Earlier Today The Salt was so thick down at the salt mine farm owned by the cwarner General conglomerate. That a general abuse of power took place with: The Salt Master of mines. Cwarner being caught in the act of moving a topic to a hidden unused part of the interweb.. so Dank and Stank that the .com part has fell off. Effectively suppressing The most popular person on pa... by post like to post ratio Generally the General public would have a say in this kind of media suppression. By General:" equality" of likable persons Being The Nosebreaker. Has set forth NO! Let the General discussion begin! An appology in hand written blue pen. Is generally acceptable. In this apology outline your misgivings and also how you should do things better in the future.
@The Nosebreaker Perhaps Cwarner was embarrassed that he has aligned himself with your way of sensible general thinking... As you are.. The Head moderater of Uber Surely you The Nosebreaker can take pity on his situation and extend the hand of friendship.........
*Blushes @ The Nosebreaker. Indeed.. Cwarner The Nosebreaker extends the hand of friend ship. ...But you be known, That the wooden hand of disiplin is never far removed from sight!! You may remain a moderater for the time being...