Assassin does not need a buff

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, November 28, 2010.

  1. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Hmm, interesting Grind.. i love how you say near impossible to stop an Assassin up close when you of your abilities is to stop an Assassin up close, and with your grapple its a 50/50 ringout. Now i don't know about you but when i play a Sniper i get money out of my ***. Theres no reason not to have Grapple Level 2 or Traps Level 2, thats all you need to successfully stop an Assassin. I've played both an Assassin and a Sniper respectfully a good amount of times in this situation, and i must say the Sniper has the upper hand up close by far. The only thing in this situation the Assassin has is cloak.. which the hum gives it away, charge grapple works only about 25% of the time if you have an ice trap (intellectuality placed)
  2. grindout

    grindout Member

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    Oh.. believe me, I can kill an assassin most of the time by knowing how to fight one, but Also, I play sniper a lot differently than most other snipers that I have actually seen. This is why I get credit I think.

    Stupid Assassins are easy to kill and trap. But good assassins know how to work around traps. And if you play with me, obsydiante can vouche for me, I am yelling at how my grapple won't go first and how the assassin is able to dash and grapple me so easily LOL.

    As a Sniper I PUSH! And kill people and bots to help the team. I notice a lot of snipers just camp back (this is a whole other story), but since I push up I use 2 traps to surround me usually and the third to slow bots down. My traps are to help cover an area, but NOT to be place with me standing still and the traps litterally on either side of me. Because of this, the assassins jump up abiliity can put them between me two traps and near me. Yes I hear them and I fight them but they just dash and grapple. Maybe I severely suck at grappling, but pretty sure that isn't entirely it.

    In the end I don't think anything should be buffed for any class even my crappy grapple as a sniper.

    Lastly - It may just be connection. Different connections yield to different outcomes and my connect isn't amazing
  3. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Alright, alright, my mistake on that one, you have to agree that whenever you hear someone say they play sniper, thats your first thought is they just sit back and camp. Although i have to disagree about it being a crappy grapple, but that's probably just because i'm on the other side of it, as well as you're on the other side of the Assassin's grapple.

    And i do agree with you on the Assassin doesn't need a buff, which i stated in earlier posted i don't even believe that they really got 'buffed'.

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