Assassin Changes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by wazupwiop, April 26, 2011.

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  1. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Look at a video of grandprize they have shammas 1 lane PU5H in the other.

    XENONOX New Member

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    There needs to be change like Obama has stated in his presidency, but the direction we are being lead in this topic is simply wrong.

    If you read these post closely, there are many names that had been listed.

    The problem isn't the assassin, it is these listed names that you guys have thrown out that needs to be nerfed.

    ChaosFF7 has already left Xbox Live for the greater good of Canada, so you no longer have to fear this beastly player.

    I've been suspended for one day on April 9th, proving that the game is balanced, but I wasn't, so Microsoft had to take action to ensure the safety of the game lobbies.

    With the continuation of this elimination, the game will soon be balanced when all dangerous serial killers on Xbox Live are removed from the face of the Earth.

  3. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    The suspension has been lifted? Someone warn Im Seananners! He's in grave danger!
  4. xRustySpoon

    xRustySpoon New Member

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    I can't think of a single person that will agree with you wazup. Grappling in mid-air? I've already said this in another topic, but mid-air grapples is literally the worst idea I've ever heard.

    The assassin is good at killing enemy bots, escorting her own bots to the enemy money ball, take out the turrets once there, and ultimately bring down their ball. Killing pros becomes secondary to her primary goal. You should be killing people that get in the way of your primary goal, not the other way around.
  5. uzivatel

    uzivatel New Member

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    The constant jumping does look stupid...
    As a recreational assassin player, I would not mind having larger grapple window, but people would probably keep jumping like crazy anyway.

    XENONOX New Member

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    You're about 20 seconds too late.


  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    assassin should focus almost entirely on bots. the assassin should not be chasing people going for grapple kills.

    you know what? i want to change this thread:

    "Make the gunner mortar kill bots quicker so he can be really good at killing pros and still be a top 3 bot pusher"

  8. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    Disagreed again.
    The assassin has many flaws that do need to be fixed for better and for worse, but pushing bots is the primary job of the assassin. This comes hand in hand with taking out turrets when you can. Be it a firebase or a rock-it turret.
    I think you'l find that most assassin kill come from slashing.
    I'd like to see the Shurikens be improved slightly as it isn't quite there yet, but it still works fine.
  9. xRustySpoon

    xRustySpoon New Member

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    Oh look, an entire threads worth of people disagree with you. But by some grace of god you'll find a way to respond with another wall of text that tries to justify the changes you suggested.

    I can't wait.
  10. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I kinda think a mid-air grapple animation could be pretty cool.

    Clearly we have different ways of thinking. There are some major issues with the assassin, most of us agree on that. Where we disagree is in the changes that should be made.

    With this in mind, what are your guys' ideas on the balance changes?

    I won't be on the forums or my Xbox as constantly anymore. My schedule is filling with more important things to do, so that limits my time for games. I'll still play scrims with my team, but those will be few and far between.
  11. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    For me stutterstep is number one probably tied with getting shot by turrets, bots, etc. while definitely cloaked, followed by fixing lunge, after that smoke bomb host. Also although it's a more general bug, the skill switching thing where you accidentally wind up with the yellow skill instead of passive would be a nice fix too. These are the most aggravating things to me. I'm sure other people might have different lists.

    I bet we eventually see the assassin armor nerf too. While I would currently disagree with that I don't have the PC version so I haven't played around with it to really know one way or the other.
  12. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I have been told that the assassin lvl 2 dagger and katana is going to get a lot more firepower. Aparently even a gold armor gunner will die from a level 2 assassin backstab. The katana is going to heavily damage a tank to the point where they are going to die in a slash or two afterwards.

    An armor nerf would be kinda mean, but with the increased firepower, it is probably a good thing.
  13. iX Torment

    iX Torment New Member

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    I hope not. A one-hit to all classes except the tank isn't enough?
  14. TehRussBus

    TehRussBus New Member

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    I hope to God that this doesn't go through. My problem with the Assassin class is how annoying it is. Not the class itself, but what it does to lots of players. They go for kills and do almost nothing else. I'm tired of going tank and gunner because there are three Assassins on the other team. Are they going to kill me one on one? No probably not. But here's what I've noticed, and it's been happening to me more and more recently. I get doubled teamed by two assassins, one grapples me and the other one slices away. Even a Gold Armor Tank will die to bull**** like this. Overall, personally, I think grappling in a third person shooter game is a stupid idea, and the Assassin (a character heavily reliant on grapples) is a testament to that. "Good" assaults and snipers are a dime a dozen, but a good Assassin is almost impossible to come by. The reason for this is that I feel that the assassin does not have a proper place in this game. Tank kills bots just as well AND can take SO much more damage, gunners are better against turrets, and assaults do better money ball damage. Not that it is overpowered, I just wish there were a few changes made...
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  16. TehRussBus

    TehRussBus New Member

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  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    From where did you get that?

    Armor nerf = was not a big deal
  18. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    A member in my team/clan told me that in the next DLC the assassin was going to get more firepower in the form of more damaging grapples. He then went into specifics about the changes, but basically that is what he said.

    In the PC version, assassins have much more damaging grapples than on the Xbox if I remember correctly. These changes may roll over to the Xbox.
  19. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Well sorry to tell you, but a dagger backgrapple does 700 damage and that's exactly the amount of health a gunner has without armor.
  20. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    Let me give you some help, waz. Most people in fact think there aren't any changes that need to be made to the assassin, only improvements to the class's performance in laggy situations (along with the smoke bomb on host).

    The assassin is a beast. It's the last class I would think about dropping in a private match. Do yourself a favor and actually talk to the good players you like to name-drop. They will set you straight.
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