Almost every match ends in Overtime

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by buggritall, January 30, 2011.

  1. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    How do you force people to END a game? I don't like the game to end most of the time, ESPECIALLY if I'm doing good. :)

    New people at this game really don't know how the games ends I think, so it'll be this way for awhile. Unless you get people like me pushing a single lane trying to end the game fast. Some people on the team don't even go for the moneyball when it is down. :|
  2. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I kind of like how overtime is, I think its necessary. Without overtime you just need to get some damage on the enemy money ball and then turtle. There is no encouragement to seal the deal if you are ahead, because you win when time runs out.

    With overtime you get an advantage by damaging the enemy money balls, because juice rush vs juice rush you have a head start. However, it gives the team that was behind at one point a chance to come back. Plus it prevents teams from winning via money farm if they don't play offensively enough to damage the moneyball.

    I like how it says "close the deal or risk losing in OT."
  3. Cryme

    Cryme New Member

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    are people having a hard time hitting stationary objects?
  4. jrave

    jrave Member

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    The arc on the mortar + enemy pros harassing you can cause your aim to be off. Plus you want to try and get it to hit the target right as the mortar splits for more damage. Also doesn't help that you are shooting from below your hip so you either have to jump shot to get it to hit or do damage to yourself from it hitting the floor in front of you.
  5. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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  6. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I've learned that it isn't overtime that is the problem but its that it is much too hard to make a successful bot push in this game because of how easy it is to kill a swarm of bots with some characters. Assassins and Tanks have literally NO problem taking out swarms of bots without contest and adding more bots would only mean more money to these pros. I think adding some more depth to the bot game is in order so the players can have more control over the match.

    I vote for more bots with more offensive abilities.
  7. Sasha Nein

    Sasha Nein New Member

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    I know that the bouncer is, for my Assassin, the biggest pain to appear when I lunge into a mass of bots. Am I right in thinking Spunky Cola Arena has the bouncer included in its typical bot wave (after some time)? Perhaps new bots are the answer, or maybe including player-spawned bots in waves every now and then is a solution. I'm all for a new bot type, if only so I don't hate on Assaults who spawn their bots...
  8. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I was thinking a bot that spawns with a swarm of bots as the match progresses that help to protect the surrounding bots from assassins. Pros just simply can not do this job alot of the time.
  9. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Most assassins being terrible is all the bot defense you need!
  10. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    I think some of you guys are being a bit too flippant dismissing the OP. There's more to it than "don't like it, tough."

    I think we can agree that the team that keeps on the offensive and holds most of the map ought to win very very very often, when it gets to OT, right? But that doesn't seem to happen.

    I think the chief problems are that
    1) Controlling the annihilator is good for a team but deprives the team of a cash source
    2) There's not enough ways to fully leverage a cash advantage. Lowering the cooldown on the bot spawn might be a way to change that?
    3) OT kicks in regardless of team progress. Maybe make it like TF2's Overtime vs. Sudden Death thing. If the clock ticks down but there's progress being made (like a capture point being taken or a cart being pushed,) the clock is on hold until that progress is stopped. If the team gets to the next objective, they get more time, otherwise, once they fail, THEN it goes to Sudden Death. I think when a team has a real advantage and is pressing it slowly but surely, MNC shouldn't just drop into OT because a timer ran out.
  11. thebabelfish

    thebabelfish Member

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    Just about any class can gib a bot wave in seconds when not contested. The assault takes literally 5 grenades to the center blackjack to kill the entire wave, the sniper at passive 3 does the same with a sniper rifle, the gunner takes a little longer, but he still only needs a body slam and a few seconds.

    I actually find the assassin is the most exposed when clearing bots, because they have to expose their back to the opposing team or get shot at by the bot waves. I've caught more then a couple farming assassins with my assault, and if they don't see me coming it's an almost guaranteed kill.

    If you control the map, buying juice to push turrets is a good way to drain your money FAST. The problem with the bot cooldowns is the buzzers and scramblers need some love first (buzzers would be fine if they stopped the love affair with walls :D)
    Last edited: February 1, 2011
  12. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    If your team has held offensive pressure the entire game and lose in overtime, 99% of the time it's your team's fault though.
  13. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    If your team has held offensive pressure the entire game overtime shouldn't happen. The issue is not about how overtime plays out it is about how overtime should be prevented and currently, it isn't. When both teams have good players, chances are, no progress will be made and overtime will happen. I feel like there are ways to prevent this by adding more bots which help to protect individual bots. Like a bot that slams when assassins are nearby or one that stays in the middle and shields all bots (kill the middle one to remove shields). It wouldn't make our job of defending bots too much easier but it could efficiently make the other teams ability to attack bots MUCH harder.

    EDIT: that last sentence didn't make much sense. I mean that it could make a defensive effort actually pay off by shutting down some of the opponents options.
  14. ricefrog

    ricefrog New Member

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    Why aren't people more aggressive in this game?

    I may be so new the paint's still drying, but if you aren't at the rearmost ejector on spunky in time to eject the entire first wave of bots, and if you aren't flying overhead from the forwardmost jumppad on G3A to land on their first wave of bots, I don't understand what you're doing with your life.

    And nobody plays that way at all. I know, because every single game I come flying out the locker room toward the enemy base, and I have never, EVER, not even once, seen any other player from either team going as quickly toward the objective from the whistle. What are they doing??

    If you're having trouble with the enemy team wiping out your bots as you push a lane, try this... push the lane in the reverse direction. Skip the whole lane, go directly to their base, smash their turrets, kill their back bots as they come out of the base, and then go shoot the enemy players in the back. Walk your bots right to the moneyball, and shoot the darn thing!! Disrespectfully ignore any pros that aren't effectively stopping you, rather than allowing them to distract you with deathmatching, and above all, for the love of Pete, stop being so afraid to die! Waah, my streak and my juice and my speed power-ups and the money I give to the enemy! If you're a top-tier killing machine with no issues winning, fine. But otherwise, sack up and die by being overly aggressive, again and again and again. How do you think you're going to find the line of maximum aggression? By easing into it gently from the soft side?

    Obviously if you are in the right servers with the slick players, you're going to get your *** handed to you. But frankly most random pub servers completely fold even to *ME* trying this strategy, and I stink! It's like, who the heck voted me top slot on winning team at 6-12-19? Was it the 140 bots and 19 enemy turrets I killed, or the guy who went 20-15-1 on the losing team whose position I noted and then went around?

    I don't know much, but I'm pretty sure that OT in anything but a fully balanced server is a sign that you're not even trying.
  15. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    You haven't met good players. Gratz. There are some out there, but spread out among the 100 or so servers we have. :roll:
  16. ricefrog

    ricefrog New Member

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    Yeah, I ran into one well-regarded player from here the other night and it was a whole different ball of wax. I wouldn't say he or the other highly skilled player that joined at the same time were hyper-aggressive, though. It was more like they didn't need to be. They just killed everyone that came anywhere near them and moved forward from their base to mine as an irresistable force.

    I remember doing the full-on dodge dance at a decent range vs one of them on the minigun, and where 99% of the players I come across would be doing very light damage, I was barely able to shake his DPS down at all! Didn't run into them on the jumppad coming out at the start, though.

    I wish I could find games like that more often, it's a serious challenge to evade those players and still make a contribution to our team. Instead I'm learning all these awful habits playing random pubs, but it's all I've got, and I guess I can only adapt to the environment I find myself in.
  17. Bun

    Bun New Member

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    My one complaint with overtime is that your team just gets scrambled, they have to defend one end of the map while going after the other. It feels really awkward and quite often your team will have pushed up to the enemys base then lost cause one guy on the other team sneaked past and juiced up before anyone could run back to defend. Sure that was a good move from the other guy but it sucks to have your whole push undermined.

    There's a lot to think about really. Is the problem with how overtime works, or simply that it comes into play too often? I know I enjoy a round more if it was completed before the game got tired of us taking too long. If the issue really is too many games stalemating then a server variable to alter moneyball health would be nice to have. That way things could be over after one good push instead of 2/3, which is a lot more fitting for the way most pub games go.

    But if the problem is with overtime itself? Then pretty much the only thing I can suggest is adding moneyball shields back in and making the jackbots like, 2x faster. That way you still have to push with your bots, which the game is all about, and you wont get any juiced-up sneak-attacks that make all your progress worthless.

    ...But like others have said, big changes to overtime by this point would probably piss a lot of people off. So whatever.
  18. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    Overtime is fine. If you've pushed the enemy back to his base, it's time to build a massive money advantage. You have plenty of methods. Buying juice is cheaper than buying good turrets, so if they're turtling, buy juice once they put up a level 3 turret and crack it. That's 500 paid to wash 1000+ enemy cash down the drain.

    If they're turtling, you should also have a much easier time earning free juices. Again, crack turrets.

    You should also have control of resources like Bullseye and Juicebot. Again, more free juice, and more free money. If you've pushed them into turtling, you're probably earning more kills by far, so again, more free money.

    Build up your two defensive nodes and try to add a shave ice somewhere nearby, or juicers will just dodge the rockets. Build on all the turret nodes as time goes on. You have a money advantage. Spend it!

    If you've done a good job actually pressuring their base (instead of just sitting back and defending mid), when OT rolls around they should have a base with few turrets, you should have just dried up the juice dispensers, and your juice rush should destroy them.

    Their juice rush, on the flipside, will probably fail terribly in a sea of hacked turrets.

    It doesn't take a whole team to pull this off. Myself and one friend regularly win overtime once we have mid control, because you only need two people to empty the juice dispensers, and your combined income is more than enough to furnish a base that can almost defend itself. Just remember--you must have a Shave Ice or a Sniper throwing traps, or the juicer can dodge the rockets.
  19. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    All of the hacked Rockit turrets in the world = no match for juiced assault and tank, who climb onto your spawn ring, deploys/shoots/bombs then juices whenever they're attacked.

    Which is one of the biggest problems with OT: In your scenario, one team deservers to win, but there's still a high chance of them getting completely back-stomped into oblivion because one guy got juice out of sight from attacking a jackbot and then just stomps the **** out of your ball in seconds.
  20. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    Haha. Have some respect for your peers.

    It's not mere "blah blah blah." While there is always a chance that your team will lose, you can do a lot to leverage your advantages before OT begins. Better yet, if you play aggressively, you often don't have to wait until overtime to win. But if you're regularly seeing foes sneaking past your lines and double juicing to win in OT, then I might suggest that your advantage wasn't as wide as you originally suspected, and your team is doing a poor job of using the middle dispensers for your own brutal rush.

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