Assassin grapple while frozen

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by djam, August 19, 2010.

  1. bryanchurch

    bryanchurch New Member

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    I also heard that bad snipers don't use armor. Hell, being able to survive frontal grapples from assassins (really the only REAL threat to snipers) is so overrated. Better yet have 2 kits. One with armor, and 1 without. If you dont have assassins on the other team you could switch it off.
  2. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    The only real threat to a sniper is an assassin, so guys how about his.. LETS MAKE IT SO THEY CANT KILL SNIPERS!!! omg brilliant!.. seriously.. Theres no point to change it, if your a smart sniper youd just kill them with your off weapon.. dont run up and grapple them, play smart.
  3. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I feel compelled to laugh at this topic..
  4. SurfyTurtle

    SurfyTurtle New Member

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  5. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    Why shouldn't they be able to grapple? Those traps are meant as a way to keep things away from you, not to freeze them so you can go grab them. I actually don't know why snipers use their grapple at all, possibly because it's a really cool animation that would make any self-respecting assassin (or w/e class you may play, really being grabbed by a sniper is just the bottom of the barrel) mad.

    I know it annoys me, but then again I never thought to switch to my secondary. I sort of just give up hope, assuming they'll shoot me in the face.
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Plus if you ever played as an Assassin you'd know your grapple is reset when your hit by a max trap, which can get really really annoying at times
  7. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Oh man, with the uzi out he kicks them in the ****. I've put down the controller before when this happens to me, it's just one of those moments where I want to call Uber's office and swear at them.

    That aside, it's also incredibly amusing to club pros with the sniper rifle because I get to make jokes about both ends of the rifle being dangerous on top of the jokes the sniper makes (also, launching someone across the map is awesome even if they survive).

    And one final tidbit: sometimes head shots just don't register. You can freeze some fat-headed support, put the cross hairs in the middle of his face, fire twice, miss twice. And I mean straight up miss, no damage at all even if you watch the bullets pass through his head, twice.
  8. zodbones

    zodbones New Member

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    LvL3 Traps will drain trapped victims grapples so they cant grab you
    I still think its weird though how a grapple counts as an ability, but there ya go.
    if you hate being grappled by frozen people max out traps first so they can't because it gets put on cool down.
  9. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Grappling while frozen in a trap is by design.

    Don't want to get grappled? Don't stand next to a person who is frozen or inside the trap radius so that someone who is frozen can grapple you.
  10. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    ^^^^ Bump
  11. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    If someone DOES get really close to you, its definitely a great option to put distance between the two of you or just kill him straight away. Grapple kills are much faster than uzi kills when hes in your face. Plus, a lot of people dont know this but snipers can grapple Jackbots.

    This happens to me too much, especially with the support, the hitbox on his face is weird. Also, id like a dev to check with this: Is it intentional to let pro's spin around and move while in ice traps? If so then it makes hitting their preferred targets, the tank and gunner, much harder to hit when they get trapped and just spin around in circles making it impossible to aim at their face. Same with the support actually.
  12. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Did that really need to get bumped?

    I always thought penetrating bullets should be able to head shot the tank and gunner from behind, if you managed to get the bullet to come out where their head is.

    I knew snipers could grapple jackbots, but I've never actually tried it out. Is it as effective as the assassin's grapple on a jackbot?

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