Are we allowed to make commanders available to those who haven't purchased them in server mods?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by stuart98, October 17, 2014.

  1. swizzlewizzle

    swizzlewizzle Active Member

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    Ah yes because hiding modded games by default, a thing that could be changed in a few minutes, shows just how much they want to help give you guys exposure. /s

    I'm not saying they have not done anything to help us mod - I'm saying they are blocking us on some key areas and have no idea why you keep defending them like they have already given us "enough" or something.

    You paid them for full support of mods now stop being fanboys and hold them to their promises.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Yes actually, it does make sense for modded games to be hid by default for now. One big reason is the fact icons do not load in server mods, and require a client mod. This means if anyone joins a game with new units, they'd have a grand time looking at broken icons.

    I paid them, and I'm definitely getting what I paid for, and I paid 290 dollars.

    Stop it with this whole fanboy thing, you obviously can't have a conversation without insulting someone because you can't come up with a good argument.

    Edit: I would love for that icon bug to be fixed, it's because icons are loaded through the engine before a game, sadly.
    Bsport and Fr33Lancer like this.
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    With that kind of mindset you'll never be a good modder. Not even in a game like SC2 that has a HUGE team of people just working on the map editor (I assume they have xD).
    Modding is all about using the tools you have been given and figure out how to use them to achieve what you want. It's like a gigantic software puzzle only waiting to be solved by you.
    If you expect a perfectly solved "click here and there and then here" for whatever modding idea you have you'll never be good at modding as there will _always_ be some part in the modding tool chain missing from the moment on you try something more interesting.
    I am quite certain we do have all knowledge we need to know about the file formats involved (btw afaik Uber gave some of us the file definitions so the first versions of the converters could be written), but only few people around here seem to be willing to crack their head against a wall for a bit to use them.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I hate to say it, but how hard could it be to make 1 pointy-model, 1 square model, and 1 round model generic-looking commander to rig to existing bones and import into game?
    Statera and RCBM both did it abundantly. Read: GET GOOD, YOU MUST BE GREAT AT CLEANING ACNE BECAUSE YOU ARE A PORE SCRUB. lol.
  5. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    I don't understand why you need 12 commanders to do this. Obviously it would be nice to have an aesthetic choice, but if all you're doing is changing the stats based on the chassis, you'd get the full functionality you need by just using one each of the types.

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