Almost 7 hours of Team Play Wasted (F*** Overtime)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cornstalk, August 24, 2010.

  1. AntiGlitcher

    AntiGlitcher New Member

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    Let's drop the typical sport analogies concerning overtime. The goal of the game is to bring down the Moneyball, not do the most damage in time X. But we are going round and round with it. The devs have stated that the object of the game is to build turrets to defend your moneyball and escort bots to destroy the opponents. But, recent strategy has taken this game play away from us. Every match is now houserules 15 TDM, followed by God mode rush and attack.

    Here's an analogy that may help the devil's advocates out there.

    We all start playing a new game that breaks the mold, let's call it Calvinball. The rules are pretty loosely written, but we all get the jist. After a week or two, some players decide it's a good idea to start throwing rocks at opponents during the game. The following argument takes place:

    Gaming Purists: WTF! No rocks!
    DBags: The rules don't say anything about rocks.
    Gaming Purists: Seriously?!? Refs can you do something about this?
    (Refs are playing private matches of CalvinBall and thinking up ways to make the next one better.)
    DBags: Hey, you can bring rocks if you want.
    Gaming Purists: We want to play Calvinball, not rock fight on a Calvinball court!
    Dbags: Then get better and beat us without using rocks.
    Refs hear the ruckus: We will rewrite the rules to exclude rocks.
    Dbags: (under their breath) Fine, we'll just start using pebbles.

    Congratulations to those of you that always win by taking down the opposing moneyball without the need for overtime. But for the other 149,970 of us, we can't get past the 6 guys camped at the 2 choke points. And 2% of those are posting to complain that we don't want to play chokepoint clusterF. All we are asking for is to play the game as advertised. I don't remember pre-release videos expounding on the turtle then juice rush tactic.
  2. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    He took the words outta my mouth.

    I was just gonna comment on how "Well we never run into overtime anyways" is a bad argument.

    A flaw is a flaw, just because you never see it doesn't mean it isn't there and doesn't mean we should ignore it.
  3. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

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    This post is pretty much perfect.
  4. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    "Because the elites don't have a problem with it" is not an argument when we are talking about the average players.

    Yes Shammas, we all recognize you are an uber-elite player. I have even seen you play, you are good. Congrats.

    However, for the average player, the strategy of defense and moneyball juicerush is making the game less enjoyable. Unless you are going to personally enter every game played online to ensure that the moneyball juicerush does not work, then it will continue to be an issue for the average player.

    The mere fact that this issue keeps coming up from different players on the forums indicates it's a prevalent issue with many players.

    Yes, we agree being really good means that this is not a problem.

    However, we acknowledge that we are not as good as you are.

    Since the pocketbooks of the "elite" players are not shoveling out NEARLY as much money as the average or poor players (by definition, the elites as a very small subset of the whole, and by definition the average players are the majority), we would like to see this aspect of the game changed.

    If you'd like to creatively participate in the discussion on this topic, please do.

    If you feel that you'd rather continue to be pedantic and do nothing but present negation, please butt out.

  5. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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