Almost every match ends in Overtime

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by buggritall, January 30, 2011.

  1. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    Jessep, will you marry me?
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Maybe next week, right now I'm making sweet love to my firebase. Damn, Support on Spnky can be fun!!! :D
  3. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Crazy idea, but if you actually push with your bots it makes it a whole lot more difficult for that assassin to quickly and easily get rid of them.

    Most games I'm in that go to overtime do so because both teams are just turtling like idiots, not because the system itself is flawed.

    Pics + Divx plz.
  4. Deeja

    Deeja New Member

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    You're threatening to ban me from an internet message board (twice now), how do you expect me to react? I know your nearly 2k posts made you worthy to be a mod and make you feel high and mighty but I think you would benefit from viewing this with a level head.

    Why does grimbar get to go around being a snide ***** but you threaten to ban me when I call him out for being the elitist he is? Flawless logic.

    I already said I'm sorry for hurting the kids feelings, what more do you want from me? Maybe you should spend more time in my thread where I list problems in the game I come across. I believe that will be a much more productive way to spend your time. I guess I'm just "trolling" in that thread as well.
  5. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    People don't blow any of my posts out of proportion, it is very possible to push bots with Tank and Assassin opposition but that usually takes longer than what the game should go on for. I love playing 60 minute games with a good team because it is fun AND one team will eventually win. The problem is, against a good team, making a decent offensive push can take forever to do and even then there are too many ways to end a good push. Juiced pros can be rung out, chain grappled, or counter juiced so they can't clear turrets or a support can use the get-out-of-jail-free-card (airstrikes) and all those bots are dead in one swoop. The only way to end this is not to nerf the Tank and Sin (the last thing they need is nerfs) but to make the bot game more depthy and just all around better. As it stands now, bots are a minor inconvenience to the moneyball :ugeek:
  6. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Congrats, you just wrote more than one sentence in a single post on the forum. You have now improved your forum posting mannerisms, if only slightly.

    Although Grimbar does tend to get rubbed up the wrong way with other forumites, at least he's (sometimes) pulling figures from .ini files and such instead of just saying something as pointless and lame as:

  7. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We don't like seeing personal attacks on this board. You should be concerned about how you act on here not anyone else. If you have an issue with another forum member, feel free to report or talk to one of the mods.


  8. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Yes, it is indeed "Flawless".

    Ban "Elitist and proud" member -> Possible Internets reaction "OMG THIS GAME IS TOO COOL FOR ELITISTS, CASUAL PIECE OF ****" -> MNC will have reduced chances of having a comptetitive side -> Interest and player retention drops.

    Cos the Internet loves one thing above all else: DRAMA.

    EDIT: Besides, elitists are everywhere, even in purely casual games. Nobody said we had to like or even respect them, as long as we can just /ignore. And at least they get the ball rolling on balance changes, even if they're completely wrong quite a bit of the time.
  9. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I expect you to respect the rules of this message board, nothing more, nothing less. I will not tolerate constant baiting and trolling and you are escalating. And I haven't threatened to ban you yet.

    I have been moderator and admin on several sites in the last 5 years, some of them are professional websites. So please excuse me when I don't take kindly to trolling on a forum where people go in their off-hours to have fun.

    Well, you have heard it from Eka: Stop insulting other members on the forum, especially grimbar. Failing to comply will now result in an immediate ban. We have all wasted enough time here.

    Mikey, same goes for you: Let it go. I mean it!
  10. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    wasn't aware I was a kid?

    I'm a 30 year old man, and a SFC in the Army, with 3 deployments under my belt.. Hardly A child.... And wanting constructive criticism, advice and logic to prevail in a thread, is not a sign of immaturity.

    But enough is enough, I'm off to find more advice and improve my game.. If you have anything to add please do, i'm offended but not dumb enough to NOT take advice from you on the game, its clear you understand it..
    Last edited: February 4, 2011
  11. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    yeah I see what you are saying, this is why i asked to have my other topic locked (well that and trolling was getting out of hand)

    the logic is there, push bots and defend them.. but DAMN between annhilators and the normal bot kill buttons its rather hard, add in juiced pros and its really difficult (or sniper/mortar spam)

    But like I said, I can see how it works if the team is ACTUALLY communicating.. I think what this game needs is a better chat system perhaps, as most I find dont use the mic, and finding a group to vent with is difficult for casual players..

    however an organized team can lock down and control the annhilator, and than push and control the buttons as well. that is key, if done propperly it works, its just VERY difficult to get that level of teamwork going on pugs (if not nearly impossible).. but thats the nature of online games, there is a reason pugs vs pros matches are usually 2to1 pugs to make it even lol..

    Any servers near the west coast you can advice to join and start playing on would be a huge help to me, as i love this game..

    And thanks for the constructive advice, that is what people need to hear, believe it or not, facepalms funny pics and insult only solidifies the stances of the opposition.. and derails the thread.. most of these threads should be 2 pages not 10 (8 nothing but insult and response).. and sound logic is impossible to argue with.

    which is why I concede my point.. I admit I was wrong (due to inexperience, and move on like a grownup)
    Last edited: February 4, 2011
  12. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Just had Deeja start ranting at me about how I'm "bad" and a "camper" every time I killed him, it was quite entertaining.
  13. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    WEll, your avatar looks like a happy camper, if that's any help... :D
  14. Deeja

    Deeja New Member

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    I said something before you even killed me when I noticed you hadn't left the same spot in over 10 minutes. Believe I finished with over twice your kills and twice your earnings. That's what happens when your sit in one spot all game. Oh your KDR was lovely though.
  15. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    I joined the game with 4 minutes remaining, locked your entire team into their spawn, rushed your moneyball, then we won. What else do you want me to do, make margaritas?

    PS: You expect me to not "camp" the walkways on ammo mule, as a sniper?
  16. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I've been playing this on PC a lot recently and I've noticed something peculiar.

    No one has a ****ing clue what they're doing. I can't speak for the more competitive games, but people just refuse to win. Assassins charging headlong at Tanks and not even bothering to kill bots or turrets, Assaults using their juice to AR bots, Snipers standing in their base waiting for something to happen, Gunners who seem to think shooting Rock-its with their Minigun is a good idea, and Supports trying to snipe. I know the game is in its early stages, but come on. Most games end in overtime because the players let it end in overtime.

    Just now on Grenade III I had single-handedly taken out their turrets and pushed our bots to the moneyball, but no one would even bother attacking it. I managed to get it to 50% by slowly chipping away at it with my Product and Rail Gun, but then overtime hit and everyone ran back to the base to twiddle their thumbs while the enemy team bought juice.
  17. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    One of my favourites is seeing people juice in our base and then run towards the enemy base.
  18. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Indeed, you are clearly very butthurt.
  19. Deeja

    Deeja New Member

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    Good one bro, really turned that one around on me.
  20. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    It was tough following that post of you resorting to an image macro, but thanks.

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