I was just posting to piss him off some more. It's pretty funny, imo. I'd personally like to hear some details from Uber about the kinds of things that went on when trying to patch MNC and stuff.
You make it sould like every 3rd player in PC games hacks. In the last decade that I've been gaming on the PC, I don't think I've seen more than 20 people cheating. That's across a dozen MP games and encountering thousands, if not millions, of different players I've seen, played with and against people who were so damn good at a game it looked like cheating and believe me, they got accused a lot
Fair enough, I do make it sound that way. That was not the intent, I said it poorly. I meant to say that I have had enough bad experiences that it has soured me to the idea of playing against other people on PC. I also don't mean the ones who are so good they must be cheating, I mean stuff like this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-REPIw7sB0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMmRaNgxZVs Really cheating, you know? It only takes a couple of people like that to ruin a game for me. I know that it gets patched quickly, but it is just my preference, I guess. Nothing against people who prefer PC gaming, it has many advantages over console gaming Se la vie. EDIT - For what it is worth, there are certain XBox games that I will not play multiplayer - like Borderlands. I joined a random game where someone was dropping modded shields that have something like 3,000,000,000 points of armor on it. At that point, it ruined online play for me and I won't do it anymore. I hear that there are mods for the MNC for the 360 - if I ever see a confirmation with my own eyes, that will be the day that I stop playing it too :|
Oh, and Killien...in my opinion you have by far the best avatar picture on the boards. That makes me crack up every time I see it pop up on the boards :lol:
*Roger* Like I said, I've encountered few cheaters, but they do tend to ruin your mood when they show, tho the cheaters I've seen in MNC didn't fare that well because I think MNC is a bit cheat-unfriendly to begin with Yea, there's been huge debates on modding in Borderlands Some say none at all, others say there should have been some kind of gunsmithing and some just wanna troll I'm in the "want gunsmithing" camp and I actually did quite a bit. I'd farm Craw, grab what I wanted then swapped parts around, deleting the leftovers. It actually added some more fun to the game I had one guy say it was too creepy
You do realize money is only half the problem, right? Not to mention Uber already mentioned they were done with any development for MNC.