1. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Most assassination games are 1v1 or 2v2 on medium to small maps.

    A map large enough for 40 players would deliberately take a lot of time to finish, so such an example wouldn't be applicable.

    And even then, even with a player losing, doesn't mean they have lost.
  2. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    But giving a commander the ability to hide from enemies just prolongs the game more than it has to. It turns into a 20 minute game of hide and seek just to finish a game that you have already most likely won due to the fact that you can spare all these resources to search multiple planets. I do have to agree with you on the fact that in 1v1 and 2v2 this will be less of a problem, but 1v1 maps may be large so we will have to wait for the developers to confirm size of map.

    Wait a minute, in the first place why the hell is everyone complaining so much about getting sniped? If he can get enough resources Past your army and hit your commander in the middle of your base than he deserved the win more than you did
  3. zordon

    zordon Member

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    kmike gets it
  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    It's nothing more than "Hurrr I don't want to lose."
  5. FlandersNed

    FlandersNed Member

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    I agree with both points; If you are basically down to the commander and are constantly on the run, or you cannot defend yourself from an enemy player, you have lost the match.
  6. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    TLDR? Topic is not about "prevent sniping", topic is about "prevent 30 bombers rushing though dumb defense AI while there is no shields".

    One option is - give us a shields and it will be just like FA, everyone happy. Second is - give a getaway. Considering kmike13's options maybe restricted teleport option is better than stealth, yes. I didn't considered use of this ability to prevent detection.

    Other side of question - "Why give ACU anything to prevent 30 bombers rushing him, if he is useless at late-game anyway and could be hidden in lake without much harm? Maybe we should give him more use for late-game and make it an option - hide in lake or be in action?"

    I want just to remind you, that in FA most of sniping, including smart ones, is prevented by staying underwater. So I don't understand people who don't want to change anything - why not give more strategic options to reveal ACU from underwater and actually enable sniping in late game?

    Well, in reality, I understand - this people are just not reading posts and guessing from title =) @BulletMagnet: it's strange you got into this company as well. You were one from adequate part of community last time I checked.
  7. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    Teleport would work well. As long as it was restricted you could teleport out of the way of the bombers, giving your structures and units a sufficient amount of time to eliminate the rest of the bombers. Now If you get sniped after that than you really deserve to lose :p
  8. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    I expected more from you, man....
  9. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    But that's pretty much what it is. The goalposts of the argument have been moved several times, and the reason for that is that those arguing against snipes simply don't like having to play the game with full attention and intensity.

    That's fine, there will be plenty of people who would rather play a low-pressure game and you can go and play with them, with it set to Supremacy or whatever they call that game mode. Inventing scenarios where thirty bombers will overwhelm your defences is ludicrous at this stage in development, and again it's just a rather disingenuous attempt to change a fundamental game mechanic that doesn't fit with the way you like to play.

    As long as “commander dies, game continues” is an option then everybody is happy.
  10. hearmyvoice

    hearmyvoice Active Member

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    Wrong. Shields do nothing against 30+ strategic bombers guarded with 100+ ASF. It's a pretty cheap game ender. It was mostly problem with large maps though. But I'm pretty sure the problems of air units have already been discussed before so...
  11. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Who said PA would even have strat bombers?
  12. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I do believe I was the one who made the remark about not wanting thirty bombers, and truth be told; it truly is too early in the game's life to comment about. The (lame) ability to snipe with a blob of ASF+bombers in FA was caused solely by balance. *BulletMagnet gets on his favourite soapbox* It could have been avoided by nerfing the gross exponential growth in strength across unit tiers. But that's in the past now.

    There's some people in this thread that want zero sniping ability; they want to lose their commander to a five minute grind of tanks and artillery. Some people want to have a panacea that comes from cloaking and/or teleporting.

    Then there's some that are happy with sniping. Whether you permit sniping at all times, or only when someone makes a grave mistake is just an academic issue.

    Everyone has spoken their part.

    We just need to understand and accept that some people want conflicting things.
  13. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    For thirty strat bombers and 100 ASFs you could build 257 ASFs at current FAF mass costs. That would stop the bombers very quickly.

    You're looking at a mass cost of 103,000, which is enough for pretty much any wacky plan you care to think of.
  14. insanityoo

    insanityoo Member

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    Wasn't this part of the problem though? The constantly increasing need for more ASFs?

    BTW, does FAF still have this problem? I've been meaning to check it out, but haven't had much time lately.
  15. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    Yeap, that's the idea - you can't teleport too far away, so it will get you necessary few seconds before enemy would discover and target you again. If it wasn't enough - too bad for you =).

    Wrong. They do - if bombers are not controlled (and it's the case for most dumb snipes) their bombs would be consumed by even single shield (as it have some timeout before failing). If they are just badly controlled - a 20 t2 mobile shields will do the trick. If you also do maneuver with your ACU it's pretty fine getaway from first pass. Second pass will kill you if you don't have enough t2 AA, but that's what you deserve than =)

    Internet discussions never have a goal of proving someone wrong and someone true. It's impossible. Internet discussions have a goad of clarifying positions and searching for solutions that would more or less acceptable for everyone. It's up to Uber to decide would they follow community thoughts (which is hard to know if there is no such threads or if they are short - some people don't like to argument their position). And it's up to modders to decide if they want some of discussed features into their mods or not.

    "30 strat bombers" is just abstract description of issue. I'm sure that PA will have plenty of same dumb snipping ways, at least at start, maybe not including said "30 strat bombers".
  16. hearmyvoice

    hearmyvoice Active Member

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    Uhhh, nope. Actually, 1 bomb hits many shields simultaneously because of its range. Heh, I just made 20 Seraphim T3 mobile shields in sandbox game and attack grounded 30 bombers right in the middle of em. Guess what? They all blew up. Then I build 37 Seraphim T3 shields (BEST SHIELDS IN SUPCOM) in circle so that every shield overlapped the centre and guess what? Bombers managed to bomb the centre easily. You don't know the power of strat bombs. And you really can't dodge them with your ACU.
  17. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    You're the only person that doesn't understand this problem is already solved. Half a dozen power generators are impossible to hide. If you see helpless generators, KILL THEM. The commander can no longer hide. Problem #1 solved.

    The problem is with finding cloaked commanders on fortified worlds. The best solution for a fortified world is likely going to involve lots of KEWs. Make the KEWs reveal the comm. Problem #2 solved.

    If running is not possible without infrastructure, and there is no infrastructure, then the commander can not run. Mostly this will be accomplished by destroying energy sources, though other supporting facilities might exist.

    Problem # 3 solved.

    If you already have an overwhelming resource advantage, then send your commander. He can catch up and use his superior resources to finish the job. Besides, a good ol' final showdown is very poetic(and might still go either way).

    Problem #4 solved.
    It's hardly a panacea to devote a vast amount of resources into a single unit that can barely fight. It is already implicit that over investing in escape options won't leave you anything to defend him with, nor any safe haven to escape.

    Which brings us back full circle:
    Then don't get targeted in the first place. Problem solved.
  18. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    But would that be a problem?

    Losing to a 5 minute battle? rather then a 1 minute one?

    Maybe I am just 'that guy' but I honestly don't see the problem with that.

    If someone can honestly show me the problem with that then by all means, because that actually sounds exciting and fun to me.

    I suppose, but an you really write that after

    Which is really nothing more then slander for the people that disagree with you?

    How do you expect people to take you seriously if your just going to insult them?
  19. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    You need multiply different sized shields so they won't collapse all by single hit. Shields + smart maneuvering may protect you. I survived enough bomber sniping to be sure =)

    How exactly that is "snipping"? If you can easily destroy enemy economy (and you should) than you are not sniping anymore, you are beating a child. Same with KEW's - if you can build "a lot" of them prior your opponent - you won already.

    Sniping is win-opportunity for player that do not have economical or situational advantage over enemy. It's a possibility to win in game almost lost.

    With your permanent stealth sniping is just impossible. Killing ACU after blowing everything up - yes, it's possible, but it shouldn't be a problem for you at that stage.

    Permanent invisibility, no matter how big is requirement for constant energy stream, and, as we seen, even non-permanent (with exponential energy stream) invisibility is too much OP.

    Maps are randomly generated, so it's possible that your opponent would be able to turtle-up with defenses, so you'll be forced to play another 5 minutes to kill him after all. That is - 10 minutes instead of 1 minute.
  20. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    The energy cost of ASFs has been greatly increased so you need more infrastructure before you can make them en masse. Except for Seton's and Phantom, ASF clouds are very rare if not eliminated entirely.

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