All the problems with the current balance(its not all bad)

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by mered4, September 1, 2014.

  1. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I've been playing this game since November 2013. According to your forum timestamp, you started playing sometime in April. Forgive me if I dismiss your L2P claim as ridiculous and unsubstantiated.
    I will do my best.
  2. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    You're a generic broken image icon?!

    Then how are you typing!? AHHH!
    igncom1 likes this.
  3. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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  4. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    On the bright side-though perhaps not for your entertainment value :p-I think that this thread is pretty darn cool in comparison to many of the other flame-wars (is this thread even a war?). This one is still focusing on the balance and is surprising focused.

    And it's a fun way to procrastinate about sleeping!
    drz1 and mered4 like this.
  5. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Compared to some flame wars I've seen on the Planetside forums, this is fairly mild.
  6. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Not so much related to our disagreements, but weren't you the one to outline different fabber combinations for the bots and tanks in a thread recently? I tried searching through your content but I can't find it, now I'm worried I'm crazy o_O.

    Also, your total like count exceeds your total post count, very impressive!
  7. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Honestly, after really getting back into the game I can safely say that the Dox AA is honestly kinda useless.
    It'll get rid of one, maybe two bombers before they drop their payload, and once the bombs fall the bots are utterly shredded.

    It feels like a good RPS sorta deal where air works well against bots, bots work well against vehicles and vehicles work well against air. It feels like there's actual incentive to use all three unit types, or at the very least one ground type and air.

    Naval is, to put it bluntly, way too ******* slow.
    WAAAAYYYY too ******* slow.
    It is STUPIDLY slow, my god is it SLOW.

    When you go naval, the pace of the game instantly DIES.
    The units need to be sped up. Back to what they were in beta, hell, maybe even a little faster.
    That won't fix all the problems with naval, but it will fix the big one IMO.
  8. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I've still never fully understood why they nerfed naval's speed back in January.
    stuart98 likes this.
  9. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    I didn't lash out. Stop personalising. I said with respect he had huge information gaps which were leading to incorrect conclusions (garbage). Somehow that was taken as an attack on his ego. Let me spell them out for you one by one

    Dox... infact have limited use throughout the game as raiding units.
    Air did see changes. Bombers now drop bombs faster, and those bombs are fired very slightly at an angle directionally at targets. Play the godahm patch.
    Air does not get shredded by dox. Quite the opposite.
    You tell me then, What's wrong with frigate vs destroyer balance? Apparantly there are threads that i need to 'do research on'. But why would i do that when i can take the numbers from the jsons and see that they are equally the same metal for power in all regards. The only difference being one shoots air, one shoots torpedos.

    What is in the game is what uber intends. Don't try and lawyer out of this by saying you're now wanting t2 naval to have torpedos 'because it's what uber wants'.
    Being alone on a gas giant with no other bases and still having a chance at winning is a ridiculous situation and a symptom of a badly designed system. You can't make balance evaluations off such wonky premises. What are you going to do? Spam sxx's for the next hour and hope your opponents are afk?
    I say l2p because in this case it is l2p. If person x says something is bad, and person y says no you're missing something because it isn't bad. Then person x has a l2p issue. This applies all along the skill curve. Do not counter argue by bringing up all this **** about me thinking im 'the king'. What a cheap shot.

    There are very big pathing bugs on gas giants. Play the godahm patch.
    You clearly missed the dbz 9000 reference. 1000-2000 radius is huge - you don't blindly raise avenger speed without considering the impact on normal sized terrestrial planets. And if you wanted to evaluate it literally, the maximum radius limit possible is actually much higher. 2000 is an arbitrary cap that has been put in place in the code.

    You were really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.
    It means exactly what it means.... what else do you think it could mean? That the sun is made out of hotdogs? The bombs drop too fast, resulting in dox being too weak.
    Wrong again.
    Why don't you read more carefully instead of going into mr roboto knee jerk every time you sniff the faintest smell of '1v1'. One balance observation does not constitute "every balance change". Also don't pull numbers like 10% out of your ***.
    Last edited: September 2, 2014
    matty999 and Quitch like this.
  10. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    With Respect? Ok....

    Dox versatility is not an issue or a valid complaint. You cannot on one hand complain about t1 being outclassed by t2, then turn around and say t1 should not be useful during the late game. I once agreed that vision range needed to be reduced, but not anymore with the changes to air.

    That's calling me out as a hypocrite, without respect to the context. I let this go the first time, but then...

    You post alot of garbage. All i'm going to say is this - actually play the patch and try to open your eyes. With respect, most of your points are not even worth responding to because there is so much of an information gap.

    And quit it with the ad hominem straw man. You really want me to dig up your own numerous posts complaining about t2 obsoleting t1? I don't want to do this, so let's cut past the bs. What do you suppose was one of the main stated objectives of RCBM that you supported?

    That's twice. Why is it relevant? Did you read the first line of the thread? Here, I'll repeat it:
    Sorry Uber. I love you guys, but I also need to be straight with you. In this list, I attempt to adhere to yalls stated goals for balance.

    Not my preferences, which would be a specialized T2.
    You post alot of garbage.

    That's not respectful at all. No way around that.

    All i'm going to say is this - actually play the patch and try to open your eyes.

    I was playing the patch for 3 days straight. Three. Whole. Days. I tested 1v1s, large FFAs, small FFAs, and large team battles of different dynamics on a variety of systems, from single moons to 6 planet systems with two gas giants. When I wasn't playing, i was either in class for school, discussing the patch with my testers, or doing homework. What else do you want from me? I cannot play this patch all day every day - and bombers have been given a faster projectile speed so you can't micro dox. The game shouldn't be and isn't balanced around micro. Get rid of it. Yay!

    With respect, most of your points are not even worth responding to because there is so much of an information gap.

    Calling someone ignorant without presenting direct and verified proof that they are missing it is disrespectful.

    I'm not responding to any logical arguments you may throw up on these here forums until you admit that your posts were inflammatory, aggravating, and provoked an adverse reaction. Mutual respect is a standard necessary to maintain these discussions. Your complete lack of respect for my opinion directly mirrors the l33t pilots from Planetside 2 who acted the same way towards me when i expressed my opinion. Don't stoop to that level.
  11. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Anything that isn't directly related to the logical arguments on balance here should be cut out of your posts and put in PMs. Let's keep this thread flame free please.
    kayonsmit101, websterx01 and tehtrekd like this.
  12. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Because it's indicative of being better at the game, and being better at the game generally means understanding what works and what doesn't better than most. It doesn't mean he's always right, but it means he's always worth listening to.

    I take it as being intended to allow them to kill air fabbers.
    Last edited: September 2, 2014
  13. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Again; If you want to send a message to Uber about the state of their balance paradigm, play PA with a mod that suits your tastes.

    We have been TOLD that voting with your feet is an effective way to gain their attention.
    However, threads like these will be ignored, as they always have, since it's rarely anything more than blowing hot air.

    Now, if Uber would kindly start promoting modifications and treat such mods as the "first-class-citizens" that they've been advertising (but sadly not delivering so far) we'll be in a better place to start challenging the vanilla balance.
    vyolin, ace63 and stuart98 like this.
  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    That's not what that quote says.
  15. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Oh please, bless me with your erudite wisdom oh great one... What do you think it says?
  16. yakcyll

    yakcyll Member

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    It also basically means that you don't need to worry about small groups of bombers rampaging through your mexes early and once you scout your opponent, you can safely mix in a few AA units or structures while you slow them down by harassing.

    Also, I'm not sure what issues you guys have with each other and I honestly don't care, but since this is a public forum, it'd be advisable if you stopped being so aggressive.
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Precisely what it says: there are multiple avenues to feedback to them, that if they lost most of their player base to a mod that's something they'd take note of.
  18. scifi99

    scifi99 New Member

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    I never said DOX were OP this patch, again i just disagreed with bombers being too good claimed by clopse and you, i believe you should make AA or figthers and use micro, and thats more than enough to counter bombers.
    Its not like you can make a 100% bomber army and win, so what if they are cost effective, they are meant to be versus land.

    Maybe i made myself not clear i do not want a bomber nerf just because they are good versus groups of dox.......
    Simple post simple statement.

    Maybe you think since they have AA capabilities they should be good versus air...

    Anyways i never intended to participate in such a flame thread, dont care anymore the game is being release with the balance they intend either we have this discussion or not.
    Last edited: September 2, 2014
  19. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Your missing the part where Elodea comes from other RTS's and has the experience under his belt of the mechanics. He's just better at mechanically playing the game, not necessarily the strategic side of it.
    Last edited: September 2, 2014
  20. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    You can play the game for 20 days straight and still not realise the dox are ok. Mainly because I'm guessing your games went to dox spam or ant spam. Dox beat ants early game etc. But if you havnt tried using the bombers then you would be right. But the bomber themselves balance the bots and the veh. You seem to be taking all balance in X v Y and missing the bigger picture.
    kayonsmit101, squishypon3 and Quitch like this.

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