Assassin wtf?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by quaabi, August 13, 2010.

  1. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    Don't help the team that much? what are YOU smoking? i play as an Assassin ALL the time, and i'm usually pretty high on the score board, hell i've gotten the MVP protag about 10 times now, and i have used the annihilater almost 90 times, I hardly get any kills from it, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier for the other people on my team to get a kill and helps when people are trying to kill a jackbot. speaking of Jackbot, the assassin is AWESOME at taking them out, grapple, cloak, recharge, grapple again and it's down. and i'm also the person that juices out and demolishes the enemies, turrets, and tears the HELL out of the Money ball if it's down. i'm also the one who can kill a turret, firebase, deployed gunner or tank in 1-2 shuriken clips. I'm ALSO the one killing the snipers and bypassing their traps by smoke bomb jumping over them. and i do this ALL while being the most defensively challenged class, and i call BS at people who calls what assassins do "cheap tricks" because the other classes have cheap tricks like the supports who sap an assassins health, mitigating ANY normal attack damage, or an assault who charges RIGHT after non-lethal grapple, or a tank or gunner who AoE's right after a grapple, or even the snipers ice traps and Ball of Glowing Doom. and yes i to think an assassin's back grapple should be an instant kill no matter what, hell you just had a sword/dagger go all the way into your FACE FFS! >_>

  2. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    On that note... SgtFun... if assassins are so easy to kill then why even bother complaining? I play assassin as my main class but when i play assault or sniper... i agree they're so retarded easy to kill. But its not assassins that are easy to kill, its the dumbass playing the assassin that charges straight at me while a lv3 remote mine is on the ground or im surrounded by ice traps. Monmaker is totally correct, because i play the EXACT same way, killing snipers to defend my gunners and tanks, killing other assassins to defend my snipers and support, destroying turrets, killing jackbots, buying the annihilater everytime its up. All very very important things.

    And a good assassin waits for opportunity and never charges from the front...
  3. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    and on top of that, the assassins are the most underpowered class there is, every single class has a way to take out assassins like that, hell throw a nail clipper at an assassin and she's dead. the assassins have no chance what so ever when there are two snipers at a spot with all fully upgraded traps out.
    Sniper: oh an assassin is trying to kill me, guess i'll freeze her and take all her skill charge, throw a flak and kill her in about 2 seconds, or grappler her and kill her in one shot to the face. oh look at that, she's trying to kill me with shurikens, let me just scope in... now she's dead.

    pretty much the same for all the other classes. nothing pisses me off more then grappling an enemy and them not dying. not to mention ALL the countless times i try to grapple and it fails and the tank/gunner AoEing me to death in one shot, or the damned assault charging and insta killing me. IMO the assassins grapple should be a skill, because i have noticed skill grapples pretty much hit 100% whereas the assassins grapple will miss about 50% of the time, ESPECIALLY if the target is moving

    /rant v2.exe
  4. hksonx

    hksonx New Member

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    every class has a way to deal with assassins
    Tank - survives a back grapple then instant kill with charge+spin combo
    Gunner - survives a back grapple then get a easy ring out with slam
    Support - shotgun to her face
    Sniper - Traps with a instant killing grapple
    Assault - just charge, 9 of 10 times its a instant kill

    btw the assassins dont need any buff until people finally stop abusing it.
  5. Phoenixrage

    Phoenixrage New Member

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    I play Assassin as my main (I have the 12hr Cloaked Pro Tag to show how much I use them). The class is fine as it is. My breakdown of the abilities as to why I believe the class is fine the way it is:

    >The backstab should not be an instant kill. Here's why. I should not be able to take out the strongest melee class, it defeats the rock-paper-scissor balance of things if I can kill anything from behind with no worry of reprisal. Anything up to tank should depend on their protection and on my Passive level as it does (I've had very angry Gunners Slamma/Grapple me early on after a backstab, teaching me the value of a follow through strategy). On the flip side, most offensive classes should survive the front stab (Tank/Gunner/Assault) while the others should depend on their protection, as it does right now.

    >Most of my attacks have a recharge time or an animation lock. You can save a player from an assassination if you kill the assassin before she lands all her hits. That fancy animation kill also depends on me hoping no one pumps me full of death before the animation finishes. A failed assassin grapple also has a small recharge so I can't spam grapple attempts. My lunge attack has a half second at the start where I can't look left or right and a half sec or so before I can lunge again.

    >My very best attacks are not aimed towards Pros. Take an assassin behind a bot and watch how fast you can kill it with a slash than you can a Pro. Jackbots are made of butter to an Assassin. The class should have been named Infiltrators as they are best at taking out strategic positions (bot flows and turrets) and key enemies (snipers, support, jackbots) than going all stabby-stabby on anything they see.

    >Ranged attacks are a joke, but a funny one. The shuriken launcher is pretty weak compared to all class options for range if you consider the accuracy and damage. This should stay as it is since I all ready have one of the best melee options (though with one of the weakest defenses) so buffing my ranged damage would be silly. With 500ish slashing kills and 800ish backstabs, I think I have 1 or 2 Shuriken kills. I like my Shuriken launcher as it sets me up nicely for whittling down a turret before I move in to Cloak/SmokeBomb/slash it or to attack the money ball from a safe distance so the shields don't raise back up before my team has respawned and moved back up or even to kill a firebase while its Support isn't around. Also, the attack is pretty and it ricochets. That is neato burrito.

    >Dash and Smoke Bomb. OMG. I could live without Cloak, but not these two. Dash is a great escape option when I bite more than I can chew or to close in for an attack. In and of itself it does no damage, but it sets me up for doing great things. Same with Smoke Bomb but that it also deals an AoE stun to non-Pros and blindness to Pros for a sec. This does make Assassin players hard to kill if they're playing smart. But remember, Assassins have paper armor, so we need a survival mechanic that doesn't buff our hit points otherwise we'd be tanks with stealth instead of DoT (then yes, we'd be overpowered).

    >Grapple is positional and conditional. Meaning host could say "nope, you hit the front or missed altogether." I can also only grapple targets on the ground that aren't deployed. As an assassin, try to kill a gunner deployed with his back to a corner or with a Firebase covering him (just one of a ton of worst case Assassin scenarios) where a player/team is playing smart. That alone can shutdown a team with a large number of assassins, and that is only 1-2 players of the 6 your team can have. Now I only have my Shuriken launcher or Smoke Bomb for offense. By the time I scrape together enough Juice to break this up the match has gone sour most likely if I haven't changed strategies or classes to counter.

    Honestly, getting backstabbed is about as annoying as any uber ability of the other classes (Firebase, Headshot, Charge, etc), it just has a way more flashy (on the receiving end: irritating?) animation. There shouldn't be a limit on any one class, which can be annoying when a team overloads one class (fush you 4+ support teams, grrrr) but takes knowing what to use to counter that class to succeed. It's a strategy game wrapped in a shooter, learn to go with it.
  6. Vizor

    Vizor New Member

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    To take the choice of the player away and limit assassins would be breaking a video game law (yes they exist). im not trying to sound like a fanboy for these games but battlefield ( huge player) and team fortress 2 (best xb360 online game ever) ok so maybe i do sound like one. anyways to take away someone's customization class or they're free will of choice would be a terrible idea. i know alot of hardcore gamers ( can't believe i just said that) and they would not even touch this game if someone on there team picks there fav class and they are forced to choose class. soon as you start limiting assassins you would cry about supports and limit to just 1 support. if you suck at this game maybe you can get a refund and buy halo with your money (yes i like halo also) don't come on a board and try to prove to people who love and enjoy this game and developers who are listening to them that assassins need to be limited cause you get you face handed to you by them.

    and don't try to tell me that a whole team of assasins would own. i was in a match yesterday with lvl25 and above ( mainly people who knew what they were doin) all were assasins and i was support and i owned them, 2 kills with a shot gunn and then i would get backstabb only to have my turret finish them off. if your a reall good assasin you can kill me and not have my turret spot you. they tried to rush us with gremlins only to have my gunner runn threw all of them. just admit that you suck and you need to rethink your strategy...... .......whoa sorry i got a little worked up. Heated TYPING! This was directed towards the douche who posted and everyone who agreed with him.

    if you think im being a **** well heres my gamer tag Vizor513 send me a message and i totally will help you find a way to counter them. we'll come up with plans and cool hip things like that..... anything to keep people playing this game!
  7. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Assassin is really well balanced actually if it wasn't for the weird grappling. People can stand still, afk whatever, and i slowly walk up to them and still miss a grapple, only to eat one of the many instakills.

    Shuriken are a problem though i think, they are basically useless on Pros and just good for turrets, obviously that is the whole point but not being able to kill a guy who has less then a pixel HP left sucks alot.
  8. KahLriK

    KahLriK New Member

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    Why the hell do you people consider the Shuriken gun useless as an offensive weapon?

    One full clip leaves a Gunner dead or at low health, depending on their endorsements. A nearly full clip kills a sniper. 1/2 of a clip kills a fellow assassin. 3 or 4 clips can take out a firebase. Whenever I see a Gunner deploy at a decent range from me, I get giddy inside because I know a free kill is coming. If you fire the Shuriken launcher directly out of stealth, and keep the fire button held down, every Shuriken in that clip will become a crit. You can't ask for a better ranged weapon. It's also incredibly intimidating and great at doing random damage, just to throw people off their game. Toss a few clips into an enclosed space and watch people run wild.

    It's only flaw is that for many it is simply difficult to aim. You just need to learn how to lead your target. I have nearly 250 Bladed weapon kills, 450 Grapple kills (I was trying for 500 today and got lazy :( ), but I do only have about 30 Shuriken kills (I really haven't had much playtime since release, haha). However, I still pull it out MANY times each match. It's a great tool for any Assassin.

    The Assassin is balanced. If you can't succeed with it, the issue is player skill, not the class itself. The ONLY minor problem is that while blinded by a smoke bomb, you can still see health bars.

    People who think that Back Grapple should be a one hit kill all the time should simply consider a different class at the start of each match. It doesn't make any sense when you look at it from a balance perspective, but that's been explained in many above posts. Just man up. You can perform just fine without an instant kill button for every class, trust me, I manage it almost every game.

    EDIT: I've noticed a lot of people complaining about Gunners, I'd say that the Assassin is the anti-Gunner class, if anything. I feel like they are some of my easiest kills.
  9. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    ^Agreed. Assassins probably have the most weakness of all the classes. And gunners seem to be fodder lately.
  10. PandaOracle

    PandaOracle New Member

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    Tanks destory assassins, they sneek up and grapple you. But i always have sliver armour, so they can't kill me, and i just burn them to hell. simple.
  11. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    You do realize that a team of assassins can be quite easily dispatched by a couple gunners and a couple support, right? Not even that, really.

    QQ moar?

    There should be only 1 Assassin per team, anyway, and it drives me crazy nuts when I choose that class on the map, only to have 1 other person choose it well after I choose mine, and then have someone switch to it mid-round. I can think of NO good reason why 3 Assassins are necessary, and it's a sure way to lose the round.

    On top of that, none of these nub Assassins help with the Jackbots. YOU CAN GRAPPLE THE DAMN THINGS, OKAY?

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