Ambient creatures/tribes/cities on planets? (where logical)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by uberknight72, October 6, 2014.


Should Ambient creatures/tribes/cities be added?

  1. YES, I want to see the pathetic insects scatter when my mighty armies roar across the planet

    31 vote(s)
  2. HELL NO! talking about total lagfest!

    8 vote(s)
  1. uberknight72

    uberknight72 New Member

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    If you feel the need to believe that in order to keep enjoying this great game then all the power to ya. But me being a literal, logically minded individual and a major in ecology and having an obsession with natural sciences and ecology since I was old enough to read a book I not only find it redicules but IMPOSSIBLE to think, or even pretend to think that those forests are just... Trees..
    Void of every other lifeforms but foliage.

    I mean where is the biological base, where is the top?? Fauna needs foliage, and foliage needs fauna.
    But I'm not looking for an arguement, just an opinion

    But I like a game with more layers to it and though I don't believe that it should have a significant effect to gameplay I would appreciate seeing larger wildlife roaming through the forests and planescapes of the forested planets just before I crashed a moon into it because an enemy has a base located on a small region of it. Lol
    elkanfirst and moonwerewolf like this.
  2. melhem19

    melhem19 Active Member

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    Want to fight aleins in a strategy game, pre order civilaztion beyond earth.
  3. uberknight72

    uberknight72 New Member

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    I could..
    However there is one problem..
    Civ beyond earth is a TOTALLY different kind of strategy game. :confused:

    And I guess by what you are saying you think trampling ants is considered fighting them. Assuming you read my entire post of course :)

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