Another News Channel Just Lost My Respect

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Geers, July 27, 2014.

  1. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    3,149 no argument just laughter. If you wouldn't mind educating yourself on this stuff? it really is no laughing matter. People die and have their lives ruined by weed.
    knickles likes this.
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Well when drug policy was studied by the Science Select Committee (a committee of independent experts put together by the government) in the UK back in 2006, you know what one of the most devastating drugs was? Alcohol. Third worst. Weed doesn't come close.

    And yes, that was taking into account number of users.
    aevs likes this.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    There have been zero recorded deaths by Marijuana. ZERO! Life ruined by weed? Well if it wasn't that it would habe been something else.
    tehtrekd likes this.
  4. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Ruin ≠ death.
    igncom1 likes this.
  5. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Replace Weed with Tobacco. Or Alcohol. Same story.

    Not that I even support legalised marijuana, but it's more because I don't care. Only care I have is that the stoner drug dealer from my old flatmate's friend circle stays the hell away from my new room.
  6. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Point taken. After reflecting, there really is no reason for me to be arguing about this - I have no stake in it.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  7. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Precisely. I have no particular care one way or the other. Though generally, I just prefer we trust people to make good decisions, not tell them what they can and cannot do - so long as others are not harmed by it. Once they harm someone, of course, throw the courthouse at them.
    mered4 likes this.
  8. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    It's funny, because a lot of the people defending legal weed aren't holding themselves to the same standards that we hold cigarette companies to. I mean, those guys got vilified over how they didn't tell folks smoking caused cancer and shortened your lifespan. Why not treat the drug dealers the same way? Afaik, all they say is 'Here's a way to get high, kid!' instead of 'This thing can be very addicting and could sideline everything else in your life'
    igncom1 likes this.
  9. phantomtom

    phantomtom Active Member

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    You can`t take away peoples little joys of life, do you think the only people are the people ho think and look like you?
    i love the fact that i can smoke a littel weed everynow and then just cuz i like it, just as i like drinking, i love the fact that i choose to not because someone does.
  10. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I'm completely fine with your decision. I'm just going to politely request you stay at arm's length from my future kids. :) Just as you can politely request me to "leave me the hell alone."

    "Little Joys" are golfing and going to church and the like. "smoking weed to get high" is not a little joy - and it's an especially risky one, tbh.

    Careful Phantom. I may come across as overbearing, but if you can hit me with some hard facts, I can be persuaded on most issues. Trying to insult me ad hominem and accuse me of being narrrow-minded is a logical fallacy.
  11. phantomtom

    phantomtom Active Member

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    Weed is just like war, ancient. imo, you cant comb over everyone saying" people". the people you are defending are the people with an addiction/problem. there are loads of non addiction weed smokers out there, if everyone ho drank was alcohol dependent, then you would say they have a problem, yet you don`t see the world banning alk.
    i`m not insulting anyone i hope. I just think everyone should reconsider the horrible facts about weed.
  12. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    I only watch Uber's streams on twitch, so not much twitch lately :3
  13. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Evert day i see this thread title and think "another????" and then realize its the same thread
    Taxman66 and tehtrekd like this.
  14. Jaedrik

    Jaedrik Active Member

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    A thread about politics and other pressing human problems?!
    Sounds like my kind of thread!
    Come, everyone, let us join in the merrymaking of insults and general jerkfacery.

    As for weed, not only does it severely reduce the amount of insulation around the nerves, thus slowing and dispersing the neural signals sent and generally reducing their health, marijuana also permanently blocks many of the chemical receptors between nerves/brain cells, which leads to strong chemical habituation of 'chasing the white rabbit'. Another unfortunate side-effect of this is one suffers not being able to enjoy a degree of happiness from other sources, as the same chemical synapse is used for endorphin reception. In short, marijuana majorly slows down the brain and sucks a lot of happiness out of peoples' lives.

    Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about economics and politics other interesting things!

    Oh, the topic was about Twitch?
    . . . He's a pretty cool guy, he ignores ToS violations and doesn't afraid of IP suing.
    I get all my Smash Bros. needs.

    On Fox: etymologically, bias is an inclination or disposition which prevents unprejudiced view of a topic. Then, not only would one's methodology be wrong if they are biased, but the conclusion itself borne of false premises must also be false. Therefore, it is only just that, to be assured of someone's bias, one must have a full and comprehensive knowledge of the proper conclusion when considering a question, as well as the proper methodologies to attain this solution. Further, then, this solution must be true, for it is only with unprejudiced consideration of the question can truth be attained.
    Be careful before claiming bias, it's a monumental thing to prove.

    Edit: I remember when a lot of people that I knew were making fun of an article Fox published from an entertainment industry senior. This particular person was involved more with television than games, and he praised Xbox One at around the time when the whole videogame world was upset with them due their botching everything and lack of games. I promptly went onto their main site and found a separate article by another industry senior, this time actually with video games experience, who slammed Microsoft for the same reasons the rest of us were, and then some. I then went to shove it in their faces. Yes, I was mad, bro.
  15. Taxman66

    Taxman66 Well-Known Member

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    It took you this long to lose respect in BBC? It's just as bad as CNN, FOX and MSNBC.
  16. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I'm in Australia. I don't watch BBC and unlike Fox, nobody pays attention to it.
  17. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    lol. In Australia it's all Murdoch owned media except for ABC and SBS.

    Ironically, they're the only stations that will call out political bullshito when it happens... which is precisely why the Abbott Government wants to gut and sell them.
  18. Taxman66

    Taxman66 Well-Known Member

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    Lol more than 90% of journalists are on the left and they seriously favour Labor. And no, I doubt they're going to sell them - its all talk.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I'd like your sources for this "fact." Also chasing the white rabbit is LSD or Mushrooms. Not weed.

    Want to be enlightened? All in this thread research CBD (Cannabidiol) and then you'll learn marijuana does have medical benefits and that the human brain (and body) is made to receive it. Propaganda is not always the 100% true facts.
  20. Jaedrik

    Jaedrik Active Member

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    There's a study. I accidentally said Melanin instead of Myelin :p
    And to be more specific, THC blocks dopamine reception, and can do so permanently, thus reducing the overall effectiveness of communication between nerves. No wonder long term use can result in depression.
    Edit: the blockage occurs during the large increase in dopamine production induced by marijuana.
    Edit: more sources to corroborate:
    Last edited: August 5, 2014

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