Am I The Only One Who...

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by furlock, February 17, 2013.

  1. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    I was mainly referring to the fact that you said a single bomber cannot determine the outcome of a game. Which it can.
  2. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    I wasn't using the word "realism" anywhere. This is more about immersion. It just feels silly to have the ultimate weapon of war on the run from a single bomber. Always made me feel weird.
  3. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    This becoming a bit of a side-quest now. I don't see why the commander can't have an AA gun so I'm trying to learn how to mod it in. That way its totally optional.

    Another thing I thought of is you can disable aircraft. It kind of kills the AI in most cases but if you really just want land battles it can be fun.

    Also the bigger maps make a huge difference in FA the bigger the map the farther the flight time. By the time they get to you you can have T2 mobile AA which eat t1 bombers for breakfast.
  4. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Several TA balance mods, such as Absolute Annihilation and Twilight, gave the commander AA capabilities. They worked out quite well. Commander wasn't completely vulnerable to air in the early game, but it's AA wasn't powerful enough to stop a large air force late game.
  5. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    To anyone interested in testing it out, here is my very simple mod that simply allows the commander's primary weapon to fire at aircraft. This is the first mod I have written and it hasn't been extensively tested but so far it looks like it works fine. it should work for all factions including Seraphim. Let me know if you encounter any bugs and hopefully you enjoy :)

    If you don't like the idea, don't download it.

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