Annihilation. Not Planetary. Better.

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by smoketh, August 27, 2013.

  1. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Your post wasn't in response to a comparison between opensource games.

    A person made a comment that 6 ugly girls(Spring) is less appealing than one pretty one(Planetary Annihilation). Now the desirability comparison could be anything from visuals to another perceived worthwhile attribute like gameplay. You chose to take the visual route, so I responded to that.

    You said Spring was pretty. It's not.

    Personally I don't give a damn how a game looks as long as it plays well. That doesn't mean I'll call an ugly game pretty.
  2. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    No he is mad or insane because that is terrible opinion from someone who doesn't understand stance of art quality in opensource non-commercial projects.
  3. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Case closed.
  4. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    You were the one who initiated to comparisons to commercial games, not me.

    EDIT:Why don't you stop being so pissy and grab yourself a soda.
  5. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    what is this thread even supposed to achieve?
  6. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    Hey all you people that paid for PA, go play these games instead.

    That's what I thought, anyway.
    MrTBSC likes this.
  7. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Just to give free alternatives for people who want a TA-style RTS fix, I guess. For free.
    No comment from me, I'm kinda indifferent to the whole RTS thing. I may end up getting PA though just if I have the money and it's on sale, cos it has some cool stuff.
  8. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    comparing a opensource game to a game that isn´t even finished nor optimised yet .. do i need to say more?
    does any of those spring games have interplanetary warfare or the option to throw asteroids on others or use them as unitlaunchers or weaponplattforms or does it have a deathstar i can bust planets with? no? .. then i´m not intrested
  9. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    First of all. as most of opensource games core is "finished" long time ago but balance patches roll out on regular basis. There is no such thing as "finished" when it comes to open-source - core mechanics and balance in both Zero-k and balanced annihilation are there, but new ideas and balance tweaks are getting added on regular basis.
    Second - unit launchers you say? I remember that from Supreme commander - and comparing to original total annihilation both supreme commanders were colossal turds. But yes - if you need to you can add unit launcher. I did so for testing with flea-cannon to example:

    Third - asteroid bombardment present in zero-k although it done by huge magnetic beam called zenith launcher. But when you really look at this- this is just a gimmick. Nuke launcher does same amount of damage in same radius in zero-k to example.
    You can do the same by separating map with dark impassable water and having it being 30x30 internal size - it will have roughly same tactical value. As for deathstar - that's another gimmick. It adds little to none actual gameplay rather than virtual ballsack-enhancing. Kroghot, flying fortresses in Tech Annihilation, Detriment in zero-k are at your disposal - same level of OP gimmicks, although works differently.
  10. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    What are you trying to achieve here Smoketh?
  11. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    i already achieved what i wanted - delivery of information, now i just defending it from my subjective standpoint.
  12. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    ... and you know that without the stuff being available and tested yet ? ...
    please just stop ... i watched enough zero k videos to know for sure that i´m not intrested in it
    could go as well go back to supcom fa or TA and download their mods and have more fun with those ...
    even if not optimised ...
    you didn´t actualy answer my question ... which was weither or not it has captureable asteroids that i eccestialy could use as pseudo spacecraft with various usage or a deathstar i could fight on, conquer and use against other planets ... i heavily doubt those will be just gimmicks as you say ... infact i see those beeing very viable objects to fight over and use in this game ...
    i wouldn´t had a problem if you just asked others to try the game as another alternative timekiller for when PA is out
    (because most of us or almost all in the PA forum are waiting for it)
    but your assumtion of it to be better even though the actual coregameplay isn´t fully implemented yet is just mindboggling
    therefore i can´t take you serious ... and instead of delivering information what you achived is to damage your reliability aswell as well as the image of the game you wanted to promote ... congratulations ...
    Last edited: September 4, 2013
  13. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    What you've actually achieved is aggravating a bunch of people who were already well aware of the existence of the games you're trying to promote.
  14. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    What with the '...'s? You do know that by grammar rules dot-dot-dot are unfinished though, or in modern context pseudo-epic/whiny narration. Long pauses in sentence are shoved in without solid reason other than...what exactly? You are writing this, not speaking it out loud with thinking process still going on.
    But i digress - looking at someone play and playing it yourself are completely different. Take any of minecraft let's plays - by watching it most of the time after threshold of 20 minutes is just pure boredom of a person d#cking around. Same goes for ZK/BA.
    I'm not here to stop because of a watered down unfinished arguments; not just yet anyways.
    Speaking of supcom and ta- if some people from Cavedog and Gas Powered Games are working on PA doesn't mean they will have anything solid at the finish line (no offence intended - read further)? Why?
    Because Chris Taylor were the mastermind behind SupCom and TA. Not behind this game and he's not playing any role in its core development, design etc.
    You can grab coders, co-designers, hell - same narrator, into the project, but without original Lead Designer (capital letters intended) it will (as others pointed) never be TA 2.1 or SupCom 3. It will be just another take on 'what if TA but' done by another team - but unlike BA or ZK - commercially. That's my point exactly:
    PA falls in same line as Zero-k and Balanced Annihilation and Evolution RTS - another take on Total Annihilation. Nothing more. Gimmicks aside we are looking at core integrity - you have small planetoids in PA - you have islands and resource spots in ZK/BA surrounded by nothing - you fight over them. Roughly speaking ability to destroy resource-site isn't as new as it sounds when you put fancy planetoids getting bombarded by asteroids and deathstars inside of it- you can Nuke minerals in Starcraft and after few nukes they getting removed, you can spoil water (if my memory is correct) in DarkReign etc (have no memory if destroying gold mine in warcraft 2 or spoiling spice in dune 2 existed). As with building space - same deal - in ZK a good nuke can obliterate land leaving survivors with little to none place to build on, except ability to restore land, and i believe that PA will have Terra-forming to restore exterminated planetoid back to its original parameters.
  15. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    so smoketh, did you buy PA/are you going to? I assume so.
  16. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    do i care? no ... doesn´t need to be of your concern

    right ... but from the video i can see what stuff the game provides and so far there isn´t realy something that catched my interest or stuff that i didn´t see before in some way ...

    which is yet to be seen simple enough ... though even now it actualy GIVES a solid impression with its basestuff

    he may have been the mastermind ... but surely he wasn´t the only one important to make those games
    and it defenitively didn´t save him fom making mistakes with supcom 2 or other stuff such as kings and castles or wildman

    here is the thing .. i don´t want TA 2 nor do i want Supcom 3 ... i want PLANETARY ANNIHILATION
    and whoever is behind making it i actualy don´t care, could be aswell double helix (who currently make killer instinkt 3 and even then i´m ready to give the benfit of a doubt) the only thing i´m intrested in is the concept and if the guys behind it know what they are doing ... no chris taylor needed ...

    sure it has its roots to TA and supcom ... but with the stuff going to be in and the modding pottential it has it will be far bigger and different then anyting rts related before ... even though there might be similarities with other rts
    (as there always are) it still will (and does already) play differnt ... simply by the fact THAT you play on multiple planetoids instead of maps ...

    so PA is not THAT original? and? what better is zero-k exactly then if it´s almost no different then TA or SupCom or starcraft or age of empires or command and conquer etc. ??
    why exactly shall i play zero-k other then that it is free instead of a game that has a much much MUCH bigger scale
    then any other rts game before it ..
    and small planetoids? one planetoid can be as big as the biggest supcom map or bigger and there also can be multiples of those ...
    Last edited: September 4, 2013
  17. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    For someone, who cannot learn basics of English grammar, you type awfully lot.
    Modding potential of springrts is equal and even bigger than PA, because it is ENGINE. You can create an TA-alike rts on it from SCRATCH or mod ANY of its child games HOWEVER you like. Starting from unit designs and GUI and finishing with completely different mechanics.
    OK f#ck that noise. Topic is closed. Hopefully mod get it closed so i don't have to make any points anymore.
  18. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    just because i learned something doesn´t mean i´m going to use it for others..
    and so what? that´s not a way to convince me or anyone else to play your promoted game

    are you serious? like REALY? how the hell do you even want to know that?
    did you even try modding the game assuming you got it?

    RAGEQUIIIIIIT QQ !!!!! ... just pathetic
    Last edited: September 4, 2013
  19. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    was hoping I'd get a simple answer. oh well.
  20. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    ... honestly ... i don´t think he did ... nor do i think he would ...

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