Assassin does not need a buff

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, November 28, 2010.

  1. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I feel the Assassin is fine as is. Apparently, I am the sole holder of that opinion.
  2. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    Thats what I've been lookign for and searching for! how ever what about juiced damage to turrets? and juice gain rate from bots?
  3. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    I'm really glad they're removing the cloak hum from friendly assassins. I hate it when a teammate cloaks behind me and distracts me from what I'm doing for no good reason.

    My only complaint about assassin beyond that is their juice + turret killing abilities. Is there any other class that's as good at destroying turrets?

    Think of the base case: assassin shows up at enemy base with juice and there are no enemy pros around. I don't play assassin much, so I don't have a ton of experience being on the assassin side of this situation, but I do have experience being on the other side of it. It seems that a juiced assassin can kill a level 3 lazer blazer in about 2 or 3 swings of the katana, and a level 1 rock-it in 3 or 4 hits.

    Combine that with the fact that they can sprint and cloak from one turret to the next, and I feel like the juiced assassin can take out 4 turrets easily.. probably 6 if you're really good at it (barring level 2 or 3 rock-its). Can any assassins weigh in on this?

    Now, I don't play all the classes all that much, but from my experience, I know I can only get about 3 turrets on a juice run as support or assault.. Sniper can barely even get one turret on a juice run. Gunner's mortar is pretty nasty against turrets when juiced, but there's that pesky range problem... you have to be far enough away with line of sight for the mortar rounds to split up, which makes it hard to attack more than one side of a base (3 turrets) at a time. Maybe tank can rival the assassin on turrets?
  4. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I don't think Assassins are OP'd (apart from their juice gain rate and turret destroying abilities when juiced, especially in unison) but boy oh boy are they pussies. And don't try to tell me they're not; if you're not playing Assassin like a *****, you're not playing Assassin right.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    no, when your juiced most of the time with ANY class, your playing like a *****. assassins just play conservatively at most.
  6. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    The way i see it fox, is the more vulnerable you make yourself, the more juice you get as a reward, like deploying and taunting gets you decent juice if you're being shot, but the assassin is always VERY vulnerable, so juice is her reward, as the support, you have one of the juiced assassin's most hated things, a firebase and a shotgun grapple.
  7. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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  8. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    The juice part has nothing to do with the being a ***** part. and no
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Juiced assassins in random games: "OMG OP!"

    Juiced assassins vs any co-ordinated 2(+) man team with any type of defense whatsoever: "LOL PINBALL!"

    Juiced gunner in either scenario (Unless you have a juiced or really good sniper): "**** my turrets."
  10. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    My shotgun's shells consist of 75% assassin blood.
  11. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Don't shoot me with that ****'s blood. Diseased.
  12. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    yeah, any firebase especially upgraded and hacked will take a juiced assassin out in a flash, and whenever I juice to take out turrents, with them shooting at you, pros shooting at you, and firebase shooting at you, and your sword flying across the screen it is impossible to tell what is going on sometimes. IMPOSSIBLE I TELL YOU!!!! so yeah hacked fire bases f**k US UP!!!!
  13. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Firebase is the best against a Juiced Assassin.. really nothing else will kill a Juiced Assassin other than a ringout. Even though you might say thats a Support thing, its more of an Assassin Armor thing, The Assassin's armor is ridiculously low, even with gold armor, which its designed that way, and that their not getting extra armor in the DLC, i wouldnt complain that theyre getting 'buffed' cuz theyre not
  14. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    all the dlc really does for us is make our only weapon more usable, well hopefully it will :)
  15. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    It just makes our slashes more powerful which isn't much as most of the slashes miss anyway (even if you point blank in front of them -_-)
  16. represent601

    represent601 New Member

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    well I use gold accuracy so I can cut the wing off of a gnat at 40 yards!! haha that would be a big sword :lol:
  17. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Is a Gnat the thing that flies around in Kinectimals.

    I hate that thing so please.
  18. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    I hear what you guys are saying about firebases, and once in a while I will have a hacked firebase in my base, but I tend to use my firebase for offense, not defense. Nothing turns the tides quite like a firebase taking out enemy bots right after they spawn. This also means I'm not sitting in the base all the time, so I can't always grapple a juiced assassin.

    I did have a challenging game last night at one point, and had 2 3.3 lazer blazers on the same side of our base. A juiced assassin came in and only got one of them before dying from them.

    This worked well, but I don't always have the time to earn enough money to build 2 lazers ($175 x 2) and get my hack to level 3 ($150 + $400) without losing all my turrets at some point.

    p.s.: Holy crap, DLC out tomorrow.. Can't wait!!!
  19. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    I'm still of the opinion folks need to chill on whining about assassins juicing until we see how much easier it is to deal with thanks to the dlc and the removal of the glitch to heal people to full randomly while juiced. In the rare instances where

    And if you are facing consistent juiced assassins in your base, swap to assault. Started doing that recently and the number of ringouts you can cause is hilarious. Tanks are pretty good at it too.
  20. grindout

    grindout Member

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    I finally read some of this thread.

    My Knowledge and Opinion:

    - I play sniper and basically that is it nowadays.
    - I have Astro A40's and can hear Assassins easily

    Now I believe assassins are either good or possibly nerfed in some aspects. They definitely don't need to have more power. They are the fastest in the game and can get away from basically anything (even with little health).

    As a sniper, I can kill an assassin when cloaked from a distance, but up close it is almost impossible. I have a Flak, Ice Traps, and Grapple. To be able to trap someone I need Level 2 traps and to Grapple and Kick someone away I need Level 2 Grapple. Flak Doesn't Do anything at level 1, but that is what I have to buy from the beginning. A level 2 Grapple doesn't kill and assassin and even a level 3 grapple won't kill an assassin (don't know if they need armor or not). A good Assassin can easily jump over ice traps and the dash that it has is ridiculous.

    The only thing I don't like is how the dash grapple can grapple anything over another person grapple. I will grapple an assassin before the are about to grapple me and still the win that battle. That would be the only thing I think should be changed, is the dash and grapple of it. It seems too easy.

    In the end I think nothing should be changed!

    There are quirks about every position in the game that people don't like and I could make a case for every one of them. But nothing needs to be made better! At this point at least.

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