Assassins just got NERFED!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

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  1. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Sounds like a Jack-of-all-trades class to me. Sometimes being average at everything is better than being the best at something and below average at others.
  2. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    That bolded part is the important part of your statement. Lets break this game down into some basic roles:

    • - Killing enemy bots
      - Escorting friendly bots
      - Turret Management
      - Turret Destruction

      - Killing Enemy Pros
      - Lane Control
      - Managing Map Controls

    I think the Assassin is way below average (compared to other classes) at 5 out of those 7 goals (marked in red). And, post-patch, is now below average in another 1 of the 7 (marked in blue). Only average at 2 (marked in green).
    Last edited: August 31, 2010
  3. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Cute. You do know that the vitrol in your post undermines whatever point you were trying to make, right? That's assuming you were trying to make one outside of "NUUUUUUU! I HAET ASSASSININ" of course, which we get. Believe me. We got it 80 posts ago or something :3

    Regarding my quick and dirty experiment with playstyles...

    Horrific hosts with lag aside I finally managed to get a few games in with one group of people. I played a few in the style shown in the vid earlier, one in my own style and one in 'hybrid' style where I pieced together things noted from both my style and his.

    Net result?

    The style in the vids only works if you have at least one other competent team member. I pushed the line hard without bothering to cloak and using all my money for gremlins and the eliminator. I had the enemy team holed in their base but then my team didn't take advantage of it and we got pushed back. Using the same tactics lead to a slow, slow demise as pros took up positions to specifically take me out (like deploying on a point overlooking the gremlin spawns) and none of my teammates were up to the task of removing them. I've never had such an awful K:D ratio in all my life but the money was great, easily putting me in MvP position. It was rather boring though and I could tell the people killing me thought they were great stuff despite the fact I was doing my best to ignore them unless they presented an opportune target that didn't divert me from my pushing/eliminator/mass gremlin duties.

    My style? Predictably we won. I got less money overall putting me 3rd but my K:D was respectable, our money ball wasn't even under threat and we won fairly quickly with my team able to easily fill the vacuum I left for them as I pushed the line, assassinated key targets and generally caused all hell to break loose, munching off 50% of the money ball myself. Even bad players can easily capitalise on the wreckage my style leaves behind but in many ways that's exactly what my style is designed to do.

    Hybrid was actually quite interesting. I basically played like I normally do but with the clanner's endorsments and no upgrades, instead keeping cash for gremlins/eliminator. Net result was healthy cash (second place) and a respectable K:D. I think I got lucky in that one though as one of my teammates (the one who got more money than me) was one I'd identified as being a good player in earlier matches, so having him on my team probably meant I had someone to take advantage of the gaps I left properly.

    Overall, while the experiment was interesting I generally have more fun with my own style and it's considerably more reliable in a pub environment (and so it should be... that's where I built it :p )
    Morale of the story? If you're playing with a coordinated team then sure, use the clan vid style if you like. Else, if you're playing in a public game like I suspect most of us do here then just do what actually works for you. You'll have more fun and probably more success in the long run... at least until the fix for the assassin cloak while grabbing comes in, though I'll be fine no doubt :3
  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Again, playing style matters as I always have money to spend on spawning bots and upgrading turrets. That means for me I have green in Turret Management. I also use forced crits on turrets so at the very least Turret Destruction moves to blue. If I purchase Juice then Turret Destruction goes gold I guess. I'll give you Lane Control and Escorting Bots though.

    In the end if the class is so bad then stop playing it. As I have said before it will let players like me that appreciate the class be able to use it without having to worry about covering gaps since every team has 2+ Assassins.
  5. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Wait, you're kidding, yeah? Have you played an assassin for a more then a couple of games? Or against a halfway decent opponent? It's anything but a "free" kill and defintely always has a huge risk.

    Using cloak while grappling isn't a free kill, I still had to cover terrain, get behind the person unseen and position myself correctly to get the grapple to begin with! Chances are if I'm cloaking while grappling, my cloak is on low power anyways and I have to be clever to escape as it is. I use all my skills when I need to get a kill and have a chance at survival. Taking this away greatly drops my survivability. When this change goes into effect, my job as assassin will be restricted to clearing lanes, but only 50% across the map because I'll be dead once I hit the other teams turf, and spawn gremlins.

    Oh yay, what fun. If I wanted to base camp and spawn bots, I'd be a Support.
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I think I chose poor colors to denote what I was saying. ;)

    The bolded statements in your post are something every class can do. Meaning at best, the Assassin is just average in those areas.

    As far as general turret destruction goes, Assassins are well below average. Even with forced crits. Why? Because Sniper, Support, Gunner, and Tank ALL have quicker and more effective ways of killing turrets.

    I will stop playing the class because it will be pretty bad. I only picked it in the past because my team was lacking "spot removal", for lack of a better term. Don't get me wrong, I would kill bots and generally harass all day, but the class really shined at killing entrenched pros that were giving my team trouble.

    Now I will just stick to Sniper and perform the same function any Assassin can now (bot pushing, turret destruction), have less weaknesses, and be significantly more productive to my team than any assassin could hope to be.
    Last edited: August 31, 2010
  7. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Let me guess this was a valid test using the exact same teams on the same map, etc.? Oh please, by your own admission you pushed the entire enemy team into their base and only lost because you team did not support your efforts. Sounds pretty great to me.

    Once the update is released you should be able to adapt just fine so stop crying about it and just deal with it. If you can provide actual proof that there is something unfair then perhaps Uber will allow the upgraded Smoke Bomb to disable turrets for longer or clear freeze traps, etc. Until then stop speculating about how horrible the Assassin will play as I never cloak while grappling and I do just fine.
  8. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Oh my, you're getting cranky now aren't you? :/

    I'll happily admit that my experiment was little more than anecdotal, but I consider it still more constructive than fawning over a video without trying to actually incorporate it into a game and see what results come from it or just deriding said video with theorycraft either. Sorry for actually doing something instead of just waffling on the forums for a change. I'll never do it again, promise :p

    I'm more amused that you used the word 'unfair'. Was that part also a response to me, because if it is I'm surprised. At most I've said that this change will be annoying and my principal reason for arguing has been... well... the principals behind it XD
    I've said I'd just adapt when it comes so I don't know why you're getting so huffy... but hey, don't take my word from it, here's the last line from the text you went and quoted yourself...

    But hey, don't let my actual stance get in the way of what you perceived my stance to be. Lord knows, nobody else on the internet seems to :3
  9. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I'm glad you do just fine. I'd say I do too as an assassin.

    However, people have different playstyles, although 90% of the people here tell you there's only one. The recloak during grapple allowed you to actually be an assassin and get inside their base and kill an annoying gunner, without rockit turrets 3 shotting you.

    And seriously, us being concerned about the game's balance is crying? Maybe you should should stop crying about other people voicing their opinions.
  10. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Bull-*******-**** they're about to buff the HELL out of them, after that update assassins will be playable by Downsyndrome kids and armless people. they can pretty much never miss a grapple. Used to be Sooorta skill to get someone because you only had one chance. Not like coming behind someone at top speed and one shot killing is fair at all, Even if she is an assassin, Nerfit.
  11. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Assassins were already nerfed. And they can only spam Missed Grapples. If it lands she better hope there no FB nearby that will tear her to pieces. along the line there cloaks are..pretty loud..
  12. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I don't mind if you voice your opinion, I just find it funny that this single issue has apparently killed the Assassin; it's even ironic in a way. I'm just glad that Uber is concerned about the game's balance and is taking steps to ensure that it remains balanced. With any luck they will readjut the Assassin if this change proves to be as harsh as you are making it sound.

    Did I miss an update or something? When were they already nerfed?
  13. Acosta02

    Acosta02 New Member

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    I think he just means "underpowered."
  14. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    let me clarify, the assassin could perma run, and could double smoke bomb which were two things never intended for her to be able to do. her lunge did get "nerfed" i guess you could say but not to do less damage but to do the damage intended for he to do in the first place. in all actuallity she is not nerfed she is "balanced"
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Did you even read the topic?

  16. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Does typing in all caps make your point more impactful, or is it simply a cry for attention?

    Anyway, the point is that the Assassin is having many (almost all?) of her glitches removed and she is getting a buff in terms of missed grapple recovery. She will now be the class that Uber intended and can be balanced accordingly. It really is hard to balance a class when there are so many glitches involved so fixing them has to be their main prioriy so that they can evaluate her more accurately.
  17. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I was hoping that he would read the caps, seeing how he didn't read the topic at all, or he would've realized no one wants perma run or double smoke bombs.
  18. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    i did read the
    "topic" most people were complaining that she was nerfed due to her glitches being removed. thats what i was clarifying. back on my post on like page 8 i think
  19. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Why would you mention perma run then? no one wants that, they want the recloaking ability.
  20. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    was useing it as an example -_-
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