end on it.

    The game we played both lanes were cleaned right up the bot spawn..
    no one was back near our ball and it dropped.. nothing was in sight or on the map
    There is no possible way to spawn gremlins since they never came through the doors.

    Its not just Oooops one slipped in...

    Don't try to cover it up cause im pretty sure 6 other people who i've talked to can back me up.

    Few of them have already replied here...
    Last edited: January 31, 2011

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