Armor isn't worth much now (Post DLC)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by xX Ript3r Xx, December 14, 2010.

  1. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    Every class except for maybe the Assault has a glaring weakness.The gunner is crazy strong, but his huge weakness is the periods of vulnerability that come with waiting for his health to regen or his gun to reload. It should absolutely be like this.
    The reason Assaults are taking you out from far away is because you aren't spun up, he has crits, or you aren't using any accuracy endorsements.
  2. CLD

    CLD New Member

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    as far as the tank goes , the rail gun can wipe out the gunner at long range now. And you really have to work with the mortars to even be able to hit anything at long range. as far as the dist. v. dmg. goes, it seems that the dmg starts to fade right about the same dist. that the mortars split.

    I'm not really asking for the Tank/Assault to be nerfed (with the exception of the cool down times for thier skills and maybe reduce the knockback for the assault lvl 2 charge) I'm more or less asking they fix the glitches to where they can still hit you AFTER they die. Either that or let the gunner slam hit you after death and make it so that it does not take a sec or two after you hit the button to actually go off and that it is not so dam easy to jump over. you cant jump over a Assault/Tank charge so why is it so dam easy to jump over a slam. Make the slam a sphere effect perhaps? which would fix another issue I have with it, that if a pro is just even SLIGHTLY above or below the slam, it doesn register.
  3. CLD

    CLD New Member

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    actaully dude I'm always spun up with the duals...still ridiculous on how every other class (except Support) has a long range weapon. Ya Gunns still got mortar, but its WAY more trickier to aim those than any of the other long rrange weps.
  4. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Mortars aren't hard to aim as long as you know how to comphensate for the arc. Their weapons are their strength, and their Slam and Grapple are mostly to protect him at close range when he's reloading. The minigun is far stronger than the assault rifle, even if the assault has gold rate of fire, as it simply can't match the sheer volume the minigun puts out. The rifle though has better natural accuracy than the minigun, as well as passive criticals. The only way a gunner can match the rifle's accuracy and criticals without endorsements is to deploy.

    The assault's weakness is that he has no unique strength, so use your own class's unique strength to overwhelm them, or at least to make them run. As for armor and health, guess what, that's what the support is for. This game is based around teamwork after all. True lone wolves can only do so much.
  5. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Completely wrong. I one of the best gunners in the game. I almost always have my gunner spun up unless someone gets the drop on me which isn't often. Crit shouldn't make such a difference and I use accuracy 1 because my damage sucks with any higher.
  6. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    By the time you shoot a mortar someone can easily dodge it at long range. And Deploy is the worst skill in the game besides shielding from headshots I prefer to use the tanks over the gunners but thats still such a slim chance. We don't want them to run they need to drop. Only a cowardly person has a support follow them every where. Over heal me then go. A good player don't need the extra help. It is based about team work but 1 person can make the difference.
  7. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    How did this thread go from the armor started to seem less useful after DLC to "oh no they nerfed range on the gunner they no longer know how to balance"? Boo hoo they took your range away gunners were rivaling snipers in their effectiveness to take someone down at range. The mortars really arn't that hard to hit and if the person you are shooting at see's them coming why keep shooting? I've never had a problem with the gunner grapple its a hilarious skill that really should be used more as in the right hands it can take out even juiced tanks just have to aim it right.

    I've seen the slam hit after the person died so I have no idea how you haven't. Slam isn't as useful I'll agree to that but thats because very gunner was using it as their sole defensive abillity and thats why everyone is so gung-ho about the grapple being useless.

    Like the gunner was the only class to take a big hit after the DLC. The supports airstrike is basically a one time per life use if even that but people have learned to adapt to that so why can't you do the same?

    As far as the op goes I've never noticed a difference in armor strength and I've been running it gold on most of my classes Pre-dlc and post-dlc.

    As far as you guys being on of the top gunners. I think that stands to argue itself.
  8. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I can't believe someone's complaining about Gunners. And think about this, what if they did every single thing that you wanted done?
  9. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    EVERY class has a range they are poor at.
    Assault - Long
    Assassin - Long
    Support - Long
    Tank - Mid
    Gunner - Long
    Sniper - Mid

    thats how it is, gunner does not need to be buffed, and assaults lose at long ranges with automatic weapons, ive tested it. dont be such a pansy about them nerfing your favorite class, deal with it or get a new class/game.
  10. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Grenade Launcher.
  11. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    anyone has a passable long-range weapon, but some of them arent great. i swap out th the GL in long-range battles, and my GL kills are around 180, vs 7k AR kills.
  12. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Would be a much better game.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    so you want the class that is the best at killing pros AND bots to have no weaknesses aside from a sniper? ask deadeye what he thinks, or officer, or jen. all of them probably play gunner more than you (and by the sound of this complaint, better as well) and i havent heard a peep from any of them on the subject. get over it, uber isnt going to tailor make this game friendly to you and nobody else.
  14. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Your retarded. What I said has nothing to do with making a class that can push bots and kill players. It's a simple motto about how the game is too easy to get kills even when you pick up the game for the 1st time. Had nothing to do with the gunner. Besides Deadeye does vulture and juice whore quite a bit. Even with a team I still killed him plenty of times joining late with the worst team possible. Those other 2 I have no clue who they are. I don't think they are important. Besides I don't think anyones opinion about a class is. On this site we got morons who think things are overpowered when they aren't. Before the patch the game was great but we had babys complaining about classes being overpowered when the only one was snipers juice abilities. They would have done thing with that the game wouldn't be so noob friendly and be funner than already is. Playing a class more than someone else don't make them better. Skizofrantik and ChaosFF7 are the only really good flying gunners I've ever played and I can beat them both and they can do the same to me. Unlike deadeye they don't juice as often to do well. Just cause people don't post on this stupid forum don't make their opinions any less valid cause Deadeye and officer and jen aren't gods everyone has a say whether or not the game is fine or not. I know uber won't tailor to myself cause they don't listen to everyone but I'm going to throw my opinion out there anyways. maybe if they listened to more people the game would be better.
    To tell you the truth I heard less complaints before patch then now.
    Food for thought
    Also let me add me and Deadeye kill each other about the same on normal terms. 1st game I played with him he killed me more. 2nd I killed him more. Thats the only times i've played him
    Last edited: December 20, 2010
  15. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I must catch Deadeye on off days. I don't really see him juice all that much.

    Trust me, the Gunner is not overpowered. He's a great pro slayer if your aim is fine.
  16. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Haha you must both games I've played he gets going and it dont stop lol. Agreed he is not overpowered. He's pro slayer and I never saw a overpowered gunner he isn't great for bots and hes decent at turrets.
  17. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    Only decent at turrets? Are you serious? His mortar tears through turrets and you don't have to be right next to it to do so
  18. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Hey man, I'm not sticking up for my pal, but you are completely idiotic.
    Armor Gold is probably the mose useful endorsement on a gunner for all the people who kamakazie. I use to use gold armor on the Gunner, but now Acc is probably my most used gold endorsements. You really need to get your facts straight before asking to get an armor buff on the class with the second highest health.
    If you were to post logical reasons on why you wanted Armor to be buffed, rather than
    I would fully respect your ideas.
    Other than that...

  19. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Difference between your babble midget is I said it wasn't AS useful. Didnt say it was completely useless. Get your facts straight and learn to spell my name scrub.
  20. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    On this site we got morons who think things are overpowered when they aren't. Before the patch the game was great but we had babys complaining about classes being overpowered when the only one was snipers juice abilities.
    textbook definition of irony

    They would have done thing with that the game wouldn't be so noob friendly and be funner than already is.
    ok, what?

    Unlike deadeye they don't juice as often to do well.
    i have played several games with him, and the most i have seen him juice in one match is 3, and that isnt much considering the amount of money he pulls out of each match

    Just cause people don't post on this stupid forum don't make their opinions any less valid cause Deadeye and officer and jen aren't gods
    never said they were, but they definitely know their classes very well, and they arent complaining

    and the entire basis of your argument is that you got killed by an assault with armor, then you got killed by an assault without armor. the duration isnt anything i can believe you about, because if you got killed by him, the difference was probably 2 seconds vs 3, which is hard to calculate if you are in a battle intense enough to lose.

    btw, they did NOT change the affect of armor on the gunner.

    i <3 topics that people make about their favorite class being underpowered.

    all that being said, i run a gunner with and without the armor, and i can see plenty of a difference. let me leave you with a gem of wisdom:
    When the developers change something, it isnt because everyone complains about it. they change it because it has been brought up as a problem by the community, and they do their in-house testing to see if it does need a change. after that, they change it as they see fit. you seem to be the only one here that seems to think that armor is useless, as everyone else here believes it to be one of the top 3.

    they will NOT give the gunner more armor; nor will they give him the ability to reload during a taunt. if the developers change something about your character strategy, you have one of 3 options.

    1. adapt your playstyle
    2. find yourself a different class to play
    3. if none of the above, go find yourself a different game

    and until you can bring something to the table that is anything other than "your dumb", you lose all credibility.

    ...and you have awful grammar

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