Assassins just got NERFED!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

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  1. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    The recloaking was the only way to kill someone inside their base as an assassin, so now assassins are pretty bad at almost everything besides killing bots.

    Assassins are now my least favourite class. Can't wait to be a support and be completely invincible to any smart assassin who won't come near me thx to my OP firebase. :)
  2. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I didn't realize that Assassins could only kill players by grappling them and recloaking.
  3. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    You also didn't realize that you should probably read the rest. The only way to kill them INSIDE THEIR BASE. At least the main way.

    Yes, you can shoot the INCREDIBLY slow shurikens, but if they're not stupid, they'll move.
  4. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    honestly i don't see what the big deal about the change was; they removed an exploit that was no meant to be in the game and made the assassin grapple faster, thats doesn't seem like that big a nerf to me. I don't play assassin much so i may not understand the gravity of this nerf (assault power for the win).
  5. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Rules of class discussion are such that disagreement means:

    a) You are crying, whining, or complaining. QQ moar
    b) You suck at the class. LEARN YOUR ROLE!
    c) You main that class, and just want it to be overpowered. NOOB!
    d) Any actual discussion is invalidated because one or more of the above is obviously true.
  6. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Really, I'd prefer the assassin to not be OP, but not to be underpowered which will happen with this update.

    I was fine with the way assassins were currently, although still underpowered compared to snipers grapple, but since this update there's no benefit of assassin for me.

    OP Support ftw!

    Edit: I've been playing assassin for 81 levels. Pretty sure I know my role by now...
  7. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    I mainline assassin, but I'm not too worried about it. I don't think the change is terribly necessary, but I don't think it will ruin assassins forever, either. The way I've heard some people complain, I was actually worried the assassin was going to get nerfed harder than this.

    I don't believe I took much advantage of the "glitch," though perhaps I just haven't realized it and I'll change my tune after the update. I guess I'll find out.

    Frankly, if the change makes fewer people play as assassins, I'll be glad. playing as my team's one assassin is more fun than playing on a team of assassins. ;)
  8. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    By definition the grapple is a type of attack. Again by definition you lose your cloak when you attack. Therefore you lose your cloak while grappling. Once the grapple is finished you are free to cloak again.

    It was never intended and is now being fixed. You don't see a thread about Support's crying over how they can no longer overheal Jackbots do you?

    EDIT: On a side note it looks like all the current Assassins will find another class so I'll finally be able to main one for a while. Good things are coming!
  9. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    When I first started playing the game and I was looking for strategies for assassins, and every single guide told me to recloak while I was mid grapple. It helped me so much, but I can't speak for everyone though.
  10. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    The overhealing jackbots doesn't affect supports ability to live. Recloaking allows assassins to LIVE.

    Lets nerf firebases, see how many supports complain.

    And have fun, I'll be sure to capture you in a "not OP" freeze trap then grapple you while i'm camping in a corner.
  11. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I didn't think it was even a glitch until I started reading the forums, it actually seemed to make sense to me. We're not invincible when we grapple, the animation takes time and if I'm good enough to sneak around the person and still have cloak skill left, I should be allowed to have a chance at escaping.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    This player is amazing at using the Assassin...
  13. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Well, they did nerf the support's heal/hurt gun, which is nearly as critical. They also nerfed the hack ability, and fixed a bug with airstrikes that makes them less useful. I haven't seen the storm of complaints, but maybe I just missed it.
  14. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Nor did he use the Cloak while grappling. Or at least not a lot, i didnt watch the whole vid.
    This guy will keep owning everyone with the assassin.
  15. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Funny how I've read posts saying, I don't see why people disagree with the update for assassin, and its no big deal. Then right after say, I've never really played assassin that much and I never really used that. lol. Of course its no big deal to you.

    It's simple, compared to the other classes, the assassin is the weakest. Yes you can kill people with the weakest class and still be somewhat effective. But that doesn't change the fact that it IS the weakest class.

    Assassins grapple is their greatest offensive tool and it has just been made a liability to turrets and firebases. (which is why its such an issue. We realize assassins have a lesser attack shurikens, but thats a lesser attack.)

    Every class already had a counter to assassins. Assassins do not have a counter to every class.

    But after all, those of you who DO NOT play assassin see nothing wrong with this update. Its pretty great.

    But who can be for an update that lessens the fun for this class. This class can be countered by skill. But this class will get killed now in situations regardless of how much skill they have.

    Supports already have a shotgun but now they don't need to use it. Just let them grab you and your firebase will kill them. Snipers, don't worry, you can now camp the spawn even longer. In fact, now you don't need to utilize the freeze traps they couldn't counter anyway. If they do get lucky and catch you walking a step away from them, the turrets will kill them if they land a grapple. lol

    COME ON EVERYONE! lets vote for steel peel only match cycles. That way, support can camp their spawn, set up turrets to stop all of your bots from entering, while the sniper sits between turrets on top of his freeze traps and shoots down all of your turrets. and you cant stop them. ha ha. That fun isnt for you assassins, that not your job anymore.

    And mister assassin, don't try to push the lane if theres a sniper around, those explosive rounds really hurt. In fact, don't push the lane if anyone is around. Just run away, let your team kill them, and come back once its clear. (Because an assassins job is obviously not to kill anyone right?) And oh, sorry mister assassin, your job of cloaking, and going in to kill enemies and destroying turrets, don't try it unless maybe your juiced. But check first for traps, and enemies. If they're there, you'll probably die. Thats all your good for. lol... Not really lol'ing. :cry:
  16. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Support is way stronger than assassins as it is. Their shotgun is about 10x the strength of the dagger, the hack ability is still pretty annoying, and air strikes are WAY too OP.

    Point still stands. Supports rely on their fire bases like assassins rely on their grapple.
  17. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Nor did he use the Cloak while grappling. Or at least not a lot, i didnt watch the whole vid.
    This guy will keep owning everyone with the assassin.

    Yeah that guys amazing.

    Kinda funny how you have to be incredibly good just to do decent as an assassin, while anyone without any skill can wreck with support and gunner.

    edit: He also has a pretty good team helping him, and you don't need to recloak as much if you have people backing you up (lol public teammates)
    Last edited: August 30, 2010
  18. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    Well put.

    I play assassin as needed... but without the re-cloak... the need will be better filled by basically any other class.

    I do run as support a lot and the heal gun fix will be better for those with level 3 ROF. The Rate of fire perk didn't used to affect the heal gun at all. So that is a wash. The air strike fix was relatively rare anyway.

    We supports aren't complaining because the single BIGGEST beneficiary of the assassin tweak is the support class.

    I run as support plenty and STILL don't like the proposed change. Maybe it wasn't intended that way... It sure felt like it was.
  19. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Thanks for being honest. I cant understand why some people want to see the cloak while grapple gone.

    Do they not know that the pro can shoo the assassin while he's grappling. The only thing taking the cloak away will do is allow turrets and firebases to kill assassin. Not pros.

    Pros that are good at their job wont complain about an assassin going back to cloak while they're grappled. Chances are they would killed the assassin themselves instead of being made that their firebase/turret couldn't do the job for them.

    Again thank you.
  20. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    This^ I'm not going to charge in and grapple a gunner for an easy kill if i see a tank near him. If all I see is a turret, I would go for it, except that strategy won't work anymore.
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