Assassins are getting nerfed so hard!!...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by EnlistedThalim, September 2, 2010.

  1. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Great example. And not even for just taking out campers. If I try and assassinate someone in the lanes, a slim bot can kill me before the grapple animation gets over with.
  2. mute

    mute New Member

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    You can most certainly take down a un-overcharged Rocket turret (lvl1) down with smoke lvl1 and attack lvl1 without dying or taking much damage. It'll get like 2 hits on you. It's all about position, get behind the direction it is currently aimed. It'll become unstunned and you'll take 2 hits, but you can still easily take them out @ lvl1 everything then safely run away (as long as you dont attempt to do it in obviously stupid moments, as in with people around you or a hacked turret close by that can reach you).
  3. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    And you don't have to kill the turret with one weapon..... Think a little and it will help you play assassin better.

    It's not a nerf; it's an exploit removal.
  4. mute

    mute New Member

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    All I read here are examples of why a balanced team is required, not problems with support or assassins... if you have at least a couple ppl sitting back in the base, a tank or gunner (or shurikens) can take care of a FB under a bridge in a matter of seconds. When I'm a tank, I usually smile when I see supports do this because its going to mean some easy turret kill points and likely an easy kill for me. If an assassin tries to run and stop me,.. big deal.. spin move.. dummy is on fire, and base turrets finish the job (which is why you stay near them in the first place). 1 death 1 kill assasins mean nothing in the long run of the game... and theres so many of those players its ridiculous.
  5. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Assassins mean nothing?we destroy entire bases in a matter of seconds, good assassins can take down a tank quick and easy, and rip bots to shreds.
  6. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    You disagreed with a valid example of how the assassin was being limited, And then explained how this wasn't a limitation.... to the Tank. Lol.

    And to make matters worse for assassins, you pointed out another one of their shortcomings and how they mean nothing to the long run of the game. lol

    If you'd like to try again, please do. Just try to keep on topic.
  7. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    It's only vs support that I'm bothered about. As voted by the community, if one of the classes is overpowered, it's support. By preventing cloak grappling, assassins are going to find it difficult to take out a support hugging his fully hacked turret, as it will, depending on the map and location, be within range of an assaassin weilding shurikens. Smoke just doesn't stun firebases long enough :/
  8. Luca Bligth

    Luca Bligth New Member

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    Am I the only Assassin with Gold Armor, Silver Critical Hit and Bronze Skill Recovery?

    It can be very dangerous.
  9. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    Similar but rate of fire rather than crits ;) I like to be offensive rather than creeping and grapple only. I have other attacks for a reason :)
  10. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    It's both..
  11. StreetRx925

    StreetRx925 New Member

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    I tend to think Assassins are getting a buff rather than a nerf. Our grapple time is reduced our sword lunge dmg is corrected and the fact we cant do a few things that made being an azn way too easy anymore is no problem. it will weed out the n00bs from the elite. I havent played a match in probably my last 150 matches where i didnt take highest earner, most kills, least deaths everytime on my team. Whether we won or lost. Period. A good azn is a angel of death to be feared for she can destroy half the map in a matter of seconds if you know how to play the charactor.
  12. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    The corrected dagger lunge dmg is also not in the assassins favour. And yes, it will weed the noobs from the elite in the same way it'll make them blatantly obvious that they're awful, not stop them from being a horrible assassin. In fact, scratch that, it's more likely to encourage n00by assassins, because n00bs would never cloak grapple or lunge anyway but now it's much easier for them to grapple..the only attack they kno.
  13. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Yeah, it would be nice if the sword and dagger lunge damages were just being swapped, but it sounds like they're just lowering the dagger lunge

    So two pretty serious nerfs, and a buff that I don't give a damn about
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    How could you possibly say that? The sword is better than the dagger for everything except the lunge. Don't you want the sword do be better for damage? Having an early damage boost is not better than having a damage reduction for the lunge when you upgrade to the sword.
  15. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    All depends on whether they're actually increasing the sword lunge damage.. it sounds to me like they're not.
  16. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    I've heard in the other threads that the dagger lunge is doing more damage than anticipated, not that the sword isn't doing enough. So, no it isn't a good thing that the assassin is having a damage REDUCTION, as the sword damage is going to be the same regardless.

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