Am I a bad person

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by xsupercarlx, August 18, 2011.

  1. AquA 2face

    AquA 2face New Member

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    you do right mate. you play the game the way that makes you most comfortable. just because you not "supportin" doesnt mean you arnt helping the team. the supportin part of the support might be the general point of the class but i feel every player can and should play each class whichever way they want.

    its like a thread i post recently about smg snipers. the sniper rifles the main point of the sniper but theres no rule saying you HAVE to use it, same goes for supports heal gun

    all in all, you aint a bad person
  2. xsupercarlx

    xsupercarlx New Member

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    lol thanks and nice posts guys, you will always get a few but i was expecting much more whining, seems like we got more mature open minded player base here.

    My pleasure.
  3. littledavies27

    littledavies27 New Member

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    No way. Who hasn't done that! :D

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