1. Jackal Queenston

    Jackal Queenston New Member

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    In the words of the sagacious baby..


    Poor excuse imo, I advocate playing against unfairly-skilled players to learn. I suppose I understand if you want to propagate your server, but still a rather poor excuse, not to mention made poorer by not even informing the player as of why he was banned, leaving them to assume you have poor judgment, perhaps motivating them to blacklist said server. But ah, I can already hear the 'one blacklist versus ten blacklists' argument, so I now take my leave, having nothing to say against that plausible challenge.
  2. faits

    faits New Member

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    Congrats on defeating yourself in a debate, I guess.
  3. Joh

    Joh New Member

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    This is unfortunately by design so hack creators cannot test whether or not their hacks trigger VAC before distributing.
  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Test for several weeks, then release?

    I can understand the logic behind that move, but really, it's just stupid.

    Why punish lots of people using hacks when you can have a system that stops them from playing immediately?
  5. [fox]

    [fox] New Member

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    So it allows the hack to spread around and then you massively pick them off before they realize what went on?

    Hackers use forums too lol, it only takes one post to warn them that their hack doesn't bypass VAC anymore, which is why VAC does delayed bans
  6. Fun

    Fun New Member

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    Well, me and my team just ran into a sack of **** about 10 minutes ago, the guy played sniper and ran into our base (we were both high and low, spread out each side etc) and he proceeded within 2-3 seconds to head-shot all of us. Now, I believe some people are good, but that's just blatant aimbot hacking. When is this going to be fixed?

    Aimbotters name was: Doober.
  7. taste

    taste New Member

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    for once i agree with you.

    punkbuster is not much better than nothing at all, evenbalance is just horrible.
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Yep. Dragonserv wasn't a bad anti-cheat for C&C Renegade. However, neither was server moderators using common sense. I used to moderate a game server for C&C Renegade, and I made finding cheaters look easy.

    Anyhow, I am fine with server moderators finding cheaters. Do too well and get banned, just have a chat with them and have the forums and other servers give you credit.

    For the reference, Dragonserv is a server side detector for cheats, by keeping track of all damage done and bullet trajectories. Anything fired from one place and hits something in another place that should be blocked by many walls, logged. Anything doing more damage than the server believes it should, logged. The server detects too many shots landed for a weapon with a lower rate cap than detected, logged. Skills used much too often than should be, logged. A consistent amount of logs (5-10 of anything) makes the server's operating bot automatically ban and lets the host knows.

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