Ask Gray Fox

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by grayfox, August 25, 2012.


All Pros, barring exploits, are well balanced. Outliers are within Δ10% overall efficiency.

  1. Yes

    42 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but with greater stretch.

    27 vote(s)
  3. No

    22 vote(s)
  1. donut7577

    donut7577 Active Member

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    Eggo waffles OP; nerf nao plz
  2. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I know right? Haven't had one in years, but i used to DEVOUR THE HELL OUT OF THEM.


    Out of the Freezer?

    Covered in ice?

  3. hotcakes

    hotcakes New Member

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    I keel Grayfox in combat. Where are your eggos now?
  4. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    At the hockey game.

    When you got as many eggos as me, you gotta hire background puppet master guys to carry em around for you.
  5. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    It was sorta touched on earlier so I thought about it. Why not have every relevant skill that targets players do at least one damage to ensure assist bonuses?

    I'd extend this question to even shave ice turrets (1 damage per second, would stop regeneration if a pesky Sin like me was just camping out near it cutting it down behind your back because I had nothing better to do). It'd also help in blitz with boosting bot tagging credits.
  6. bloodvizor

    bloodvizor Active Member

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    Dear GrayFoxy

    Many pros have boob jiggle physics, but not all of them. How would you address this obvious balance oversight.
  7. gravian

    gravian New Member

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    90% more jiggle for the Vet, obviously.
  8. Just1more

    Just1more Active Member

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    veteran is overused

    nerf unfunny overused veteran jokes please
  9. nlyten

    nlyten New Member

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    Why does it say in the pro tips that you can jump over Gunner slam when you can't?

    Why are sharpshooters so strong in CQC?

    Why does gunslinger exist?

    Why do people keep claiming assault is underpowered when he isn't?

    Why does the Tank have a blind grenade?

    Why do I never win any of the raffles?

    When will the new female enforcer be released?
  10. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    While it isn't the cleanest of solutions, and one would hope for just getting assists via the action naturally, it's a change I've long held as a good idea. The only thing one should give pause on is Shave Ice. You could get too much money in both Crossfire and Blitz. Player kills giving assist credit when in Shave Ice, I understand.

    Veteran belly jiggle. All male Pros be given a head piece that gives them dainty locks of hair which flow in the wind.

    I have wanted a Veterinarian uniform since alpha.

    "It", quite descriptive there aren't you. Two things. One, whatever "it" is may likely be outdated text from before Slam was buffed to allow an un-jumpable innerr radii. Two, there is a jumpable outer radii. For a long time, I was advocating a dome-shaped Slam so the skill would stop being so useless (some other testers voiced slam buffs too, of course). The inner cylinder was the end result.

    This used to miff me to no end about Sniper. Then Sharpshooter HP was nerfed below Commando HP. Artemis and Gunslinger grapple are interesting. They do good damage and are long animations. If done on your side of the map or near teammates, somebody gonna get a hurt real bad. If done on the enemy side of the map, you're probably killing yourself by standing still so long. Sniper's abilities are more about ambush prevention than ambush escapism. The only thing that makes me sad about Sniper is that Sniper Rifle grapples are so rare. It's almost always an SMG kick-grapple these days (SMG curve kicks, Sniper Rifle straight kicks).

    For her shooting pleasure.

    Higher skill floor than most. When you play with new people or those less skilled at the game, you will see Pros playing at efficiency levels closer to their skill floors than their skill ceilings. All humans are logical, even those experiencing insanity. We all run on the set of information we have, plus the set of information we perceive to have, then assumptions. Many people will outcry a false balance claim based on taking the efficiency they have seen of Pros in low to medium skill matches as their ceilings rather than their floors or in-betweens. Ceilings make balance. Floors make accessibility.

    Because you gonna get blinded. Tank could have a different long range ability that matches up as a good CQC ability if aimed well, but Uber chose a blind grenade. This, coupled with other skills and factors of Tank play, make tank the more close-range minded, PvE centric of the Enforcers.

    Probability dictates you shouldn't. Even now, winning one would still be lucky. Tell me when probability demands greater than a 50% chance for you to win via multiple rolls, and then we can call you unlucky.

    I have no data on this claim. Even if I did, I would likely not be allowed to spread privy. In fact, spread privy, is a bit of an oxymoron.
  11. wthermans

    wthermans New Member

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    Why does Product Grenade blind even if it doesn't hit a target? Isn't it a bit stupid that you can fire it down a hallway, not hit anyone and still blind anyone along the arc? Why is the Tank rewarded for bad aim?

    Why are grapples such a core part of the game when the game engine cannot properly handle the hit detection for them and as such they are wildly inconsistent? Isn't is a bit detrimental to the player experience for something that is so punishing to be the equivalent of a roll of the dice?
  12. hotcakes

    hotcakes New Member

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    Why is solo queue so unbearable to play?

    Why can't I play pickup games without queuing for an hour now?
  13. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I'm sorry to say that's impossibru. Product grenade will blind on activation. Activation occurs from direct hit on target or explosion after a set time. The explosion has a radii of damage. If the target is in the radii, they are blinded.

    Grapples are ping and reaction time dependent. There is a grace height for which one can be grappled off the ground. Past that height, you cannot be grappled. If you experience an air grapple, it is because the enemy perceived you as on the ground, and the root cause is ping difference. Disgruntling as it may be for some, keeping a track of ping will alter your tactics and save your life. For me, this occasionally means I won't attack certain players unless I'm given a surprise entrance. At other times, I might choose a class that has to deal with grapples less. At no point would I call it a roll of the dice. All data is known and present.

    That said, there could be a mystical world of SMNC that did something instead of grapples or had them be less prevalent. I'd say we're too far down the rabbit hole to shake that up now.

    For the record, I once even advocated making air grapples a natural occurrence so that it was consistent. Going way, way back, Assault even had an air grapple ability in MNC Alpha. It ended up not working well with the engine coding. Unreal is a great engine for churning game content out, but it comes with its drawbacks.

    Low population means less possible balance means lower quality matches than high population. At least in true solo queue, no one is communicating. In pick-up, you better be ready to pick-up, as in carry. I would not recommend playing any class that can't handle itself in solo queue. Playing a class that is teamwork reliant or centric is asking for failure. My only advice is to be the best like no one ever was. If you give me a video, I can critique play action.

    I don't know. I've been playing Turbocross as of late for instant queues and general enjoyment of carnage. With no brackets in Turbo, however, there can be some heavily disappointing rounds thanks to novice play. Sometimes, I can queue Super Crossfire pick-up and be in game in seconds. Sometimes, it can take over 30 minutes. I wish I kept tabs on it so I had a data set. In general, your queue time can also go up as you become better at the game. Such is the price of wanting to be the very best.
  14. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    harry is as harry does
  15. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I think I saved your account from the flames. There are reasons things don't come out.
  16. sasuke2490

    sasuke2490 New Member

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    when will this game be optimized for lower end computers
  17. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Is it true that if I kill you, I become you?
  18. mego950

    mego950 New Member

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    If you eat yourself, do you become twice as big or disappear completely?
  19. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    No idea. I have a GTX 260 and it runs fine for me. Granted, I have a quad core processor and 9gigs of RAM.

    Most of the time, no. A hefty majority of my deaths are in the midst of uneven odds. The same could be said of most players - such is the way of solo queue. If you kill me on even ground, it would necessitate you had equal or higher skill. In that case, you could be considered "Gray Fox" equivalent in skill, I suppose. If you ask me, wins matter, not kills.

    If I eat myself, I have consumed twice as many eggos.
  20. soviet15

    soviet15 Member

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    What do you think of Support balanced-wise?

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