Assassins just got NERFED!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

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  1. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    No no, this has nothing to do with his team. This is the power of the assassin.
    The assassin is the most powerfull class in my opinion. It just needs skillfull hands to bring it to work.

    You say you have to be incredibly good to be decent as a Assassin? That guy is owning the match, that is not decent, that is OP!

    He is in the middle of their base, with no backup around him, wrecking havoc, uncloaked.....
  2. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    lmao, it's NOT OP. He's just an extremely great player. You can easily wreck havoc with a average skilled gunner. It's not the class that's OP, it's him being incredibly good.

    I really see nothing wrong with cloaking during grappling. It's so easy to kill an invisible assassin while grappling, all it does is allows you to kill someone sitting right beside a turret. Someone shouldn't be rewarded for camping beside a turret, the assassin should be for getting behind him and killing him.
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The assassin's main role is to kill bots so they can get juice. They get juice faster than any other class. Once they have juice, they kill all the turrets. The only time they should go for kills is if someone is by themself and turned away, or to annoy/distract enemies so your teammates can kill them. Play a few competitive matches and you will see what I mean. Not to mention, gremlins are the best thing about the class. They are still a necessary asset, people just don't always understand their role. A good assassin should have the least deaths, the least kills, and the most money.
  4. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I wish I could play some competitive matches, but I only know about 4 other people that play this game and they're all not that great.
  5. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    I love how the delusion level on this forum has reached the point where the support is somehow not overpowered, and the assassin is. Please, anyone who believe this, go to a doctor - you are completely ******* insane.
  6. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I think this is the biggest wall assassin players run into. They think they are supposed to spend the whole game killing players, when in reality they want to kill bots and turrets, get juice, and blow up the enemy base.

    The reality is that you could remove the assassin's grapple completely and they would still be a great class.

    You really don't have to be all that great to play a good assassin, you just have to play the right way. Most people play assassin to kill whore. It is kind of like playing gunner and only using his grapple, then complaining gunner is bad because he isn't good at grappling people. Assassin's strengths are her mobility, juice gain, bot killing, and turret killing.
  7. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    As an assassin that focusses on pushing the lane, taking out turrets and decimating the money ball I really don't like this change.

    The reasons are two-fold...
    1) pushing the lane works fine as long as nobody pushes back. Once there's a player also pushing their side you need to remove them. If I grapple the tank pushing his lane so I can continue pushing mine then he's going to be surrounded by bots when I lunge-grapple him. Right now that's not a huge problem outside of manouvering so I don't grapple a bot by accident but with this new change then I'll be shredded by the bots. I'd shuriken the fat tank to death but it's difficult to do when he's hiding in a bot swarm and shurikens don't do great bot damage.
    2) Jackbots. I don't think I need to explain this one considering how easy it is to kill an assassin dealing with one on their lane, nevermind adding AI shooting her to that.

    That aside I tend to focus on pushing the lane(s) (in some maps you can move fast enough to push both, e.g. ammo mule) and all the other gubbinz but if a sniper is using explosive shot to stop my lane in it's tracks or a support sets up camp on one then I need to be able to deal with it. If I have teammates to work with then great, but it's not realistically feasible in all situations and some people don't do much more than act as a target dummy for good opposition players :p
  8. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Woah! No one ever said that the Support was not OP. Just because some of us are fine with the changes to the Assassin does not mean that the Support is suddenly fine. The problem is that the Assassin's cloak during grapple glitch (it is a glitch and not intended) affects more than just the Support class. So although the Support benefits from the change, so does everyone else.

    For the record, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -A. Einstein
  9. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    and to think that Einstein hadn't even known the endless repetition of internet arguments that were to come, back when he made that statement :3
  10. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Support benefits a lot more than anyone else.
  11. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    It seems like the only reason people want this update is because cloaking during a grapple wasn't intended. Whether or not it was intended is completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is gameplay balance. The Assassin should be able to kill people who are near their own base. If she cannot do that, then she is the only one. Everyone else can do that even more reliably than she can already.
  12. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Today, I've seen a lot more supports and barely any assassins.

    I guess a lot of people check this site.
  13. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Now watch how everyone rages on how the support is so Overpowered in the next few days of fighting all support teams.
  14. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    your avatar goes great with this post :)
  15. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    I understand what you mean and where you guys are coming from but, I strongly disagree.

    So much so that I don't even know where to begin. lol

    (so i'll just rant. lol. jk)

    For starters, we all have endorsements to customize our class to our own unique play style.

    We all seek to win, but in different ways. Not everyone does, nor should they play the same way. You define your role/strategy with or based on your team chemistry.

    Myself personally, as an assassin I push lanes. The way that I accomplish this is by following my bots. When the enemy bots approach, I attack them from behind clearing the way so my bots can continue. When my bots are eventually met with enemy pros, I cloak, come from behind them, and kill them. (assassins are not front line face to face combatants, hence the name) When my bots reach the enemy base, I cloak and kill the enemies camping there. Once they're down, I work on the turrets.

    The reason I have a problem with this update, isn't because I am a kill whore, nor did I forget my role.

    The reason I have a serious problem with this update is because it further decreases my ability to fill my role when I am an assassin. (not that its impossible, but that its made difficult by default, regardless of my skill level.)

    More often then not, when I arrive at the enemy base with my bots, there will be a sniper and/or a support. With this update, I will not be able to efficiently kill either one. Yes, there are times when I will have juice available but I'm an assassin with low health, I get killed sometimes and my juice is gone. And back to my point, as an assassin, my role is to "assassinate" the individuals preventing my bots from dropping the money ball. In this scenario, I'm at a huge disadvantage against either of these classes. Not because of skill, but because of class limitations. (And sometimes when juiced, step on a trap and your still out of the ring. lol)

    Thanks to this update and the already assassin proof freeze traps, my role is greatly reduced due to low effectiveness. And if you read, it was said that gremlins are the best thing about the Now if thats not saying something then maybe nothing will....

    And to imply that a class should be dependent on or is effective because of juice is impractical for any class. Snipers and support can juice just as fast. So can other classes with juice as an endorsement.

    Besides, any class that has juice can do a great deal of damage, So to say a class is only effective because of its juice capabilities is basically a sign as to how ineffective the class normally is. Classes should be effective regardless of juice.

    p.s. Just to make certain its said, a guy with amazing skill above and beyond his opponents could win the match with a butter knife yielding class. lol. Thus you can still do well with an assassin. My point was that after the update, this class shall officially be the weakest vs the other classes. Pushing lanes involves opposition. The assassin will not be good at dealing with that.
  16. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Your correct on that, the Assassin won't be able to deal with the Trap happy Snipers or the Firebases of doom. But your not the only person on said team. You still have 5 other players with you. Have a Gunner/Tank/Assault accompany you while your pushing the bots forward to handle any Sniper/Support Obstacles in your way.

    Assassins do need some sort of countermeasure when facing a Sniper or support Since chances are the support will be standing next to his firebase and the sniper will most likely be surrounded by his Ice mines.
  17. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    The countermeasure for support WAS the recloak ability. As for snipers, there needs to be something done such as smoke bomb disabling traps for like 5 seconds (enough to grapple sniper)
  18. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Like, I know this is going to be a bit controversial (sorry Vike) but do people really see a problem with this?

    Assassins aren't meant to be able to attack people while they are invisible, so now the one [bugged] situation where that could happen is fixed. Is it really that big of a deal? You guys last during other attacks where you uncloak just fine; it's not like you're suddenly not getting a 1HK from just being behind someone.

    @ 'Assassinating in bases is now nimpozzibulz!'
    Errrrrrrr yeah?! It's their base! No one else can kill people in the enemy base without getting hassled by turrets etc. so why should assassins be exempt?
  19. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    1) we last through other attacks because we can cloak right ater them, leaving a very small window to be shredded by AI. This is also true of current grapple, though after the 'fix' that will no longer be the case.

    2) Snipers can 1HK you inside your base without being hassled by turrets and they don't have to worry about being behind you or actually being in your base to do it :p

    That said, I'm fairly sure these points have been covered many times either in this thread or the several other threads on this topic already. I'm also curious if you play assassin yourself, because if you don't then I can imagine why you wouldn't see a problem with it :p
  20. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    The point is the game was awesome because every class could counter another class by using their skills and wits.

    An average sniper or support user will have a far easier time than a very good assassin in pub play. Yes, pub play, that's important to remember as well, I mean the guy who was a beast didn't even use this in competition anyway, the place where something that can get exploited will get exploited, but in pub where you can't rely on your teammates to be worth more than the stuff you scrape off your shoe it IS important.

    If you get what I mean.
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