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Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by feedle, April 10, 2013.

  1. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Generalizing what's expected of support over the last couple years I think was heavily influenced by the fact that newer people/less slaying skilled players gravitate toward it. Not too often do you see a slayer with a good grasp of the game taking support in a private match because it usually leaves you vulnerable on the front lines having a weak slayer on any of the 3 slayer classes. Last night me and Shammas predetermined we would each play support. We got off to a hot start from my airstrike taking out the gunner and its much easier to fight running downhill, especially at steel peel.

    Support has alot to offer and with such a large influx of new interested players I hope more experienced slayers leave the front line classes to be taken up by the newer people. if not the game will be the same people as always duking it out with role players feeling unappreciated or being criticized on poor performance, or a mismatch if one teams slayers play slayers and the others play the other 3. I feel we should show what so many people for years wanted to see in a very aggressive multidimensional style of support play, and more tanks with a more diverse skill set than railgunning bots playing it safe. Not to mention the stigma of a support going big will always be funny, tanks flying all over deathwish choke points is great, and it just makes for a much more entertaining time

    I appreciate the compliments of my support. Thanks peeps
  2. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    I'm not referencing that match, I'm speaking about in general. We'll likely never see the game played anywhere near its full potential because everyone is SO bad.
  3. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    The reason we have 1 per class is so idiots don't play 3 assaults and 2 assassins because they can only play one class. Feedle, I would really try and become average at the game before you try and teach people, because you're just teaching them bad habits. Why does everyone get slaughtered when they play H&S? Because we're much, much better than you. Why is everyone scared to play us? Because we're much much better than you. Why does everyone want to play private matches where the goal is COMPETITION, yet shy away from actual COMPETITION? Because you're all idiots and you suck. Period.
  4. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    OK, let's say, it is for COMPETITION. No one wants to get slaughtered because it is no fun; there is no COMPETITION. Even if someone did since you are so much better, you shouldn't want to play at all since no one can provide you with COMPETITION - oh wait, that isn't true at all is it? You DO want to play.

    So why then? To act like you are better than everyone and trash talk? Any moron can do that - Roostieclan, Alpacalips and Dookeye do that all the time and are no better for it. In fact, much worse. But I don't think you are that kind of guy.

    I just don't get it. If it is no competition, and you say the POINT is to compete, then inviting you to play is pointless? Why then come back and play? Are you just bored with pub stomping and want to PM stomp now? What is your objective?
  5. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    We try to encourage people to make teams so they can improve and learn, but everyone just wants to play pub privates. I have 1000x more fun playing with teammates that are on my level, don't you? I can't think of any other game where the best are forced to play with awful players instead of improving with their team. True skill shines through when there's something on the line and you have something to play for, but that hasn't happened for 2 years on this game.
    And the main reason I play is because someone always begs me to.
  6. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    So, you just want to play with your friends who are supposed to be a team for a change?

    Shoot, why didn't you just say so instead of just trying to goad someone into it? OK, I will bite. Why the hell not, it could be fun. Give me up to a month to work out the kinks, and I will take you up on a team fight. Will you guys be brining Kckzi back, or is he out for good? (he hasn't done a current era PM but I imagine he would do an XXXX vs H&S match). I just need to know who I will be up against, so let me get my other five and you can get your other 0-3, depending on if Kckzi is coming and if Gunked and Woyldman are officially H&S or not...they weren't for MNC but I know they are for GoME, and I would love to have one or both of them available to choose from.

    Sound good? My host though :cool:

    I would love suggestions and volunteers!

    But you know I don't take this game that seriously; maybe you want to play against someone who cares more?
    Last edited: April 11, 2013
  7. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    I just want to have a team or 2 to play against so I can play with mine. We've tried doing this a thousand times and people always back out.
  8. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    I know. I expect it will happen again. But mostly because, you know, herding cats. I will chat with you about in private later, if that's cool.
  9. thegemicide

    thegemicide Active Member

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    I will be expecting someone's call ;)
  10. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    You are on my list gem
  11. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Anyone who had any actual interest in playing competitive privates, while still having fun was instantly turned off.

    I can probably name a bigger list of players who loved the matches, but hated the community than a list of active players.
  12. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    I had a team w sigmar, josh, mudkip and youse guys begged sigmar to quit because you were scared of losing. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard the bs from you and miracle begging him to quit. Where is he now? Where's push? Where's ace? Mlg intervention? Etc... as for new players I think your scared of them trying to learn cause it might hurt your ego losing to them. You know what id like to see... you and chron make a team and play each other... gunk on one miracle on the other. Maybe you would have some competition ? Either way us pm pubbers can form a team. Just name your team and the rules. I got nothing to lose. Your right I'm a bad influence and such a shitty leader. You had new players which failed to instruct last night after picking our team. But then again they should know everything cause they played pubs and you wish to belittle people. We have fun playing while you losing a game makes your **** shrink
  13. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Its different now... we play to have fun and give everyone a shot... heck even rpw played today
  14. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Sigmar sucks, Josh sucks and Mudkip is about 85% as good as Rusty. Sigmar was real good back when there were maybe 3 clawing gunners. Big whoop. He was worth recruiting at the time.

    Ace was only on GP because he had soft hands. Tru story.

    @Shammas, the best times I have had competitively were against H&S -- aside from the matches we played against lockdown where we all ran bronze juice endorsements to mock DemonSeed. I would love to put together a team to play you folks again. Sadly, I worked very well with the original TEG and really can't think of 5 others that I could team with that wouldn't suck testes. So ... you can keep on bein' lonely, homey.
  15. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Feedle, your stupidity just bewilders me.
  16. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    This coming for someone who votes me aggressive then says im not aggressive
    Im still wondering how chron still out played you on support if your so good at every class
    How come you can't get an uber on support?

    This is what this is all really about... your ego
    You make yourself look stupid and eat your own words then you can't handle it so you want to get your best friends to gang up on people....

    Doesn't really work to well... whats the ole saying...
    Never bully a bully?? Never troll a troll?
    Never throw rocks at a guy with a machine gun?
    Never tell someone off and not expect a puch in the face?

    Why do you always need chron and miracle to help you out when you get yourself into these situations?

    Cause your a coward thats the problem
  17. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Thats when we all played with juice and chaining was fair game. We worked well as a team and watching GP fall appart was one of the greatest things to happen.

    All because some moron drove everyone off his team away
  18. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    I am going away for the weekend so let's keep up the good times. Videos are being uploaded.
  19. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    ive been watching them.. very interesting matchups and games
    also nice rebound on the last video where you got the ball down and almost juiced it
  20. joker

    joker Active Member

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    As much as some of this sounds like a good idea in theory it's just that splitting H&S members then an additional 3-4 per side has been done countless times in past PMs because very very rarely were we ever together when picking teams.

    It looks like we're stacking an all star lineup on the surface but we like playing together because we're also a group of good friends. Over the last 2&1/2 years since I met those guys we've played about a dozen or so other games together, several teaming together in those games with the rest being games like dungeon defenders and minecraft. Combine that with the rarity of us gettin to play together in MNC PMs you can see why we like to attempt to be on the same team in PMs even if it is just to play the non slayer classes. We simply just like playing together.

    In PMs lately when I'm captain I pick people who talk and I like to have fun with. I think Gem was my second pick yesterday when I knew I wasn't playing a slayer and a handful of slayers were still on the board. On top of that from what I can tell every PM organizer/player lately hates these people on their team, so why not just make both sides happy and let them have their fun. Il have my fun either way, YOLO TANK

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