Absolutely Awful Host Migration

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by marsh herrm, August 17, 2010.

  1. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    /me wonders how many of these rage quitter complaints are coming from those abusing the money ball can be shot down exploit.

    Cause anytime I see that bullcrap happening you can be damned sure I will not stick around for it.

    Rage quitters though haven't bothered me....but then I don't give a rats *** about k/d ratio. My only care is winning the match and to me if I own someone so bad they quit...that's better then winning it out in the end sometimes lol. But then in over a couple hundred matches I haven't seen it as much as you guys say you are (maybe it seems like more to you guys then it is?).

    Anyways, yes the host migration stuff does suck ballz. Is it just me or do multiplayer games take longer to get into these days compared to even a few years ago?
  2. Entropy

    Entropy New Member

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    I think you are misunderstanding the problem. If you are owning someone and they leave of course you don't care, because they aren't on your team. My problem is people leaving if they don't like the start of the match, meaning that if they are on my team I basically have no chance of winning. If they happened to be host, its even worse. You may just have a very good net connection, in which case you are always the host of the matches you play in, so you never see a host migration, because it is always you, and if you quit, you still don't see it.
  3. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    Nah I'm on a 7mb cable connection with a very puny upload up in Canada. Yah it sucks when your team quits but I don't let it get to me to much. Just simpler to move on to the next match if it gets to 4 or less vs 6 (heck I'll stick it out for a while with 4 if the team is good enough). It wouldn't even be of a minor annoyance if not for the long long queue times to get a match going.

    Quite frankly one minor change that would help would be to queue a game to a 5 second count if every spot is filled.

    Or as an encouragement to maybe make people think twice about ditching is allow games to start from the board screen at the end of the game instead of going back to the lobby everytime.

    Or go real evil and put up a 90 second timer before they can even start a quick match again....although that penalizes folks for leaving a game due to bad lag, team jackasses or leaving due to the otherside exploiting the moneyball issue.

    But that's all stuff to add AFTER fixing host migration.

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