Pushing features that break the build don't help us, or you all. We'll continue pushing as often as possible, but especially when working on fairly large, new features, time between pushes takes longer. While we won't spend time polishing features before getting them into the alpha, we still have a minimum bar we have to hit before we'll push updates to make sure the experience doesn't take a big step backwards. And as for orbital units "working", it's good to be cautious about the term "working".. I was able to script out, and get a satellite to launch. However, the next morning, it started sinking into the planet.. so.. still more work to do.
LOL! Reminds me of an episode of SCTV where the fictitious TV station couldn't afford to keep their satellite in orbit, and as a consequence it was currently orbiting at something like 50 feet. Agreed on the updates - best to be patient.
It's probably a surprise. The last build was unplayable for me. Units wouldn't move correctly and I had horrible performance.
It's okay, you can borrow the T2 navy I built last night. Last I saw, they were on their way to the next planet in the system.
Thank you for making my day, while I would love to play that build, many other might not, and I understand you guys want it "working" before giving it to us. Interesting, DoxBox, would you mind making a video how you did that, I really wanna colonize the sun
What's funny is.. we have a feature I haven't even hinted at yet, and it's one that I'm guessing will actually make people happier than anything I've talked about yet. Yes, I know. I'm being evil, but.. I want it to be a big deal. We're hoping to roll out a new build tomorrow if all goes well. I'll talk to Neutrino about posting a screen shot or two in the Backer's Forum possibly. Which means NO TALKIES.
HUSDIGFLSDBHILFBASDBRLGFEIHFDASGF! That's beyond evil :twisted: Guessing time. We can rule out what's been mentioned as being worked on, so it's not the following: AI Orbital Units Planet Builder Maybe a Minimap? I know there's a lot of talk about that going around at the moment.
Considering the amount of Headesking and Face Palming they do due to the community, I'd say it's fair game! xD Mike
Well, I said what I had mentioned. It's possible someone else may have hinted about things in other threads. But I meant to the general public.
So... Didn't know about PA during the kickstarter time... Now got the beautiful $90 version, which I like very much... but I'm wondering... would buying the $250 version get me access to the backers lounge? :roll: Cuz then I would truly consider it, all the other extra additions in the cosmic pack weren't my taste, but access to the backers lounge would most likely push me over the edge to add in that bit of extra.
Yup, the Backer's Lounge is for ALL KS backers and Pre-Orders. Regardless of how much you backed or what level of pre-order you purchased. If you don't have Access I suggest PMing Garat Directly. Mike
Thank you sirs, Garat saw the posts and was so kind to give me access before I got the chance to send him the PM... me not realizing he did, I still send him one... :ugeek: Thanks all for the help again!