A New Planet-Smash Effect

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wpmarshall, March 3, 2015.

  1. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Everything is just right about his calculations.

    If you want more, go KSP style and shrink planets while retaining their original mass. Shrink that 12,700km diameter earth into a 1.3km planet of same mass, apply a similar density to the moon you were planing to ram into it, and put these numbers into his formula.

    What gives that? Approximately the entire power output of the sun for an entire minute, give or take a zero.

    That's enough to turn that frigging planet into a single blob of lava with a nice new atmosphere consisting mostly of vaporized silicates. Not even to mention the EMP (more like white noise where each spike acts as an EMP) that causes, which is enough to destroy about any organic matter or eletronic system in the entire solar system.

    But that's still not enough to make the earth splatter. Even if you did clash two earth-weighted bodies, they would just merge. They would never annihilate each other, as the impact releases nowhere enough energy to fully overcome the gravitational binding energy, so nothing except for a few small chunks could leave the planet.
  2. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    Definitely down with improving the planet smashing. Don't know how easy it would be to implement tho. :(

    On an added note wasn't our moon created by a planet about the size of Mars hitting the earth re-melting the surface and causing billions of tons of molten rocky material to be blasted into orbit which eventually coalesced under it's own gravity.
    Managed to find a vid on u tube.
  3. andrehsu

    andrehsu Active Member

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    Actually, you are all wrong. both the moon and the Earth is made out of spaghetti. I mean, the body is so perfectly designed it must be by the Flying Spaghetti Monster right? Its only logical.
    wpmarshall likes this.

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