Almost 7 hours of Team Play Wasted (F*** Overtime)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cornstalk, August 24, 2010.

  1. NotFrank

    NotFrank New Member

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    A bleeding money ball would be awesome!

    That would make the regulation relevant and still have a worthwhile OT.

    I love OT.

    Just bleed the Moneyball and remove Juice purchases (or up the juice purchase cost).
  2. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Yeah, I had thought too that the moneyball in overtime should decrease in life over time, not be unshielded.

    OT is a completely different game than normal play. Normal bots don't matter. Jackbots, don't matter. All that matters is juice, getting to the enemy base, and atking.

    Bots that seek out other pros are useful here. Scramblers could be useful it it wasn't for the fact that if the enemy pros stay next to or on top of the moneyball, completely out of range to scramblers skills AND that scramblers sit to the bot track unlike the others. Gap shots can be very useful for defending your base against the enemy pros on top of your moneyball.

    I think it's just silly. OT could just be it's own mode. I tried and succeeded in killing the 4 enemy jackbots that spawned in OT. Well my team lost after dominating the game. Instead of doing what I normally do in OT (i.e. juice up and spam enemy ball), I tried to diminish their power, boost ours. I even hit the annihilator. I've just stopped trying to kill bots and turrets in OT and will continue to rape the $ball.


    Instead, what if it just took but escorting 1 bot to the moneyball to win in OT? The moneyball life, in the meantime, is draining. Also, instead of juicing up the pros, juice up the bots. Make the bots fastest, stronger, and useful again.

    You know... I wonder what the bots do during OT...
  3. Obiwan Kenblomi

    Obiwan Kenblomi New Member

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    This quote is VERY true. In fact, with OT it actually encourages kill farmers. A full group just kill farms pubs knowing that the pubs can A) build ALL the turrets they want, B) send all the bots they want and C) defend as much as they want but it all won't matter. Unless they are facing another equally skilled premade team then it actually is easier for them to win if they farm kills and wait for OT. They farm the kills, don't spend a dime and then OT hits and they just spend all the saved up money for juice and kill the turrrets in seconds and then the money ball even faster.

    OT is killing the game for many of us, imo.
  4. MickFM

    MickFM New Member

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    The bleeding moneyball idea is interesting, but unless it was a very fast drain would it really make a lot of difference? A few juiced up pros can easily take a full health moneyball down in seconds, so unless the drain was rapid it might not matter much.

    Still, an interesting alternative.
  5. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    What's funny is that the default Sniper can take the entire Moneyball down in one Juice and most of their second sniper rifle clip. You can even speed up the process with a custom Sniper and take it down in ~17 seconds total. And that is only one player! In OT with full Gold endorsements I imagine you could destroy a full Moneyball in 15 seconds or so.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I think the idea is to bleed them INSTEAD of dropping them. End backdooring while still guaranteeing a timely end to the game, and giving the advantage to whichever team was winning in regulation (if any)
  7. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    It's not hard to win in regulation. Get your bots through. Take down the turrets when you get juice. Spawn kill their bots. Spawn kill their players. Once the ball goes down, go all out. Don't worry about dying, just run in and hit it so it won't reset. There's your win.
  8. MickFM

    MickFM New Member

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    Assuming that the opposition allows you to do all that...

    Saying "It's not hard to win in regulation" is not a solution or even helpful, it's simply ignoring the problem.
  9. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Thanks man! Thanks to you, now I know a good strategy is to:

    - push my bots
    - use juice when things are tough
    - kill opposing players
    - attack the moneyball once it goes down

    If it wasn't for your off-topic post, none of us would have ever learned those tips! You must be very elite!

    But seriously, you can see from this thread (and others) that the current OT system is not particularly liked. If you have some creative input on ways to resolve this, please chime in.

    For the record, I like the "bleeding moneyball" idea. The bleed rate could be set to drain a fully healed moneyball in 2 mins (regulation OT).

    I'd also like to see juice become more expensive during OT, if not off limits.

    A bleeding moneyball and regular Jackbot spawn would mean that the majority of OTs would end in a decision, without encouraging juice rushing.
  10. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    Shammas is right. Winning in regular time isn't difficult at all. But whoever was talking about not spending money on bots and turrets needs to reevaluate the current state of the game. The best bots by far are the gremlins, and the only truly useful ones besides that are gap shots, but they don't even compare. Turrets are really only good for killing bots. Any players that get killed by them were either weak enough to be easily killed or dumb enough that they wouldn't have gotten much done anyways. They are money pits. So unless you are spawning Gremlins or MAYBE gap shots, save money for skills, juice, or the Annihilator. All of them are MUCH better uses of your money.

    In all seriousness, in the most recent tourney, not a single map we played went to OT. We won 6 maps and lost 3, and none left regulation. The one team we 2-1'd got beat before OT, beat us before OT, then lost again before OT. Unless teams are stat padding and just going for kills, or there is zero teamwork going on, games won't go to OT.

    If you were doing well enough to down the moneyball once and put damage on it, it's your own fault for not ending the game then. Have people push in and do minimal damage (even if it's a suicide run) to stop it from going back up. OT puts a quick end to games by rewarding teams that end the game with money and map control, both of which are essential to winning. Both teams know that OT means the moneyball is down and it's prime juice time, so the team that controls the map and has money for juice will win. If you sacrifice map control at the end of the game, you pay for it. So don't.

    15 minutes is more than long enough for the better team to pull out a win. If you don't, then you had better be ready when OT starts. There will always, in any system, in any game, be people that play in ways that are frustrating and considered cheap. Good players learn to play around those strategies and win. Rather than attempting to fix a part of the game that sin't broken, try to adjust yourselves to the state of the game. If you spent all the time you have reading and posting in this thread coming up with ways to beat the OT problem, you might just have beaten it by now.

    tl;dr Stop whining. The game isn't broken, just stop sucking and it won't even be an issue. Not that it ever should be, because again, NOT BROKEN.
  11. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Probably the best post I've read in a while. While it can be annoying in pubs when you only have 1-3 person parties against full parties, and this happens, it's just a pub. If you want an easy pub fix, make the moneyball of the losing team (the team who's taken more moneyball damage) start off at 75% or 50% in OT. Then make Juice cost $1000 in the last 45 seconds of the match and overtime.

    However, I agree with everything Myrick says, so I'd have to say just leave it, and be ready for OT.
  12. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    This is why nobody is going to take what you just said seriously. You're being a elitist jerk.

    The MAJORITY of MNC players are Pub players, and thus the discussion board threads and the way the Devs push the gameplay are going to cater to those players.

    It's also why people are not going to appreciate your "Just be more l33t, like me" argument.
  13. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    See my above post.

    It's not "just a Pub". Probably 90% of MNC players are Pub players. That means that 90% of Uber's revenues come from "just" Pub players.

    So if the Pub player community doesn't like a feature, and finds it ruins their enjoyment of the game on a regular basis, Uber is probably going to listen. And the threads on their forums will probably reflect that as well. So coming in, insinuating that you are an "elite" player and that this is just a problem with "noob" players and shouldn't be addressed is just arrogance on your part.
  14. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    He says that because it isn't anything to get worked up over. There's no reason to invest yourself emotionally in a video game with no chance at any true reward. Whether material or otherwise. There is almost no competitive value in any pub, regardless of the game. They are also filled with players that generally lack skill and communication, so the idea of a team dynamic where people push lanes of bots together and destroy turrets as a team isn't achieved. So pride and accomplishment generally don't go along with a pub victory. That's why it's "just a pub."

    And as far as being an "elitist jerk" I was simply trying to emphasize that instead of whining about something, they could try to increase their skill level so that they would be less likely to reach OT, or at least be successful once in it. Players with a higher skill level generally end up on top in regulation and OT. If you have a good strategy, plenty of money, and good map movement, you can win in OT. So when you personally have the skill to be performing well in game but your team can't put forth what is need to make a coordinated push, it is possible for one player to win the game. To take control of the situation and clutch it, because they are better. Even in pubs, I VERY rarely go into OT. So if you don't want to deal with it, get good enough that you won't or run with a team so that you can have a fewer amount of sub-level 10 Assassins on your team. There's the easiest way to avoid OT.

    And, this is all forgetting the fact that OT, in fact, isn't broken. It's a GAME CHANGER, not a GAME BREAKER. The difference is huge and important. It gives players that have managed their money well (or just found a way to earn a horrendous amount) an opportunity to shine. So the team with the most skilled players win. The team with the best teamwork already had 15 minutes to win, and if they didn't and didn't have map control once OT started, they deserve to lose.
  15. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Side note: You killed me a couple times earlier today. XD.

    I think the problem here is that everyone and their mother is worried more about killing players than pushing lanes. And when one team or both knows they can push to OT and just free for all, it makes it harder to try and advance things.
  16. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Interesting that you say it isn't broken when the classes are not even remotely balanced for damage in OT. Yes, OT needs adjusting. Sure you can still complete a game before OT hits but if it does the rules change and that is game breaking. Player skill does not belong in a conversation about balancing OT so why do you keep mentioning it? Again, the topic is how to balance OT based upon the rules that were established in the 15 minutes prior, not about adapting your strategy or having enough skill to win in regulation time. If you want to talk about those things there is an entire forum dedicated to it.
  17. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Well you're saying skill doesn't equate into the argument, so we'll drop the skill topic for a second.

    Basically, you get 15 minutes to win or lose the game. If you don't win or lose it, regardless of what happens in those 15 minutes, you cancel everything out and give one team a chance to win in in several minutes. Teams that have been spawn camped and played well enough on defense to keep the game from ending, have a chance to turn the tide and win the game. Teams that have spawn camped and tried to push but couldn't finish, have their "advantage" that you want them to have in terms of money and map control.

    Think about college football for a second. There are 4 quarters, 15 minutes apiece for one team to separate from the other and win the game. As soon as overtime comes into play, nothing that happened during the game matters other than MOMENTUM, and each team gets a chance to win.

    Now come back to MNC. If a game goes a full 15 minutes and neither team can pull of the win, each team has an equal chance to win, and the one who does win is probably the team with the MOMENTUM (ie, map control and money saved up). Now, do they win all the time? No. Just like the team that makes the epic comeback in the 4th quarter to tie a game, only to lose in OT. In either example, both teams hold their own fate in their hands because both teams are reset 100% and given the same opportunity.

    Now if you bring skill back into the conversation, most likely, the more skilled team is going to be the one with better map control, thus setting themselves up in overtime. This is basically what Myrick is saying when he says just get better, learn from your experience in OT, or team with people you are confident can help you own the map right before OT.
  18. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The issue is that bots and turrets matter for 15 minutes and then when OT hits they stop making any significant difference. This is the entire problem with OT currently as the rules of the game have changed.

    Even in football you play by the exact same set of rules with the conditions that in college both teams get a chance to score while in the pros only the first team to score will win. They do not let you camp a receiver in the end zone waiting for OT to start or allow you to use illegal formations.

    To me the simlpest fix would be to not have the moneyballs drop in OT and force lane pushing with massive numbers of Jackbot XLs and all gold endorsement Pros. Juice would still be an issue but at least lane pushing would be still be required and a Pro could not simply camp in the opposing base waiting for OT to start.

    Note: I still do not like this idea but it would be fairly simple to implement and would at least solve some of the issues.
  19. Great2seeyou

    Great2seeyou New Member

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    Having beaten a team to half health just to have one guy with juice and good possition beat you. Look a team based game needs fixing when one or two people can beat a better team in seconds. Look I play a sniper, in over time I kill the pros coming to and that are at my base. One juiced up *** gets close and shoots the hell out of the moneyball, undoing 15 minutes of work my team used to get damage when they couldn't. There shouldn't be overtime if there is more damage to one team, if the teams are even the by all means go to overtime.
  20. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I find that if my k/d ratio is 1:1 then my team does better, because it means I'm taking out bots, turrets, hitting the moneyball, etc.

    The only thing I'd consider tweaking is either OT be 30 seconds shorter or disable buying juice (but still gain it faster). It is over time and it's meant to put the pressure on to finish a game w/out having to resort to the money count.

    Also, keeping the pressure on is HUGE. That and assassin's need to change their mind set to kamikaze in OT. A juiced assassin can cross the map quicker, go right up to the money ball cloaked and drop the MB wicked quickly.

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