Anyone Have Home-Turret Building Tips?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Wile E Coyoteee, August 26, 2010.

  1. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Sadly true. Sad because I'd like to see turrets play a larger part in the game. I generally skip making them, unless we're completely turret-less and low on defenders on one side. Unless I'm playing support defensively, in which case I generally stick with lazer 3.3s because they ARE going to get destroyed/hacked at some point if your opposition is half decent. Juiced players will kill them for certain and most turrets on most maps can be taken out from a safe distance in seconds by players who know what they're doing.

    I'd like to see all turrets get a health boost. If Juice is staying the way it is, turtling won't be an issue even with stronger turrets, but you might at least stand a chance of keeping SOME turrets when that juiced host assassin comes unstoppably dancing through your base.
  2. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Right now the only reason I upgrade turrets is when I'm playing support and I upgrade the original rocket turrets as part of my defense strategy. It seems that's the only way turrets can be viable is when a support sits there with his heal gun to protect it.
  3. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    After studious research, I am here to please my public!

    Professional turtling expert here. Building turrents is what I do, and it works out great (if you know what you're doing).

    I ran a few tests earlier to see how long it would take a certain turrent to kill a Gold-Armor, level 3 passive Tank (Highest HP in the game unjuiced). All my results will be posted in my guide, but for the sake of this thread, I'll post what I found interesting:

    • Lazer Blazers
      • 1.0 - 66 seconds
        2.0 - 22 seconds
        3.0 - 7 seconds
        3.3 - 4 seconds

      • 1.0 - 8 seconds
        2.0 - 6 seconds
        3.0 - 4 seconds
        3.3 - 2 seconds

      • 1.0 - 8 seconds
        2.0 - 7 seconds
        3.0 - 7 seconds
        3.3 - 4 seconds

    As for keeping juiced Assassins out, it's all about cooperation. It is possible to solo it (Hacked Shaveice + Hacked Firebase works out fairly well), but not recommended.

    A fellow Sniper can lay down icetraps to catch Assassins mid-juice. Making use of this, he (and/or you) can grapple them to waste juice or ring them out.

    The Tank's charge (any) + Rail Gun grapple is also fairly effective, as the Tank's grapple is the only grapple in the game that doesn't need an upgrade to throw, and their charge is known to barrel down Assassins.

    Assault charge 3 is also helpful, as you don't have to get too close to the Assassin to ring her out.

    Gunner slam is fairly obvious, as it is the cause for most Assassin ring-outs.

    A Support's only real, no-assistance-required way of killing a Juiced Assassin is a counter-Juice, in which the Shotty will take one out in 2-3 shots, even if she's Juiced.

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