A comprehensive Example of Orbital Combat

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by YourLocalMadSci, July 22, 2013.

  1. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    Maybe i'm strange but I feel insecure if I don't scatter radar along with my Resource deposits as I expand.

    I don't build static defense so I count on radar to tell me when and where the enemy is attacking so I can mount a counteroffensive from my reserves. Intelligence is vital to the practice of defense in depth.

    Sadly most of my opponents are scrubs and I don't often get attacked, usually the front lines ends up against the enemy base as he tries to turtle around a handful of T2 Mex while I have THE ENTIRE REST OF THE PLANET lightly defended. I'm not sure how good my defense would work against an actual player, but in theory if I can be warned early enough, I can have a defense in position before they start shooting.
  2. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    Oh yeah, also I rarely build T2 units if there is a T1 equivalent, The exception being bombers, Radar, and Power gens. The only other T2 units I regularly build are Arty and nukes.

    I find that Ants can match Levelers, but only if you have a better economy, which could be used to build Levelers instead. It's gotten better than it used to, but I'd still like to see more real reasons to stick with Ants instead of upgrading to the bigger tanks.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Currently, you can use t2 to make a heavy peck on a priority target, but you still build bulk t1 all game just to keep the enemy occupied to effectively use T2. T2 by itself is slow to build in a pinch and gets swarmed all by itself. Stepping out of a swarm of allied T1 against enemy swarm, you get great results.
    l3tuce likes this.

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