Assassins destroyed this Game

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Jebiga, August 12, 2010.

  1. Salen

    Salen New Member

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    Assassins aren't that bat until they get late in the game. I focus on stuff like blowing them up before they even get started. One Gunner can put the hurt on an assassin very easily in the beginning of the game.

    But the area effect weapons are good to use against assassins as well. Gunner's SLAM, or the Death Blossom spin from the Tank. A stunned assassin is easy to gun down even if they don't fall on the edge.
  2. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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    Really??? Assassin is the easiest and most preferred kill. I was racking them up last night. Quit being a noob and learn how to play the game with some type of strategy. STFUxN0085!!!
  3. inc0mplete

    inc0mplete New Member

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    Less QQ. I hear this in every game, TF2, WoW, Ragnarok, etc. They are usually easy to kill.
  4. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    The only way assassins destroy the game is when half your team plays as them and rushes without thought :lol:
  5. MentalyRawred

    MentalyRawred New Member

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    The only problem I've seen with assassins is like everyone has mentioned before, half or more of your time will be em. It's annoying when the only two classes Im great with are sniper and assassin, and everyone else is trying to be them. Then watching them fail miserably. Luckily though keep an eye out, you'll see atleast either half or all of them will switch to a tank or gunner just for the health.
    But assassins haven't destroyed the game at all, if team composition is your only complaint maybe you should make a sure fire team with some friends or just recruit for one where everyone has their own specialty and you have on of everything.
  6. xTHE MEAT

    xTHE MEAT New Member

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  7. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    If the other team is going heavy on Assassin, just go Tank. I've found Tanks (the Jet gun specifically) absolutely destroy Assassins if they're not very careful.

    I can't count the number of times even as Support that I've turned the tables on an Assassin who thought I couldn't see them. Switch to shotgun, grab, blast face. Even better if you're near a turret of yours lol.

    Hell, Gunner has 2 moves that I find screw up any Assassin's plans sufficiently. Grapple and Slam. If they get close and you miss a the grapple, slam to send them flying and then mow them down.

    There are many easy ways to combat an Assassin heavy team.
  8. Schizoid

    Schizoid New Member

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    We'll wait and see what you say when you actually go up against an assassin who knows what they are doing, you'll get absolutely destroyed.
  9. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    I think that's part of the point though. A great deal of Assassins have no idea what they're doing and get themselves killed more often than not. Until people learn how to actually play the class they're just going to be easy free kills most of the time.
  10. JavierT56

    JavierT56 New Member

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    Most of the time when the whole team is assasins its a pity to just see them die. But its true if you keep on gettin backstabbed then u gotta look at what your doing and find whats wrong and then improve on that this aint COD u cant just rush in and expect to get kills. its team class based shooter for a reason
  11. KanibalkittN

    KanibalkittN New Member

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    I've been playing assassin, and only assassin, and i actually do pretty good on the teamwork part. I dont wait around corners with stealth on to get kills. I actually never end up with the highest kills on my team. Most of the time though, i end up with the MVP award. To be a team player with the assassin, attack bots and kill any snipers or support that u can, but try not to die. The key is to save up and get juice, then run in the enemy base and hack-and-slash all the turrets. One juice can net you around 4 or 5 turrets kills. Doing this has won me almost every game, since your bots can get in their base and do serious damage to the ball.

    Also, the assassin isnt really that strong. Only thing i've had a problem with in MNC are the gunners. They seem to be a mix between assault/tank, but the best of both of them. The gunner health needs to be decreased. The people i play with, which are all different classes, all have problems with the gunner.
  12. Shadow09

    Shadow09 New Member

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    Most of the time when I play as an Assassin I know what I'm doing compared to most other people online who thinks it's cool just being an Assassin and just run around getting killed. I don't this game's class system was meant to make any class destroy this game in general. Everybody is new to this game and just are trying to figure out which class better suits them. That's about all I've got to say for now.
  13. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    lol, you should be the one laughing if their whole team only consist of assasins.

    The team with the most diversity wins. Try playing Support.
    Turret + Heal gun. If you have custom class, throw in the speed for support along with Armour & Health Recovery.
  14. thestack

    thestack Uber Alumni

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    As one of the Uber team I was going to jump in here and say something brilliant but it's already been said by our very insightful forum members. Yes, she is frustrating when she surprises you. That said, if you are looking and listening you can avoid being surprised and it's pretty fairly balanced.
  15. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    This is where me and my friends are, the gunners give us the most problem, and when they have support with them... we should just restart the game so we can all pick assassins.

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