Anyone from the Total Annihilation Community?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kdm, November 2, 2012.

  1. Skirmisher

    Skirmisher New Member

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    I'd hardly call TA "in the past" like it's being talked about. It's still alive and well with a thriving community, and you can even buy it online at GOG as a digital download (originally $6, now on sale for $3!). TA: Escalation (the mod Ratchet linked above), in fact, is arguably the most active mod (and 5.0 is super outdated, check the forums for 6.2) and is constantly played online (and even comes with complimentary gigantic balance "discussions" in the forums! :roll:).

    If you're interested in TA, I'd recommend you grab it cheap from GOG and look around TAUniverse (especially the forums) to get up to date on what's being done with TA these days. (There's a community 4.0 patch coming out soon, too, and you can beta-test it!)

    As for myself, though, I've been playing TA (albeit off and on) since somewhere in the early 2000s (I don't remember, I was 5 or something :p), but I really got started around 2010 when I discovered TAUniverse after pulling out the TA discs again and searching around for TA info. I have stints of online play, and I'm still pretty active on the TAU forums!
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Hell yeah! Hi Pet0sh, ertwyu and Polarstar!

    Now where's SpecialFred dammit?
  3. gnug215

    gnug215 New Member

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    Hey all!

    I'm seeing a couple of familiar faces in here. :)

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