Assassinating for Dummies

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Zamzoph, August 11, 2010.

  1. FalseKing

    FalseKing New Member

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    Much obliged.
  2. Red Assassin

    Red Assassin New Member

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    ...alas, you've said too much.

    I find your pathetic attempts to strategize my tactics borishly humorous. All of you sad stains of couch waste seem to think that when you choose me, you actually get to play me. Far be it from the truth. In fact, if I ever find your sticky sausage fingers within two feet of me, I'll sadistically remove them and offer them alongside bacon within the next shipment of AmmoMule.

    Don't ever forget, you don't play me. I play me.
  3. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Re: ...alas, you've said too much.

  4. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    ^ I agree, I played earlier today and had K/D's of almost 1-2ratio consistantly, but managed to win 90% of my games.
  5. AZRabbit

    AZRabbit New Member

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    How to solo a tank with your sword:

    #1. Don't even THINK about it unless you have the sword or their health is red.

    #2. Don't even THINK about it unless he's by himself.

    # 3. You have to have the element of surprise or he's going to demolish you every single time.

    # 4. Give him two or three swipes of your sword before you back grapple him for an instant(ish) kill. Preferably begin with a dash, then a slash or two, THEN grapple. Even with a third person aspect, most people won't know what's happening to them until it's too late.

    # 5. Realize this is still incredibly risky, and you will likely die many times, even after you've mastered it.

    # 6. Resist the urge to taunt them. As an assassin, the last thing you want is a tank that's actively hunting you.
  6. Deep Winter 7

    Deep Winter 7 New Member

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    With regards to Jackbots, everytime one comes out, my teammates/friends call out "Jackbot! Deep, that's all you!" Gives me a little thrill and satisfaction to know my teammates understand my role as well as I do.

    Playing the assassin is as much as a supporting role as the Support himself. I've seen Assassins do nothing but protect duel-Support or Sniper players, and its very annoying.
  7. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    This will get you killed vs a good tank. All they have to do is spin. The only way you should be attempting to take down a healthy tank is with a Charge Attack into an immediate grapple from behind. Done properly you almost won't see the attack from the charge and you will immediately grapple, making it impossible for them to act.

    Smart tanks spin if they even suspect an assassin is near.

    As mentioned, it is your personal duty as assassin to kill every jackbot XL that spawns before overtime. When overtime hits, it is your job to dish out damage to the money ball. You should be attacking their moneyball with juice within 10s over overtime hitting.

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