Assassin Endorsements

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by BlueZebra, August 12, 2010.

  1. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    I go Skill Regen: Gold, Armor: Silver, Speed: Bronze.

    The regen I want for stealth, the armor allows me to survive almost any grapple. I play a very in-and-out style. I will stealth in, make a kill and retreat to base. The armor allows me to survive a lot of attacks, but the regen is the most important in my mind if I need to restealth and wait for an area to clear out before moving.
  2. imrlybord7

    imrlybord7 New Member

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    I've been doing very well tonight with different combinations of armor, speed, RoF, and skill recovery. However, I'm finding that gold armor is nice but quite unnecessary and skill recovery isn't much of an issue if you can get cloak and dash leveled up quickly enough. They last so long that I'm never really worried about running out, and the downtime used to recover the oh-so-important grapple can be used to recover skills as well.
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    It's funny but I agree and disagree at the same time. Using Armor in your Gold Slot may seem unnecessary but at the same time having too much health means you live and too little means you die. I'd rather error on the side of too much.

    As for Skill Recovery I also agree that this is not needed as much once you get level 3 Dash and Cloak but it does make a much larger difference at levels 1 and 2. Again, unless you are running two custom Assassin classes it is better to use this as Silver in most cases. If you are running two custom Assassin classes then this could be dropped to Bronze for mid/late play or possibly entirely.

    Speed is always a tricky one as it is nice but Dash and Reload Dash make it quite redundant at times. For early in a game Speed might be very useful as you have limited Dash available. For later in the game you almost never need it since Dash will cover your movements. Again, you almost need two setups to optmize things.

    Rate of Fire is great for taking down turrets/firebases with Shurikens and also when you get Juice and can lay waste with your Sword. Again this is ideal for late game and not as useful early on so you have a choice to make. That doesn't even take into account Critical Shot which can be great if you are attacking normally quite often (moneyball, turrets, bots, etc.).
  4. XI_Mr_Pants_IX

    XI_Mr_Pants_IX New Member

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    Depending on what exactly is going on in the match at the time (IE: a large number of bots in play), and whether or not a host is particularly good, Gold Rate of Fire with the Shuriken Gun has the potential of lagging a server slightly. =3
  5. imrlybord7

    imrlybord7 New Member

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    Instead of looking at Speed as redundant, why not consider it supplementary (no pun intended)? I'll use good ol' CoD as a reference. The Lightweight perk is far more useful for SMG + Marathon users because its speed increase of 7% is not enough to warrant taking up Perk 2 on most other classes. In CoD4 and WaW, Stopping Power was more effective on stronger weapons (anything that did more than 30 base damage) in terms of TTK(G) (time to kill (a guy)) while Double Tap was more effective on weaker weapons (anything that did less than 30 base damage) in terms of TTK(G), which usually fired faster as well. For trivia's sake, I'll let you know that they were perfectly tied for weapons that dealt 30 base damage. What I'm saying is that enhancing your current strengths is oftentimes more beneficial than making up for your weaknesses or creating new strengths. While it isn't quite a general rule of thumb due to the large variety of possible situations in MNC, I think it is a good thing to keep in mind in any game that offers stat customization.
  6. tehwalrus

    tehwalrus New Member

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    Gold: Armor - the survivabilty from this is essential fighting assaults and assassins, and a huge help in most other cases as well - plus in keeping you alive this endorsement works better than the juice endorsement, since all the juice you rack up is wasted if you do die

    Silver: Rate of Fire - Greatly increases the damage you deal with the blade, and important to remember this also makes your shurikens much more useful.

    Bronze: Speed - I think the faster speed end up useless with the dash ability, but taking it as bronze makes you faster while attacking with the sword, which is essential to keep assaults and other assassins within your blade range

    Unnecessary: Health Recovery - after most engagements you have to run anyways, and likely regen your skills and grapple - why not regen health at the same time?

    Shuriken Only: Clip Size / Reload Speed - I've tried a shuriken main spec out, but I don't find it to work well in the least. Even if you were to, reload speed is minmally useful.

    Worthless: Accuracy

    Unknown: Critical Shot - I don't really understand how much this helps out, so unless Uberent decides to explain it further I'm not going to use it.

    Wildcard: Juice /Skill Recovery - Either of these can be argued for
  7. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell New Member

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    So what endorsement would speed up the grapple recharge?
  8. tehwalrus

    tehwalrus New Member

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    As far as I can see, none. Otherwise every assassin should have it.
  9. Acosta02

    Acosta02 New Member

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    Funny, I use both of those in my setup.

    Gold: Skill Recharge. My strategy is all about dashing everywhere and spamming smoke bombs to climb/escape. The more of this I can do the better. I find that level 2 invis (and dash, really) are a little more than enough to get the job done with this endorsement.

    Silver: Armor. As people have pointed out before, there's nothing better than getting stabbed in the face and stabbing the assailant right back. Brilliant.

    Bronze: JUICE! I shouldn't be giving away all my trademark secrets, but none of the scrubby Assassins have figured out that a juiced assassin can take down half the turrets in a base before anybody even catches on.
  10. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Gold: skill recharge- So much cloak and dash... It's just beautiful! :cry:
    Silver: Speed- I just love speed, it's usually a toss up between this and skill for gold position...
    Bronze: Fire rate- useful for shuriken mostly.
  11. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Check these guys out
  12. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    I like Gold Reload speed because It gives me unlimited no clip shookens, plus my grapple reloads faster. :ugeek:
  13. joker

    joker Active Member

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    omg thread necroing. with a new wave of assassins lately though, what builds are ppl using? i still use armor/rate/clip. love dem shurikens
  14. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Fuq dat shiz. Gold Armor Silver HR and Bronze RoF all the way.
  15. meat

    meat New Member

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    I like Bronze Skill. 'Sin already have a fast health regen so yeah...
  16. choiio

    choiio New Member

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    gold: accuracy
    silver: crit shots
    bronze: juice
  17. Goldielocks

    Goldielocks Member

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    My favorite build, especially when there's deployed gunners sitting around :D
  18. Bobomb Bob

    Bobomb Bob New Member

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    I'm partial to armor/rate/hr but dats jus me! :D
  19. choiio

    choiio New Member

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  20. Bobomb Bob

    Bobomb Bob New Member

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    Don't you be steppin on my swag! :x

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