Alpha gameplay TOO slow?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by rimizak, June 9, 2013.

  1. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    This. We bring our expectation on map size from games with flat maps to PA and then we realize on playing just how much larger the surface area of a sphere is compared to the center area you are looking at.

    In SupCom terms: You see and play on a 5x5km map area but the real size is more like 20x20km.
  2. legitlobster

    legitlobster Member

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    I think it's less about the actual surface area of the sphere but rather about the fact that it's completely procedurally generated and that you don't know your enemies' location. In SupCom, you would pretty much know where your enemy is and with some map knowledge you would also know where special "points of interest" on the map are without any scouting whatsoever. This was one of the few things that I didn't really like that much in SupCom, I always preferred the inicial exploration that oldschool RTSs would give you and I'm sure it's gonna be even more fun on round planets.

    So yeah, I think a 23km radius planet (which would have roughly the same surface area as a 80x80km map in supcom) is going to be gigantic in terms of exploration and inicial scouting. Planets of that size and bigger will probably make for huge wars even at inicial clashs because it will take a really long time until you even meet your opponents.

    I think scouting planes could prove more useful in such scenarios than they ever were in SupCom.
  3. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    The current "metal spots" were added using the existing terrain feature system by the "art team" (ie: Steve Thompson). It's the same system that places trees, small rocks, and other currently non-gameplay relevant visuals. As such they're currently "balanced" on how they look, not on how they play.

    We need to give them the ability to affect gameplay, and implement systems to promote gameplay placement over pure visual placement.

    So, to answer your question, no.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I think an issue is also that t1 units are soo much worse than t1 turrets that there is little to no point in attacking before you have t2, which takes a while.

    And ofc other things mentioned. I btw love this mapsize, give me mex spots and it will make for epic 1v1s.
  5. schockster

    schockster New Member

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    And then you write pls build no t2 artillery bots ... and who builds them? You :roll:


    If we had to use the metal points it would be still to much. Units "instant" die and overpowered ground defense.

    Air is not that effectiv too ;). But as the developer said: Balancing don't is a real priority. Or?

    A very important point is what nerdnosyd said in my opinion.
    If I send some scouts and build in my base and before I look again the scout is dead, but I still dont know where the base is, because there a no icons or whatever.

    Will the radarradius become greater in later builds? I dont really see how big the radius is, but it feels low for a t2radar.
  6. sput42

    sput42 New Member

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    Well, from a consistency point of view it should at least be limited by line-of-sight from the tip of the tower (radio rays won't follow planet curvature, of course). This would also mean that the max range for a radar would be less on a small planet than on a large. Somehow I like that idea...
  7. vertigohc

    vertigohc New Member

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    I find that the basic scouting units do a pretty good job of finding things when you mirco them enough. Just don't send them blindly into unknown territory and you will be fine. I would like to see reviled structures on the strat view. Right now its a pain to remember where you last saw something. Or you have to abuse the que bug or look for the factory floors in the fog of war. You can also "creep" radar installations into unknown territory in the hopes of finding something.
  8. kazar

    kazar New Member

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    I actually disagree with the original poster. One thing I really liked about TA was it was a slower paced RTS and the game could last 2-3 hours. Sure, early rushes could make the game end in 15 minutes or less. I fear that games like SC2 could make people want the ultra fast game play and make PA more arcade like.
  9. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    Don't get me wrong, im not unhappy with my purchase, I know it will be awesome in like a month, but like people have been saying, if you surround your base with ground air and vehicle defense turrets and just sit back it really ends the game. and that isn't fun.
  10. hohopo

    hohopo Member

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    Yes, no, and also a alpha issue.
    I managed to hit a commander the other day in a massive anti air field, I think both of us where kind of surprised ( I was aiming for anti air next to him ...) it did take a large strike force tho.
    However more importantly, more encounters will happen and battles will become a lot more ebb and flow as
    a) mass points start working
    b) people get persistent building sight through fog of war
    the second one slows it down a lot, its hard to re-find things on a random sphere....
  11. Artamentix

    Artamentix Member

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    Technology does exist which exploits the ionosphere (part of the atmosphere which reflects radio waves and is useful in radio transmission). Longer range radar uses this to detect what bounces off the ground beyond the horizon and examines what reflects back off the sky. It is often used as early warning radar etc.

  12. DeadMG

    DeadMG Member

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    I discussed this in a previous thread with several issues. The principle issue is that the early game economy is too weak, scouting is too difficult, there's no reason to expand, the advanced defences are too strong, and a few others.

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