a different take on assault changes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by sinequanon, March 29, 2011.

  1. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Yeah, it doesn't take a lot of skill to put a bomb at the top of a jump pad. It also doesn't take a lot of skill to go a different route when you hear a loud beeping sound. I feel like I shouldn't be punished because other people are stupid, and if I put it somewhere that they didn't hear/see it, then i was playing well, and deserve to do the damage/get the kill for my good playing, not have my class nerfed.

    I also feel that the base health of light classes should be raised by 100 (or at least 50) so they could have the same health they used to, but not from the armor endorsement. That way they can run non armor builds and have them not be full of suck.

    But anyway, for assault, I feel like nerfing EITHER the charge cooldown OR the bomb would of been okay (though nerfing the bomb differently would of been better), but nerfing both really just devalued the class too much, and there is little reason to choose assault over tank now.
  2. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Getting a kill because you place a bomb near a jump pad does not make you a skilled or a strategic player.

    I feel like I'm reading the official WoW forums...
  3. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Strategic use of Double-Bomb:

    Throw Bomb in a tight vital corridor and/or jumppad.
    Wait for person to pass over it.
    Detonate bomb.
    Throw next bomb.
    Wait for next bomb to recharge.
    Wait for person to pass over.
    Detonate bomb.
    Throw bomb because another one approaches before the CD is off.
    Detonate bomb.
    Next bomb is done recharging.
    Throw bomb.
    Detonate bomb.
    Wait for next wave.

    And you never moved... Imagine that.
    That's about as tactical as using the double-bomb got. It wasn't tactical, it was camping a jumppad or tight corridor by a forever supply of bombs that could be thrown every 5th second. Patch justified it.

    If anything the patch made the assault MORE strategic, he can no longer be a one-man army (As easily) and needs to think before he throws out a bomb without thinking "Meh no worries I have another bomb ready" because guess what? You don't. Also you can't use the charge to charge in and out of combat in one go, now you have to decide if you want to use it to charge IN to battle, or to flee. Personally, I flee.
  4. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    Thanks Shurryy, that's the point I was trying to get at and you spelled it out pretty well.

    With the bomb the way it was, where players that just left it lying around and not being punished for it, as they're basically not losing anything while having the potential to gain from a randomly placed bomb. Makes it sort of like assaults in Bad Company 2, who sit on top of their ammo boxes and spam infinite grenades over cover hoping to score a random frag with it while they themselves are in no real danger.
  5. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    I find i funny how the upgrade order i see all the comp people do at the start of the match is pas + charge when most xbox players would upgrade pas + bomb or fly at the start.
    I believe i am beggining to see a difference in the play styles between the xbox and comp assault players.
    xbox= bomb heavy playstyle
    comp (was)= charge heavy playstyle

    This is simply my opinion on why the nerf made comp assaults cry and why most xbox players can't wait for the nerf.
  6. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Yeah. I used to love the charge. I used to upgrade passive + charge first. Bomb only came after those were full. My tactic was to generally stay away from the pros and grenade bots and turrets. That style is a little less effective now. You have to have better aim than I do and use the AR a lot more when you get hassled instead of simply getting the hell outta dodge (covering your backpeddling with a little bomb).
    Even the charge 3 with the throw would get pros out of my face and give me room to drop a bomb between us to cause them some pause. Now it seems like my charge is never ready. /shrug. maybe i'll try again with gold skill, silver armour and bronze rof and see if that makes the assault playable for me again.
    tbh: am loving the gunner atm (except for those damn snipers :lol: )
  7. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    Why is staying in danger, actively luring someone into your trap while taking damage some how less strategic then camping at a jump pad in cloak, throwing down a turret, or sniping at a jump pad?

    As an Assault, you can't just keep the bomb there and rely on dumb luck. You need to stay at your trap and stay alive long enough to spring it. Not hide so far away no one can damage you, be invisible, or not even be there and let something else get the kill for you.

    Again, same thing with a sniper trap or a turret. Are we going to nerf them next?
  8. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Who said that those things are strategic?
    You don't have to stay in danger for that, you do realize this right?

    And who camps a jump pad? You might wait a little bit because you know someones coming but you don't camp that. That doesn't pay off in the slightest.

    Sniper traps don't deal damage, have lesser range and no knockback.
    A turret is a thing that can be destroyed and is generally a very easy to hit target. The bomb is non of those two things.

    Stop comparing things that can't be compared.
  9. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I got the NERD RAGE out of my when the patch first came out.

    I've come to admit it doesn't really change much. You get used to it without feeling too underpowered. Just takes a little bit. Scathis was right =(
  10. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Bomb2/Charge2, Bomb3. Rest to juice.

    Passive and fly are both significantly less useful compared to just buying juice earlier.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    :lol: :lol: ;)
  12. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    I find the boost to jump height for passive2 pretty crucial. Without that, you can't jump on top of glass walls in Lazer Razer nor can you jump over tank charges as easily.
  13. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    If people kept falling for that, they sucked and deserved to die.
    I guess you never played assault and if you did, you never thought outside the box.

    What *I* cant do anymore is get the one up on some snipers.

    Spunky for instance.
    Damn good sniper...ironically doing what you deem is not skilled. CAMPING in the back, popping headshots without moving.

    I cant get close to him without the other team harassing me or him taking me out.
    However, I did throw a lvl 3 bomb in front of my base, wait for the bomb to regen and then launch myself and charge in the air to get very close to his proximity. He sees me flying his way and before he can react, I would throw a bomb right on his head or near him, causing him to die, or ring out.

    With the nerf:
    I already used the bomb and the charge to get close. What happens? He throws a flak, i probably get frozen by a trap and he gold ROF's me with the smg or headshots me.

    Sometimes he runs away and i need to hide while my skills regen.

    just one example of a tactic that is no longer possible.
  14. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Ice traps most classes can set off or get past without triggering. A bomb has a large radius and is indestructible.
  15. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    maybe the appropriate nerf should have been to make the bomb destructible
  16. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Yes they rip threw you with it but if you don't have it on gold you die way to fast.
  17. killien

    killien Active Member

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    So you die a half-second slower
    Actually I think the Miniguns DPS is high enough that an unarmored Assault will die in 1/4second of spunup fire, so with Gold armor you'd die in 3/8 of a second instead of 1/4

    For the for the love of Grammitler man, it's "through" not "threw"
  18. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I think regardless of nerfs or not this is something that needs to happen. The assault is the only class who can completely lock down a pathway with no way to free it up again without killing him. It's not efficient, but it's very annoying.
  19. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Yes for me providing the most standard double-bomb tactic proves that I am just another Assault wannabe who doesn't know what he's talking about... Thanks for the immaturity of your respone, have a good day.
  20. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    you provided a standard TACTIC in order to make the assault seem noob friendly and make the nerf/your post more viable.

    I provided a more advanced TACTIC that made your post irrelevant.
    Then you ignore it and and tried to spin doctor it by focusing on the "you didnt think outside the box" comment.

    good job showing us the type of people who want to nerf classes :)

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