i've only been able to play scale 2 planets ... and i do not like them , start locations are too close to eachother
Also id like to ask, what size of planet do you think would best represent the games default balance, and the size best for competitive play? Which leads me onto, what kind of system would be best for the default balance, and then the competitive play?
i would be guessing at least a scale 3 planet, a moon or two, and maybe a scale 2 planet, just guessing though, can't get that to run as of yet
What are you talking about? A med sized scale 2 planet, and NO other objects in system is the perfect map.... say....450-550 radius,..... right now orbital is broken and unfair so other planets and roids suck A scale two is the perfect fun match, I really love scale 2 map with a 4 way FFA or 2v2 getting T2 is not advised
I only play on scale 2 planets. Anything larger is usually too passive and gets quite boring. Not to mention my laptop doesn't really handle larger planets well. 4 way FFA on a single 2 scale planet is perfect.
A single planetary object game would kinda be beyond the idea of the game , at least in my opinion. It's all about smashing planets into each other. You like small planets, i prefer larger planets and some extra objects. Personal preference ...