Assassin lunge discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Statement, February 7, 2011.

  1. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Yup, I have often tried to shoot an Assassin while she was grappling a teammate but it's very hard to do enough damage to save your teammate. I usually can avenge him though after the grapple animation is finished. Well, at least he gets to see how his killer goes down too.
  2. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Its really powerful. I'm not convinced its overpowered though. It seems to work as intended.
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    That's why I said it's something to keep an eye on. :D

    I only have seen two or three really good Assassins so far yet. A bunch are doing okay and a whole lot really need to work on their approach to the class. One Sin player could pull that lunge backgrapple combination off more than once. But it's so rare that it happens atm that I don't consider it a problem for pugs.
  4. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    "One sin"? I pull those off almost all the time so I thought it's very common in pugs.
  5. DrRayStantz

    DrRayStantz New Member

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    This is what needs to be looked at. This class excels at what it is meant to do but they have way to many escape options. Cloak, dash, sprint and blinding super high jump.
  6. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    Wait, only good Assassin's lunge around people for an instant backstab? Thanks for the compliment, I thought anyone with a brain would do that.

    Seriously though, more Assassin whining? If her lunge needs to get looked at, me thinks we better make a thread like this for each class. Everything can seem overpowered in the right hands, that's why it means something to be good and not just another average player. You really want to nerf Assassin's pretty much one and only ability that gives her more options than just being a lane clearing slave? Even with lunge, it's not particularly useful offensively unless you're against a lone wolf or a bad team, and that's where my above argument comes in. A player better than the team they're against should be able to do well.

    I'm seeing people saying only good Assassin's do this and that. Maybe you should think about what you're saying and then come to the obvious conclusion that it's because they're good. They might even be better than you, gasp!
  7. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    The problem is that it requires absolutely no skill whatsoever to run around spamming r + right click, if it fails, spam r some more until you're safe, and if you're feeling frisky, e + space. Every engagement is that assassin's to lose, and they will only die if they make a huge stuffup. You could argue that every class will only die if they make a mistake, but the margin for error is so massive for the assassin not to mention the ease of her techniques to pull off (and the extremely short cooldowns associated).

    Imagine if Assault's charge had a 2 second cooldown, you'd never kill the bastard, it's a very similar thing with Assassins because every single one with half a functioning braincell will retreat once they start getting shot at, not waiting until they're low hp. They retreat and try again later when perhaps your attention is elsewhere (as they should).

    When I play Assassin I KNOW for a fact that every time I die what I could have done differently and I know that it was my mistake that cost me my life there, mostly from grappling in locations that were too greedy.
  8. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    As opposed to spamming bomb and charge?

    Isn't that true for every class? You die because you made a mistake or because you were outplayed. That's how it always goes. The assassin has the advantage of choosing who she engages and when, meaning that, if all else fails, you can always attribute fault to yourself for picking that particular foe to begin with.
  9. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    So, what exactly is your point? Assassin's are hard to kill? Big surprise there, I wonder why most of her skills are based entirely around sneaking, escaping and agility. Not really helping your argument there, pal.

    Lunge doesn't take skill to use? That's funny coming from an Assault who has even better and actually offensively useful mobility than Assassin. And no offense, but if you're finding yourself needing to escape on Assault so often that Charge isn't up enough, you're doing it wrong. Play your class right. Assassin absolutely needs lunge because she has no reliable ranged damage, that means she needs to get in close to be offensively effective. That's not the case for Assault, making your point entirely moot.
  10. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    When did I ever say I had problems playing any class? I play all of them, although Assault is my favourite. Look at the leaderboards again scrub before you say learn to play.

    Lunge is just too versatile and powerful for how short a cooldown it has. Additionally, assault's abilities/weapons actually require some kind of aiming ability.
  11. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    I tend to agree with the supposition that lunge is too powerful as it stands. It trivializes Dash (though I would argue that financial cost aside, Dash is superior due to the finer control of movement which it permits), and while I don't mind the lunge+back grapple combo, I don't think a lunge+face grapple should be fatal to the heavier classes, nor to classes wearing armor. Lunge ought to either be on a shared cooldown with dash, or given its own cooldown, allowing its use once every X seconds.

    I suppose it is unwise to advocate the nerfing of my primary class, but I digress.
    The assassin doesn't need lunge as a tool for mobility because she has dash. She also has the S-launcher, which is an amazing ranged weapon when coupled with cloak 3.
  12. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Maybe something in the taste of the tank and gunner jetpacks' power jauge that would deplete with using lunge, and need to be full or close to it to use grapple could be a better alternative than putting shared cooldowns, that would still allow to chain a few lunges for mobility while preventing it from replacing dash, and from instantly grappling after a lunge.

    Shuriken launcher can be devastative when used properly, it's one of the few weapons doing decent damage at long range (mostly usefull for turrets at that range, but really insanely good at it) while it also builds juice extremely fast. Sure you're not gonna one shot people with it, but for example you can harass a tank who doesn't have a support on his tail enough to prevent him from pushing a lane (as opposed to going to try to melee him and die to death blossom then cry about tanks being OP like most assassin noobs do). And with Cloack 3 you can spam cloack/decloack for crits. So if anyone has to learn to play right it looks like it's you.
  13. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    Eh I guess it doesn't matter anyways. I've just started playing assasin exclusively and I'm roflstomping much harder than I could as assault or any other class. I can maintain my 8.5+ kdr with ease and still have plenty of time to kill bots while I wait for them to respawn. Only map that isn't extreme easymode is steel peel when your team has them locked into spawn.

    Now, off to lungegrapple my way to victory some more.

    EDIT: Not to mention as an Assassin not can I only contually kill pros over and over, it's even easier to lockdown snipers and once I get juice (lol jokes, I've always got juice because I make so much money/get it from bots) I can singlehandedly level their base and hit the annihilator to push the bots into their base. Also as an assassin I'm the third most scary moneyball killer (next to assault/support) when juiced.
  14. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    I didn't meet many really good assassins, but the ones I did encounter fitted this description exactly. They're just freakin' impossible to kill, even when they make a careless move. Not that they kill me all that often, but it's just impossible to keep them from building juice and killing your bots. Sure, you can escort one wave of bots, but he'll just kill off the other waves then. Unless you dedicate the whole team to hunting him down, perhaps, but that really shouldn't be needed.
  15. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Lunge is fine, it works perfectly well with dash, the mobility of the sin makes her very fun to play.

    That is nothing to brag about, a really good sin dont care about kdr, the style is very different from assault.

    I played pub the other day and as sin pushed the bots all the way to enemy moneyball, throwing myself at the turrets till they go down, the sin on the other team played deathmatch like an assault and focused too much on pro's and staying alive to preserve kdr.

    Also a sin wont have high kdr against good players, they are too easy too counter, im not saying you were noob bashing on pubs for kdr ego, just that i dont think your 8 kdr is realistic in an even game, where there is no new guy learning the game to feed off.

    Im having fun with both classes, i play sin when i want to control the game and the team lacks a good bot pusher/turret killer, but if our team has one of those i really like the freedom to play assault and be the ultimate pro killer, he is just so enjoyable to kill people with, has no obvious class counter and insanely fast cooldowns. Good assaults really should have high kdr.
  16. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Statement, pub bashing for KDR and epeen?

    • ...sounds like him too! XP
  17. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    You mean there's something else? Psh, I don't believe you.
  18. spirit

    spirit New Member

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    I think its funny that people are bitching about a class that has to take atleast two steps to get a possible kill vs. half the other classes which can just rely on easy on-click knockouts.

    Knock-out didn't kill them? Oh well, they're across the map now and you don't have to think twice! Assassin grapple fails atleast require that the assassin take the effort to get away.
  19. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    Well said, my thoughts exactly.

    To the rest of the whiners, yes, I know about her ranged weapon. It's not reliable. For all the hype it gets as the underlooked weapon of doom!!!, it's pretty useless against anything not standing still. It also has one of the most blatantly obvious trails in the game since it's more a projectile than a bullet, so leading your shots isn't particularly useful if your opponent has, let's say, eyesight. The only real uses for it is ineffective harassment against one slow class from a range, taking out turrets slowly over the course of a decade or so or keeping the ball down. None of this truly replaces the Assassin's need to get up close and personal to be truly effective at killing.

    So. How many of you are just exaggerating because you're butthurt that you can't counter the easiest class in the game to kill? I play Assassin myself and I'm often spamming my ranged at bots when they're covered by a group, just to see a lone wolf Assassin running up to me for the obvious lunge into grapple. Guess what? It never works. It's not because I evade it with some Assassin only gimmick, it's because I jump or grapple her out of it. Wow, so hard. Get over yourselves, you're either not as good as you think or you need to play Assassin a lot more and figure out her true weaknesses. Here's a tip, here true weakness is pretty much every class, assuming a good player is controlling it.

  20. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    Good job stomping on random players with no coordination, communication and a high likeliness of most of them being bad in general. I can do that on any class, and you probably can too, so what's your point? The Assassin stomps bad players better than most, I'll give you that one. Should we be nerfing classes because of how a good player (you, supposedly) does against a team of scrambled eggs? I think not.

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