Assassins Shurikens & Sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by DEPLOY, April 13, 2011.

  1. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    It's more or less a one mistake or error in judgment and she's screwed. With this small a population, newbs who continue to play are bound to wise up.
  2. Rogueblades

    Rogueblades Active Member

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    If an assassin grabs someone in a group of his closest friends, she should be dead. If she gets away, its because the other team is bad, not because the class is OP. Smoke bomb works just fine and it is needed to give her an escape tool that is more difficult to counter. So she can't get charged out of the level.... just grab that beotch and keep her on the ground...

    Back to the assassination and escape thing. Allow me to pose a VERY common scenario. So I'm moving around the map with my team and I realize there is an enemy sin near my group. Instead of breaking off to engage, I wait for her to come to us. Since I am cloaked I feel fairly confident that she wont come after me first. Regardless, I do jump around like a mad man... The other sin finally decides to make a move. Like almost all the other terrible assassins in the game, she facegrabs someone (probably the tank for comic relief). During that 10000 second long animation, I leisurely walk right behind her and wait. Her grab finishes, mine starts, she dies, we don't.

    That being said, a bad sin can almost always sneak out a few kills. Any class with a OHKO mechanic can manage a few kills. Best tip is DONT LET IT GET TO YOU. Trust me, if you are better, you're gonna kill her ALOT before the match ends.

    So chin up mates!
  3. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    Well she can stand farther than any other class and do the same damage (Besides Sniper and Tank's Railgun, besides those can't be bounced to get around corners).
  4. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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    She is meek compared to GL bounce spam.
  5. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    How so? It is a little harder to bounce the shurikens around corners sure, but the shuriken launcher has 2.7x the dps of the grenade launcher. So you have a lot higher damage output.
  6. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Go play assassin and try to consistently hit anything that moves with shurikens, at any range. Then try to hit a pro, then try to hit a pro far away.
  7. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    This, even hitting a Tank takes practice.
  8. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Here is what I don't understand though.

    Shurikens fly FASTER than the grenade launcher, and in a straight path rather than an arc. Yet people say that the GL is super easy and the shuriken launcher is hard.

    I find I have about as much luck with either weapon, and better luck with the shuriken launch when it comes to hitting those pesky firebases.
  9. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    On paper, the shurikans should be more effective than the grenade launcher, however, in practice this is not so.

    As for the firebases, the Assault Rifle is more effective than the grenade launcher.
  10. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    That is true to an extent. But the range that the AR is useful against the firebase is also the range that the firebase is useful against you.

    It is hard to fire a gun when you are made of swiss cheese. :p

    GL is often the best option since you can't always trick the firebase via line of sight or waiting until it is preoccupied. But yeah the AR will kill a turret in half the time the GL will.
  11. killien

    killien Active Member

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    There's a few spots where you can inch your way up and fire upon the FB without getting hit or seen

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