Also feeling a little disheartened

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by TehOwn, August 18, 2015.

  1. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Not to be rude but that really doesn't make a lick of sense. I don't think buying a game should be comparable to entering a lottery (Though over the lifetime of PA, it had it's moments where it felt like one, har de har).

    Yes, life isn't fair. Doesn't mean we have to be that way though. (Course that's more a general philosophy thing, but whatever.)
  2. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Actually can I just take a moment.

    I have one humble request of the forum users that read this.
    When people are trying to have a rational discussion...

    Entitled? White-Knighting? Apologists?

    I'm sorry, but this has been going on for way too long. It's stupid, asinine, idiotic... And it doesn't contribute to the discussion anyway. All it serves is to piss people off.

    Thank you. We may now return to our regularly scheduled Crash.
  3. eagle722

    eagle722 Member

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    An interactive tutorial <- BELONGS IN FIRST GAME
    A host of new units - $5 DLC
    A wider variety of terrain, including multi-level features <- BELONGS IN FIRST GAME
    Balance changes and improved bot / vehicle differentiation <- BELONGS IN FIRST GAME
    Unit wreckage to reward defence <- BELONGS IN FIRST GAME
    New bounty game mode - $2.50 DLC
    Better notifications and sound alerts <- BELONGS IN FIRST GAME
    Lots more improvements <- BELONGS IN FIRST GAME
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    stuart98 likes this.
  5. avatar100400

    avatar100400 Active Member

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    If its fine with you i am quoting that for a very long time.

    In forum parlance, it means rushing to the aid of another poster for whatever reason. An accusation typically reserved for when a poster is being hammered by another poster(s) and the accused leaps in to defend them, usually without thinking things through as to why the person is being attacked.

    I wonder who the bigger idiot is for getting upset over some people writing words and opinions on the
    internet shock horror you can do that these days yeah.

    And nobody here is opposition we are all just peeps that like a game and have a varying opinions
    on it and other things.Now don't mind me please continue this Popcorn is great :)

    back on topic
    IMO after playing a little bit still feels far to much like a cash grab and like
    a last shot at trying to resurrect a dying game [I personally miss the old days of PA
    teams and clan wrecking each other and playing all night]
  6. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    Here's why I feel angry about TITANS:

    1. They still haven't finished PA. It still runs like a bucket of rust, still has numerous bugs and unfinished content.
    2. They said to the backers that there would be no paid-for updates, which is exactly what they are doing. It's a content update, or a bug-fix patch, which they are charging money for.
    3. I don't want to spend a further amount of money on the game I've spent $200 on already, and not seen any of my promised rewards.
    4. Uber have demonstrated a clear disregard for what they originally agreed upon with the people who made their game possible. The backers which they apparently "Listened to". They might of listened to us, in the very first stages of development - when we all agreed there wouldn't be experimental units or mega-bots. But even then, they've changed their minds. Why?

    TITANS is entirely a further cash-grab, milking the game for more money and in return offering us a handful of units and features that should of been in the base game, had they followed through with their statements and promises. I spent $200 on the spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, and what I got was Supreme Commander 3: "Even worse than 2!" edition.

    Surely you can understand the frustration people are having with the developers shady antics?
  7. mineglitch

    mineglitch New Member

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    You know, this was a real horrible move uber. Thanks for trying to force us to buy titans.

    Standard version of PA most likely won't be receiving updates

    Altogether meaning more and more people will switch to titans and the true PA players can't play anymore and will be forced to pay the 40$ to get some fun out of the game as that'll be after the 18th. We already spent money on this game. And now they want more money for our continued entertainment. Now that's crossing a line. This should have been free for us PA players as its making our version old, not up to date and obsolete.

    I don't want to pay more money for something we should already have received. They may have put lots of work into this. But they shouldn't abandon the normal PA.
    avatar100400 likes this.
  8. avatar100400

    avatar100400 Active Member

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    That is exactly how i feel and i couldn't of put it better myself glad someone on here can put it simply
    and to the point.
  9. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    I've read on another post that the original PA has been taken off the Steam store entirely?
  10. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Good lord, you guys are really prone to misinformation, are you? Vanilla PA is getting updates just as Titans is, they only don't get the new content (units, etc).

    PA also isn't taken of the store, it's getting sold with Titans content included. Which is a DLC, as you noted.

    As, to you, Tanksy. You know, that would be understandable, if not for the fact...
    1. PA runs better than Supreme Commander. Also, you better specify what unfinished content, because that's hard to find at this point.
    2. This is literally classic DLC. 25 units are a lot, and many other games have done that without issues.
    3. Then you shouldn't pay money if you don't like the result. See, not that hard.
    4. They are literally executing the will of the community, those are things that were constantly
    cdrkf likes this.
  11. avatar100400

    avatar100400 Active Member

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    To be fair to Uber they should get paid for there work and they are a company that has to make Money
    and pay the bills and staff.If we have PA already it 13$ for us but.

    This was honestly just DLC content and should have being put in as optional paid DLC.
    Look at Supreme Commander 2 it added the exact same thing more Experimental Units.
    But because Uber don't care they make it into a whole new game and Market it like a new
    Product when its not its just DLC.

    How many times does it need to be laid its out Marketed at a Cash grab and implemented that way
  12. avatar100400

    avatar100400 Active Member

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    PA runs worse than Supreme Commander FA and has being Unplayable for large amounts of time
    on certain Hardware.Even network wise it runs worse at times only for those with lower end connections.
    tanksy likes this.
  13. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    What do you expect new games require better hardware always been like that.
    cdrkf likes this.
  14. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    That not true. SupCom did use peer-to-peer matchmaking, which totally fucked over net-performance. Compared, PA uses dedicated servers, which are better by design. That said, i'm not sure about the server specifications, but it is certainly better than what SupCom presented.
    And even in singleplayer the game started lagging at 500 units, especially on water maps. On a solid CPU, PA manages to go for 1k units and higher before slowdown occurs. I tried it recently, and PA ran a lot better than SC.
    Last edited: August 20, 2015
    xanoxis likes this.
  15. avatar100400

    avatar100400 Active Member

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    I'm sure you have facts and numbers to back this up then if you have played both recently.
    Network code was kinda bad but a lot of people playing had Bad connections otherwise it was alright.
    But since it used peer to peer the game to this day is still very playable another problem with PA.
    I played through SCFA recently and it didn't drop nearly as much as PA does.
    But both are far different in scale and age.

    You also seem to forgot for a decent portion of PA's life it was unplayable on certain Hardware and connections and still doesn't play nice at times.

    Yes newer Games do require better hardware but not a 5960x or 3930k
    or GTX 980TI or 780TI and 32GB of ram to run okay at 1440p.

    Now this is getting far off topic
    Anyway back to the Popcorn :)
  16. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    You're joking right? The client-server architecture is a godsend for people with poor connections. Playing a game with someone with a poor connection in SupCom was like pulling teeth.
    xanoxis and cdrkf like this.
  17. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Of course I didn't write down server performance numbers for no reason. ;)
    That said, doesn't Forge Alliance use a 500 unit limit in the campaign? That was how it worked in SupCom Vanilla, and i think also in FA.
    EDIT: Just started the game and the first campaign mission, it has indeed a 500 unit limit in singleplayer. Got more freedom in multiplayer, tho.

    About the connection, what cwarner7264 said. Peer to peer in SupCom ment afair you all get the performance of the player with the worst CPU or connection.
    xanoxis and cdrkf like this.
  18. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    In my experience, SupCom:FA's multiplayer went a lot smoother than PA's.
    Peer-to-Peer is much better than Dedicated Servers, especially for people who - like me and my friends who play PA - live in parts of the world considered "Remote" by ISP's, and so have a slower connection - We connect to each other and play much better than if we connected to some server in America.

    In terms of performance, I can never get a stable frame-rate in PA. Compare this to having 2000 vs 2000 battles on a 81x81km map of Earth in SupCom:FA whilst cruising through it with 60 FPS minimum, I am obviously confused why a game with less content and less happening in it is running so poorly, when it's half developed by the guys who worked on TA/SC.

    If the "Will of the community" is to re-buy the game for a DLC update originally promised as being free (See: When Uber claimed updates, patches and content would be free), and to sink hundreds of dollars and not receiving any of the promoted rewards (See: When Uber claimed backer rewards, such as the mini-figures, were changing from solid metal to cheap plastic, and would be ready by December), then fine - The community are fools falling for a con-man.

    Which, really, is what Uber are portraying themselves as with this whole debacle.

    And, I cannot simply "Not pay money when I don't like the result". I've already paid the money, and Uber doesn't allow for refunds. I put my trust and faith into the company that promised a spiritual successor to TA and SupCom. The game I got, is mediocre and no worth nearly the amount they initially charged for it on Steam.
    maskedcrash likes this.
  19. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Whoa hold on there....

    So if titans was a dlc for PA at 13 dollars it's ok, but the same as a standalone is a cash grab? U wot m8?

    That aside a few key points:
    - titans players can see and join classic games.
    - classic will continue to get bug fixes and engine improvements along side titans.
    - for someone new they simply buy titans for access to everything, seems fair enough to me.
    - the new standalone game gives a second chance at reviews to highlight the improvements made to PA since launch.

    I really don't understand why this is such a bad thing.
    Bsport and temeter like this.
  20. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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