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Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by tinygod, February 3, 2011.

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  1. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    Re: Does assassin seem OP to anyone else?

    I didn't use that particular experience in the DIG server to claim that she is fine, but to prove that a good player that knows what to do can handle her. What i did used was my stats to justify my comment since it shows that i actually play as an Assassin, for better or for worse.

    Look, you started this topic claiming that you used the Assassin and that you had no problem using her effectively, yet i don't see any real evidence to actually believe that, so to me basically this is just another of those passive-aggressive "Hey guys, i don't want to QQ, BUT" topic that pops up every over day.

    Look into your stats and compare how many Assassins you have killed to every other class. She is not OP. I honestly don't have anything else to say about this topic.

    Oh and btw, it wouldn't have matter when i joined or what i did. St0neh is a good player that knew exactly what to do to counter my attempts.
  2. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Re: Does assassin seem OP to anyone else?

    yes but you kept saying that you purposely went out of your way that round to do the wrong things.

    I dont play assassin for KILLs, in fact I seldom have more than 4-5 a round.. that is my point.. saying oh you dont have a bunch of kills.. man I go out of my way to avoid fighting pros... i'll leave if there are more than 1 or 2 in an area and go to where they are not.. I play as a bot killer and juice base rusher.. often picking times to spam shrukiens at the weaker turrets or to harrass a support until hes forced to relocate.. When I find a pro distracted I have 0 problems killing them.

    There are many ways to play a game, and topping K/D is not always imoportant, money earned is another subject, as I am consistantly in the top of that on scoreboards.

    Like I said I have 9 hours total game time, my stats are not going to be high, I have played sin maybe 3 hours. I came here with a question, hoping not to be flamed but knowing that I would be.. I proposed the question with respect hoping to find answers, perhaps to learn something.

    And to an extent I did, I learned 2 things

    1) Sins are OP in pugs but not so much in more organized matches. Good to know, and pretty much what I was looking for.. I was told some solid strategies for dealing with them and for using them.

    2) people really love the /facepalm response lol.

    I NEVER said I was amazing at sin, nor did I say I had all the achievements.. but pointout out a lack of achievements is a weak way of skating the points I brought up.

    You comments prove that sins are bad when they focus on killing one guy and wrecklessly attempt to do so even though he knows you are coming.. well yeah. thats true. But what if hes not fighting a pro or a good player, what if hes doing the PVE portion of the game so to speak.. taking out bots and turrets..

    its that, that I think hes too good at... add in the ability to murder any pro who is distracted (as we are all want to be from time to time) and hes got too much utility..

    If there were better ways of defending the bots in your lane, this would be far less of an issue... perhaps in organized games where players really do push their lanes Sins start to fall short. And that is the general response I got from the players who bothered to actualy respond with logic. So i'm willing to say in short.

    Got cha, I see your point.. this is why we ask, to learn.

    My only complaint is that in PUGS then they shine really hard.. so perhaps I just need to find more organized servers to play on and my problems will be alleviated.
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I'm locking this on request of the OP.
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